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I'm convinced this country is full of idiots who think a change 'just because' is a good thing...disgrace.

PLEASE! Australia is one of the biggest "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" countries in the world!

How else would you explain a referendum that voted overwhelmingly to keep a head of state that isn't Australian, doesn't hold any power and is representative of a Monarchical society which stopped having any real power once the first World War ended?

How else do you explain 17 years of Menzies rule? Or 11 1/2 of Howard rule despite the Iraq controversy, the IR catastrophe and many others?

Australians don't vote for change unless they can see it's absolutely necessary. If this campaign showed us anything it was that change was absolutely necessary.
The 'glowing economy' is purely from the current resource boom, not the Coalition's so called amazing economic abilities, same with employment, there's a skills shortage, particularly in construction and mining- two areas that are closely linked.

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Fantastic, once work choices is gone we can go back to the days where workers can take hour long smoke brakes and businesses can't do anything about them because it would be 'unfair dismissal' and unions would get involved. Thanks Krudd, change for the sake of change :thumbsu:
Mate if you believe that getting rid of unfair dismissal was a good thing then you either have something wrong upstairs or you run a business. Workchoices is a disgrace, and it's why we now have a Labor government.
As for some Liberals on this thread who ponder the stupidity of Australians who voted just for the sake of change - two words WORK CHOICES! When a government puts in place a piece of radical legislation that they never showed the Australian people, they are always shown the door. That's the real piece of stupidity in question.
As for some Liberals on this thread who ponder the stupidity of Australians who voted just for the sake of change - two words WORK CHOICES! When a government puts in place a piece of radical legislation that they never showed the Australian people, they are always shown the door. That's the real piece of stupidity in question.
I personally was offended. They had no right to go through the last election campaign and not mention this piece of shit legislation. They know it's rubbish, they knew it would have majorly hurt their chances last election and hence they kept secrets from the Australian people. They have now been punished for it and hopefully they've learnt from it.
I personally was offended. They had no right to go through the last election campaign and not mention this piece of shit legislation. They know it's rubbish, they knew it would have majorly hurt their chances last election and hence they kept secrets from the Australian people. They have now been punished for it and hopefully they've learnt from it.

Not only was it not shown to the Australian public, but for years a watered down version of WorkChoices was constantly put to the senate and voted down again and again and again.

Then when they acheived a majority in the senate they ramped up the hard line stance on some of the aspects of WorkChoices.

This was their Achilles Heel and a stark contrast to when Menzies took the senate long ago. Menzies had tried putting legislation through unsuccessfully, which the public knew about. The Liberals won the senate and he put through the SAME legislation.
Howard and co did not. They said the Senate power will not go to their head, but it clearly did. They ramped up the already radical legislation to something atrocious and put it through. Had they not introduced this dubious and pathetic 'fairness test' (disguised as a message of "we know we f**ked up") this year they would have definately been facing electoral oblivion and potentially a political party splitting result.
The way it used to work was that this was followed by a strike!

That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? Personally I've never worked in a place where people took breaks outside the two tea breaks and lunch break (except of course for managers who are a law unto their own).
Yoooouuuu Beaaaauutyyyyy!!!!

Some sweet payback is on the cards.

**** we couldn't even strike over a safety issue recently when an emergency siren wasn't working without the bastards threatening to fine us all individually twenty odd thousand.

The bastards didn't want to lose any production even though they knew it'd be a few days before the siren was fixed. Could just imagine the shit they'd be pulling 5-10 years down the track.
so when you go on strike next and then the business goes bust and they cant pay you entitlements, what are you going to do, apart from line up for the dole?
That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? Personally I've never worked in a place where people took breaks outside the two tea breaks and lunch break (except of course for managers who are a law unto their own).
no exaggeration there and maybe if you worked a bit harder you could get a promotion and become a manager?? No, all too hard hey? Me thinks you don't work hard enough but want more money, bludger!
That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? Personally I've never worked in a place where people took breaks outside the two tea breaks and lunch break (except of course for managers who are a law unto their own).

Exaggeration??? Haven't you heard??? All members of a union are bludgers who want something for nothing!!!! All my workplaces with large union memberships have had banana chairs and cocktails for their twice hourly break....
no exaggeration there and maybe if you worked a bit harder you could get a promotion and become a manager?? No, all too hard hey? Me thinks you don't work hard enough but want more money, bludger!

It's ok the Libs lost, you don't have to keep up the facade of the ironic troll :)

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so when you go on strike next and then the business goes bust and they cant pay you entitlements, what are you going to do, apart from line up for the dole?

Me thinks you are a bit bitter Mickey old boy :D

But i know how you feel....It's not nice being bewildered by election results

Just when i thought the win was sweet enough......Makes it even better hearing people like you sook, with all your gloom and doom talk :) Keep up the good work champion!!! :thumbsu:
Me thinks you are a bit bitter Mickey old boy :D

But i know how you feel....It's not nice being bewildered by election results

Just when i thought the win was sweet enough......Makes it even better hearing people like you sook, with all your gloom and doom talk :) Keep up the good work champion!!! :thumbsu:
It's all good, I still get paid very well for the work I do so no matter what happens with anything I'm still a happy chappy.
That's a bit of an exaggeration don't you think? Personally I've never worked in a place where people took breaks outside the two tea breaks and lunch break (except of course for managers who are a law unto their own).
I was saying that when someone is sacked, often the union would go out on strike, regardless of the reason.
I was saying that when someone is sacked, often the union would go out on strike, regardless of the reason.

Have you actually worked in many places that had a union? You know there are more unions than just the MUA and the CFMEU right?
I was simply referring back to the 'bad old days' when unions would go on strike at the drop of a hat.
How dare they protect their members :rolleyes: It's their role mate, get used to it.

I've been working in Canada for the past 12 months, there are no unions. The moment you mention the U word, everyone looks the other way. Things are not good here though. We get treated unfairly and taken advantage of by the company. You know what we can do about it? Sit down and shut up, or quit. I don't want that for Australia. An element of it was brought in with WorkChoices, but hopefully that will be no more with a new government.
How dare they protect their members :rolleyes: It's their role mate, get used to it.

I've been working in Canada for the past 12 months, there are no unions. The moment you mention the U word, everyone looks the other way. Things are not good here though. We get treated unfairly and taken advantage of by the company. You know what we can do about it? Sit down and shit up, or quit. I don't want that for Australia. An element of it was brought in with WorkChoices, but hopefully that will be no more with a new government.

Unions do have their place, that is to protect wages and conditions ie: not let workchoices happen, not to protect workers that do things that are illegal. Me personally had to do in wages many years ago due to the fact that a fellow member stole from the company and was sacked, why should i go without pay because someone else does wrong?. That was the norm many years ago and i think that's what most people are scared off happening again.

If the unions stayed away from that sort of behaviour most would be happy to have them around i would imagine.

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