Which Premiership meant the most to you?

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It’s all a question of demographics. The older fans will point to 1990 for the redemption after 30+ years of pain.

But since 1990 we have won one flag and lost four up until 2022. The colliwibbles still lingered to some extent.

This is one reason why 2023 is very special. We have started to square up that modern era grand final win loss ledger. Jag another one quickly with back to back we are suddenly 4-4 since and including when we originally broke the drought in 1990 and Collingwood can no longer be regarded as a joke when it matters.

Of course nothing will give us back all those gfs we lost but carrying that burden is a badge of honour only Collingwood people understand.

Time to win some more now. We need an era. We are owed an era. It’s the next thing on the to-do list. Other clubs have achieved it and maybe now it’s our turn.
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I was only 6 in 1990 so probably didn’t appreciate the big deal it meant to those poor pies fans who had gone through that heartbreak

2010 I definitely enjoyed after the 2002/03 letdowns, but must confess a little of the gloss has come off it with some of the subsequent player relationship break downs. But think in some ways was our most dominant team ever

2023 is my favourite (also the fact I was there on the day). To have such a wonderful 2 years of watching football culminate in finally winning a close one, in September! With an indigenous star ripping up on the big stage to win the norm. You just couldn’t script it better.

Also I’m enjoying the arsewipe opposition fans who gave us 5 years of crap about Dom Sheed are now asking us to calm down our celebrations-fat chance!
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Can’t beat 1990.

2023 comes second purely because of the entertainment the club provided for two years, plus we finally won a close one.

2010 third partly diluted by the unneccesary Malthouse distractions
That is a key factor in the bliss that followed the siren. Our first win in a close grand final in over a century.

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It’s all a question of demographics. The older fans will point to 1990 for the redemption after 30+ years of pain.

But since (and including) 1990 we have won two flags and lost four up until 2022. The colliwibbles still lingered to some extent.

This is one reason why 2023 is very special. We have started to square up that modern era grand final win loss ledger. Jag another one quickly with back to back we are suddenly 4-4 since we originally broke the drought in 1990 and Collingwood can no longer be regarded as a joke when it matters.

Of course nothing will give us back all those gfs we lost but carrying that burden is a badge of honour only Collingwood people understand.

Time to win some more now. We need an era. We are owed an era. It’s the next thing on the to-do list. Other clubs have achieved it and maybe now it’s our turn.
On reflection yes I agree. I’ve never been happier, cried more and felt so satisfied as I didn’t after last years flag. It truly was special.
The wonderful thought that could be the star of ‘an era’ for us enhances it further.
It’s a wonderful time to be a Magpie.
1990 I was just a kid, so I didn’t really comprehend the enormity of the situation however seeing my dad and grandfather and the emotion from them looking back it must of been very special. My grandfather certainly enjoyed himself celebrating that night in 1990.
For me, it’s 2023. The connection I feel towards the club in the last 2 years is something I’ve never experienced, fly has bought the club back to the supporters and the ride of the last 2 years has been sensational, the emotions I felt at the siren last year will be hard beat!
Even though I was old enough to appreciate winning in 2010 (30), 2023 meant so much more to me:

1) Always hated Malthouse so I enjoyed that flag through gritted teeth
2) The draw the week before made it feel somewhat...less special?
3) Had predicted we'd win the flag in October 2022 (irl - yes I'm aware how I wavered here for the final month or so) so it was nice to have that vindication
4) The way we won all our finals
5) Doing it against Brisbane
6) Doing it when the media had started to turn on us the second they actually realised "Shit, they might actually do this" leading into finals
7) Doing it when the entire club is in such a good place off field. Having all the right people in the right roles

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