Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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I have bilateral compartment syndrome.
Had to have both legs operated on and was bed ridden for a few weeks
Couldn't stand up because the blood would rush to my legs so I had to bum drag myself over the floor boards to go to the bathroom lol


Tore my hamstring during pre-season back in 17's. Missed 3 weeks. Strained it about 10 weeks later due to my own stupidity (decided to bomb one in from 50 with little to no warm up) however the pain was gone within the week and I played the following Sunday.

I've been relatively lucky.

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All through my juniors I had to deal with Chondromalacia Patella. My knees used to swell up so bad to the point that I've got stretch marks on them now. Tore my meniscus a few times (minor tears) in both knees, but neither injuries kept me from playing, I just wasn't allowed to train properly. Being so young I felt pretty cool having both my knees strapped to the shit house each game haha
compartment Syndrome in my right leg, broke both fibula and tibia and was out for a full season not a great start since I'm still in juniors. haha
I've been really lucky to not have been injured or broken a bone, sprained etc thus far.

Although one day after training I was being a dickhead when I was leaving and I was nearly home riding my bike (I was 13 playing U14s) and I stacked it but it was that bad I scraped my leg from knee down to just above my ankle (obviously not on my ankle side, the front of my leg). The entire leg was pure scab I couldn't even go to school because it was so disgusting, it was worse than the picture below, and bigger than that. It was so itchy too

I couldn't run without hurting so I was going to be useless if I went out I thought but I wanted to because if I didn't it would be a team forfeit due to amount of players. The thing that made it so memorable for me is because they put me on a forward pocket (usually chf). but the person I played against I knew them and they've been to a juvy prior at a young age and most of my school years at my school.

Because I was essentially useless being out there how I was I still managed to kick 2 goals against him which humiliated him clearly because he started punching me. However what made it so memorable was if I didn't kick them two goals we would have lost but if I didn't play we would have forfeited making me the winning factor I guess. To this day we are now friends it's been nearly 5 years
Been relatively lucky not to have broken any bones or done any soft tissue damage. Two worst injuries would be;

- fully rupturing my PCL last year: not massively painful and just felt like i'd jarred my knee though it did give way a fair bit. Didn't realise at the time what i'd done and went back to training after a week off and it gave way again just before the warm up started. Went to go see the team physio and he said he reckoned i'd done my PCL so ended up going to get an MRI on it a week or so later. Since then haven't had massive issues with it, though sometimes it feels a little weak.

- not exactly sure what it was that i did but i copped a knee in the back diving on the ball and turning to protect it. limped off pretty slowly with it feeling pretty sore, was like that for a couple of days. Decided to have a hot bath a couple of days later to see if i could relax it and then all of a sudden it flares up really badly and any sudden movement would cause it to tense up and have this sharp pain in my back. Physio didn't know what i'd done and wasn't a lot of help really. Made the trip to school on the tram bloody painful as I'd have to hold onto the pole and just try to limit my movement as much as possible as the tram took off. This lasted about 2 weeks and then eventually settled down.
Busted AC joint and split webbing both happened last year.

I had the ball and was shoved in the back by a fat bloke as I kicked it, I fell right on my shoulder and did the AC joint + torn ligaments. Hurt like a bitch.

Just needed stitches for the split webbing.

I've also dislocated both thumbs and am index finger, sprained my right wrist and missed 3 games with a strained hip flexor, all happening this year.
Ruptured the lisfranc ligament in the midfoot and got a hairline fracture in my ankle in the same incident.

As I was picked up the footy on the wing and turned around to kick, a player tried to smother my kick and crashed into my foot and landed on top of me. Similar to the Nathan Brown incident, just lower. Very painful, swelled up a lot, looked like half a tennis ball was on top of my foot.

Needed surgery to stabilise the midfoot. 2 plates and 4 screws to allow the ligament to heal and close up the gap between the two midfoot bones. Been on crutches for almost 2 months, no weight bearing. Hopefully I can start putting weight on my foot next week and begin rehab and physio. Plates and screws to come out in December, 6 months after surgery.

