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My first Vinyl: Blondie's Parallel Lines and Devo's Q: Are We not Men in December 1978.
My first Cassette: I'm not 100% certain but I think it may have been Blondie's Parallel Lines in about 1980.
My first CD: The Best Of Blondie in about 1985/86.
My first Concert: Heart at the LA Forum in August 1980. I did sneak into a Go-Go's gig at the Whiskey A Go-Go about 9-10 month's earlier but my friend and I were kicked out after 4 songs.
First CD: Regurgitator - Unit
First Single: The Prodigy - Firestarter
First Concert: John Farnham @ Thebby Oval 1990ish (I was 8yo)
First concert I paid for: The Prodigy @ Thebby Theatre 1998
First cassette: 7800 Farenheight - Bon Jovi
First CDs: Pearl Jam Vitalogy & Green Day Dookie (bought at the same time)
First concert - Spiderbait, Body Jar & Snout at the Prahran Skater's bowl
First Concert*. Norman Gunston Live at my local high school gymnasium. Birthday present ticket from my older brother.
First Cassette. Dance Crazy or Dance Craze?. Live Ska compilation album featuring UK bands from the late 70's. It was awful - but I liked a song i'd seen by "The Specials" on TV and they were one of the bands on there.
First LP - Rubber Soul - Beatles. Music store in 1982 had a bunch of Beatles reissues for $4.99 and most of them had an equal amount of songs that I knew, which was about 3 per LP. Lucky pick. Didn't have a turntable at the time.
First CD - I was reluctant to make the change to buy a CD player. I got a double CD compilation of Gil Scott Heron. CD player purchase came later.

*Actually, the first band I saw in concert would have been the support band who were touring with Norman Gunston called "Cheetah". Two female singers dressed in denim jeans and tight t-shirts, lots of hair - one dark, one blonde, playing a kind of artless hard rock/blues rock that had no memorable choruses or riffs like your typical AC/DC song would. I had no preferences in music at that age and was just wanted to see Norman Gunston so "Cheetah" went on too long for me, but I do remember how normalized it was, even the setting of a high school gym with husbands and wives and teenagers for blokes to be shouting out "show us your t*ts" and "get your gear off" between songs.
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First Concert: Frank Zappa & The Mothers Of Invention
First LP: Jimi Hendrix Smash Hits
First CD: Brian Eno-'Thursday Afternoon'
First Music Festival: Sunbury 73(as a 17 year old) Lobby Lloyde & The Coloured Balls were the best.
After looking through the posts on here I've realised just how old I am.
1st 45 - Telstar - The Tornados - I didn't actually buy this myself, but I did put in a lot of effort nagging my parents to buy it.
1st Album - Jools - Julie Driscoll and the Trinity. It was released In Australia under the name JOOLS, overseas it was called OPEN
1st and only Cassette - Tupelo Honey - Van Morrison. I bought this when I was travelling throughout WA because I wanted some new music in the car. I had/have hundreds of cassettes I recorded, much better quality of sound than pre recorded cassettes. They are stored away but most likely have deteriorated since then.
1st CD Whispering Jack - John Farnham
1st Concert - 1971 - Deep Purple, Free, Manfred Mann and Pirana - Deep Purple were plagued by sound issues and 15 minute drum and guitar solos. Free were the standout band on the night, instant favourite band. Manfred Mann was also very good.
1st MP3 player -2017 - Sony Walkman NW-A35 - Bloody expensive at the time, but still going strong, great sound quality and easy to use. Prior to this I used my phone, but I listened to music so much that it was almost always flat when I needed to make or receive a call.
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First Record: Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
First CDs: East 17 - Walthamstow, Nirvana - Nevermind & Spiderbait - Frogstomp (just got first CD player for birthday).
First Live Show: The Superjesus & Def FX
First Festival: Vans Warped Tour 1998 (Gawler Racecourse)
First Big Day Out: 2000
First Multi-Day Festival: Falls Lorne 2008
First record (LP): Private Dancer - Tina Turner (1985)
First 45 (single): Call Me - Blondie (1984ish)
First cassette: Cher - Cher (1987)
First CD (album): Live - AC/DC (1992)
First concert: Tina Turner - What's Love Tour (Rod Laver) / Madonna - Girlie Show (MCG) (Oct/Nov 93)

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