Your unpopular golf opinions?

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I think if it was allowed, then a lot of people would during summer. Especially the young blokes.
Snakes and prickles are at the risk of the golfer.

I watch where I step, and dont have an issue. If I'm going to get bit or scratched, it's going to happen anyway.

Are you serious about golf in thongs?
Would love to see your swing if you reckon thongs would be ok.
Are you serious about golf in thongs?
Would love to see your swing if you reckon thongs would be ok.

Give it a try. You'll see it actually makes you swing better, because you'll be steadying your balance. You can get too complacent with shoes. It's too easy to swing out of your shoes, and lose your swing. You won't do that with thongs on - you'll stay in the shot better.
I have decent sturdy thongs that fit snug though. Not that cheap thin crap.
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Slow play

On tour no warnings PGA official carries a cattle prod , times golfer too slow ? Player gets zapped. There would be no more Patrick Cantlays on tour and anyone planning on going on tour would get their pre shot routine down under a minute. Would make great tv seeing the PGA official stalking the player before they zap them or have the player pleading for mercy.

Amateur golf , group in front gets a hole behind and won't let you through. You can tee off after a verbal warning and hit stingers at them.

I hate slow play.

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Slow play

On tour no warnings PGA official carries a cattle prod , times golfer too slow ? Player gets zapped. There would be no more Patrick Cantlays on tour and anyone planning on going on tour would get their pre shot routine down under a minute. Would make great tv seeing the PGA official stalking the player before they zap them or have the player pleading for mercy.

Amateur golf , group in front gets a hole behind and won't let you through. You can tee off after a verbal warning and hit stingers at them.

I hate slow play.

In regards to slow play pressure. I've found that when I play with bad golfers that are having a lot of shots, and constantly looking for their balls, it means I'm having to rush my shots (and between shots) to make up for their extra time taken. And I then often stuff up myself.
If I play with golfers who hit most fairways and hit the ball about the same distance, then I'll score in the 70's or at worse low 80's.

Guaranteed if I play with bad golfers, I'll be near 90. And haven't enjoyed the walk.
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I agree that if you are playing with bad golfers you can feel pressured to play catch up golf. I just think a lot of golfers don't think to let faster groups through and it's not something that a lot of golfers are taught or they think it's some race and you have to hold your position.
In regards to slow play pressure. I've found that when I play with bad golfers that are having a lot of shots, and constantly looking for their balls, it means I'm having to rush my shots (and between shots) to make up for their extra time taken. And I then often stuff up myself.
If I play with golfers who hit most fairways and hit the ball about the same distance, then I'll score in the 70's or at worse low 80's.

Guaranteed if I play with bad golfers, I'll be near 90. And haven't enjoyed the walk.
This x 1000
In regards to slow play pressure. I've found that when I play with bad golfers that are having a lot of shots, and constantly looking for their balls, it means I'm having to rush my shots (and between shots) to make up for their extra time taken. And I then often stuff up myself.
If I play with golfers who hit most fairways and hit the ball about the same distance, then I'll score in the 70's or at worse low 80's.

Guaranteed if I play with bad golfers, I'll be near 90. And haven't enjoyed the walk.
I'm normally the low handicapper in these groups and etiquette says it's my job to keep the pace of play.
I start talking really loudly and concisely to no one in particular that the group behind is catching up, that we need to increase our pace of play. Also establish early on that ready golf is the way to go. I'll then call the group through, usually on the next par 3. I also set an example by walking ahead at the side of the fairway to my ball while others are playing their shots.
I've also played with guys who've said to others in the group to hurry the f**k up, you're not good enough to take so long on each shot.
Dress standards in golf always interest me. There's not any other sport where people always seem to want to bend the standards their way rather than go with what the club says. I just don't see the issue in, at a minimum, wearing a collared shirt and shoes. Footy, cricket, hockey whatever you want all have a uniform which is a dress standard, but no one would ever question it. But golf just seems to always want to be changed.
Pace of play isn’t just about high handicappers per se. It’s about ready golf, moving ahead to ball instead of moving up the fairway together, when it’s your turn to go you go, putting out and moving to the next hole if you can especially if things are banking up behind, leaving bag in a spot that’s near the next tee box, if the ball is dead it’s dead, provisional balls, 3 mins max to look for a ball.
Spot on.
High handicappers don’t have to be slow, but they often haven’t been in the game for long and just don’t know stuff.
Be ready to go when it’s your go. I’ve got a slow mate who doesn’t start his prep until someone has hit. Will even be zooming the flag. Ffs do all that while others are hitting.
If behind, two peel off the green after holing out and tee off while the others putt, makes up 3-4 mins by itself.
Don’t rest on short putts, knock it in.
Ready golf, walk ahead at 45 degrees etc as said.

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Amateur comps: Lost ball should be stroke OR distance.

Hit it out of bounds - hitting two off the tee.

Lost in the scrub - drop nearest to where you believe it was lost (not this on the fairway rule they brought in) and add one shot.

Part of the reason people don’t apply the 3 minute rule looking for balls is how harsh the penalty is. Reduce the penalty, people more inclined to accept their fate and keep moving.
Amateur comps: Lost ball should be stroke OR distance.

Hit it out of bounds - hitting two off the tee.

