You are an embarrassment to Australian Football

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Jun 6, 2000
West Perth
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
Woomera Centrals, Jazza
Apologies to the (extremely) small minority of Collingwoodville supporters with an IQ greater than their shoe size. (This Comment has been removed due too using a dead players name against the pie fans on this fourm.)

You are a disgrace

[This message has been edited by Mags (edited 15 March 2001).]
We *ARE* Australian Football.

No Collingwood... no AFL.

For years we have had to prop up all the weak clubs. For years they ride our coat-tails in the hope that they can get a decent crowd to their games... (North, Hawthorn, Bulldogs, Richmond... and on it goes)

Every club has moron supporters... take you for example. Leave us alone and watch the Pies once again become a force. Then you will REALLY hate us!

You, Grave Danger, are an embarrassment to humanity.
Nobody ,BUT NOBODY, finds Darren Millane jokes tasteful let alone funny.
You would need a step-ladder so you could climb up to the lowest scum level of society you piece of shit.

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Im Now Going To Close This Topic. Also will remove the Darren Millane comment from the above post as well.

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