Anyone else out there suffered a lisfranc injury?
Anyone else out there suffered a lisfranc injury?

Yes, a Lisfranc Dislocation about 6 years ago which went undiagnosed for months and was instead considered a hot spot possibly leading to stress fractures of the meta tarsals. That came on the back of Plantar Fasciiitis a year earlier. Bloody hell both were horrendously painful to deal with, escpecially when getting out of bed in the morning. Six Cortisone shots and a major lessening of the weight bearing load and all was finally good after a couple of years of hell. Good luck with that B_C.
Yes, a Lisfranc Dislocation about 6 years ago which went undiagnosed for months and was instead considered a hot spot possibly leading to stress fractures of the meta tarsals. That came on the back of Plantar Fasciiitis a year earlier. Bloody hell both were horrendously painful to deal with, escpecially when getting out of bed in the morning. Six Cortisone shots and a major lessening of the weight bearing load and all was finally good after a couple of years of hell. Good luck with that B_C.

Glad to hear you're finally good and back on your feet, save for the tough journey! Lucky you turned out good considering the misdiagnosis which can cause problems so I've been told by my surgeon... Or if left untreated. Can confirm that it's a bitch of an injury. Cheers :thumbsu:
Glad to hear you're finally good and back on your feet, save for the tough journey! Lucky you turned out good considering the misdiagnosis which can cause problems so I've been told by my surgeon... Or if left untreated. Can confirm that it's a bitch of an injury. Cheers :thumbsu:

As tends to occur with these bloody things there is fallout and it may well be from the early misdiagnosis. Currently dealing with bad Achilles Tendinitis. Back to bike riding rather than running daily and regular physio visits to help subside the inflammation which showed up clear as day on a scan a couple of weeks ago. The good news is the Achilles does indeed seem like a flow on effect from the foot issues and isn't a degenerative issue, so it should be sorted with a lot of work. Fun times!
2 shattered elbows as a result on being absoloutley murdered by Toby Greene in a tackle back in the days of U/15's.
Scratch match at the start of the year, both elbows went straight into a turf wicket that was solid as a rock. Shouldn't have been playing there was a recipe for disaster.
Funnily enough though as bad as that sounds, I did a grade 3 hamstring tear a year later and the pain of that outweighed the elbow injury by so far its not funny.

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Depends. Only had 2 football related injuries

1) Sprained ankle (but so bad I was on crutches for 3-4 days)

2) Hairline Fracture in the radius (forearm) - Played out the game and didn't notice till post game the pain, was still there the next day, got a scan, out for 3 weeks...........But didn't miss a game. School holidays (x2) followed by the bye.

Which is worse? You can argue it.

1 that was so much pain I missed 3 quarters
1 was minor, but still structural damage so I couldn't do anything for 3 weeks, but I never missed any gametime due to the circumstances.
Broken knee cap. Got pushed in the back after I took a mark and landed on it. Ran around for another 10 mins until the pain really kicked in and I ended up being stretchered off
Dislocated Kneecap with most probably torn or fractured ligaments about 8 years ago. I never got it treated and I still can't run for more than a week without it being literally unbearable to walk on. Flares up every now and again especially during windy colder days. Really shits me as well as I was a fairly damn good runner which is probably a genetic thing.
I simultaneously snapped both tibia bones after a rough fall from a very high jump. Vertical jump is 45 inches, so it was a fair ways down. Especially with 225 pounds of ripped, lean sinewy muscle bulk. I was in immediate and reprehensible pain. I was able to finish out the game and assisted on the winning goal.

Took me 4 months to heal. Thanks to an extreme PED regenerative stack.
In under 11s I went to tackle someone but lost grip of his jumper. I rolled on the ground, and did an awesome extra roll on the ground for added awesomeness to impress everyone.

I rolled into a dirt patch with minimal grass and scratched my knee.

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Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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