Lost in the scrub - drop nearest to where you believe it was lost (not this on the fairway rule they brought in) and add one shot.

Part of the reason people don’t apply the 3 minute rule looking for balls is how harsh the penalty is. Reduce the penalty, people more inclined to accept their fate and keep moving.
Part of this is also on the course. 5 years ago we had knee high grass everywhere as rough. It’s all gone. Our 9th in particular is a dogleg left off the tee. Have a group with x4 slicers and they’re all in there looking for balls. Basically any missed fairway meant a search, such a huge waste of time. Rough should = not fairway, not a jungle. Look at Augusta National, the rough is mostly pine needles with OOB. That’s it. Courses with penal rough suck.
Spot on.
High handicappers don’t have to be slow, but they often haven’t been in the game for long and just don’t know stuff.
Be ready to go when it’s your go. I’ve got a slow mate who doesn’t start his prep until someone has hit. Will even be zooming the flag. Ffs do all that while others are hitting.
If behind, two peel off the green after holing out and tee off while the others putt, makes up 3-4 mins by itself.
Don’t rest on short putts, knock it in.
Ready golf, walk ahead at 45 degrees etc as said.

Thanks mate. high hcers/beginners have to start somewhere and its incumbent on experienced golfers to show them the way.

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It is also arguable that the safest place to stand when in front of the hitter is in the middle of the target.

I respect Foxx for bringing content to this thread.

And your benchmark is the group ahead not the group behind.
Some relax when there’s no pressure from behind, then guess what? A ball goes in the scrub and you lose 3mins searching…and the pressure comes on. Be up the arse of the group ahead.

This. Keep up or else suffer the wrath of the club enforcement.

Amateur comps: Lost ball should be stroke OR distance.

Hit it out of bounds - hitting two off the tee.

Lost in the scrub - drop nearest to where you believe it was lost (not this on the fairway rule they brought in) and add one shot.

Part of the reason people don’t apply the 3 minute rule looking for balls is how harsh the penalty is. Reduce the penalty, people more inclined to accept their fate and keep moving.

Fair comments.

I am happy with stroke penalty for lost ball.
Lost in scrub - people seriously drop it on the fairway?

3 min rule is good. Hit provisionals and things progress.
Lost in scrub - people seriously drop it on the fairway?

They brought in a new rule a couple of years back. Optional, at club’s discretion.

If you lose a ball, you can chose to drop a ball in the fairway nearest to where you believe it was lost for a 2 shot penalty.

Below is the local rule at my club:

Lost Ball in General Play
To speed up play - when a player’s ball has not been found, or is known or virtually certain, to be O.O.B. the player may proceed by placing a ball on the edge of the fairway adjacent to where the ball was lost for a penalty of two strokes rather than using the normal stroke and distance rule. This rule is not available if a provisional ball has been played. This rule may not be in play during certain events -as deemed by the Match Committee. eg Club Championships.
They brought in a new rule a couple of years back. Optional, at club’s discretion.

If you lose a ball, you can chose to drop a ball in the fairway nearest to where you believe it was lost for a 2 shot penalty.

Below is the local rule at my club:
ah yes. me know the rule, i was astounded at placing on fairway.

it has not been adopted at the club i play at. which i dont mind
ah yes. me know the rule, i was astounded at placing on fairway.

it has not been adopted at the club i play at. which i dont mind
They brought in a new rule a couple of years back. Optional, at club’s discretion.

If you lose a ball, you can chose to drop a ball in the fairway nearest to where you believe it was lost for a 2 shot penalty.

Below is the local rule at my club:

Same rule at our place.
If you hit a long drive that cuts late you’d use the rule. Snap hook that goes 50m before disappearing then you’d play a provisional.
Don't be afraid to tell playing partners

Hit - you cant reach them!!!!!

My pet hate, drives 200 off the tee, group in front is 230+ away and you have a 3wood

Just hit ffs
Don't be afraid to tell playing partners

Hit - you cant reach them!!!!!

My pet hate, drives 200 off the tee, group in front is 230+ away and you have a 3wood

Just hit ffs
Still haunts me the day i waited like 5 minutes for the group ahead to get out of range. Turns out i must have zapped wrong thing with rangefinder and wasnt until my drive went wayyyyy short of where they had been standing i realised. Backed up the group behind us as well :$
I'm normally the low handicapper in these groups and etiquette says it's my job to keep the pace of play.
I start talking really loudly and concisely to no one in particular that the group behind is catching up, that we need to increase our pace of play. Also establish early on that ready golf is the way to go. I'll then call the group through, usually on the next par 3. I also set an example by walking ahead at the side of the fairway to my ball while others are playing their shots.
I've also played with guys who've said to others in the group to hurry the f**k up, you're not good enough to take so long on each shot.
If you’re a group of 4 and you’re heading for a four hour round or less, do you change from your approach above? I’ve said this assuming that group in front is clearing out from your group.

I was playing one day and we were finished teeing off on 10 and it was right on 2 hours. One of the blokes behind us gave us a lecture about being slow. I told him to **** off and that we were two hours to here. We were also held up the last four holes due to a ripple effect from group/s further in front of the group in front of us.

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Your unpopular golf opinions?

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