Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Best way to describe my football (ie soccer) injury....

Let's see.

Start with the James Hird-type skull fracture.

Now, instead of colliding with a knee, colliding with another head...

And instead of a fracture, a fair-dinkum destruction of the skull bones above the left eye (the hardest bone in the body to break)...

and after going into extreme physical shock (body started cutting off circulation to my limbs), 8 hours of cranio-facial surgery, 3 small alloy plates holding the healing bone fragments together, 50+ staples instead of stitches, and a month in hospital later...

I was reminded by my surgeon that I should probably leave contact sports alone from then on...
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Compared to some of the injuries on here mine are nothing but here we go:

Broken finger, broke it clean from the base right up to the middle knuckle going diagonally up, swelled up a fair bit and now has a slight lean to the finger.
Disclocated finger no idea how it happened, but now I can discolate it myself if I want.
Torn quad, I reckon it was the worst of the lot, did it kicking in playing for school and then had to play the next day for my club, couldn't kick further than 20m still managed 4 goals though and 2 the next week before I had it checked out.
Also plenty of sprains, concussions, corkies, black eyes and blood noses but they are the norm.

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/


I've got nothing on any you blokes.....

Mine worst I've done is a couple of head wounds that need a 5 or 6 stiches.

Broken fingers.....Ligament tear in my knee that required Arthoscope,
Carried a bung shoulder for 12 months....

And get horrible pins and needles in my wrists after a game!

Right now, I'm bashing my head agaist my Wooden Computer Desk......
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

S..t some of these are horrible. I've been pretty lucky :) Worst I've had is Achilles tendanapothy/tendonitis or something like that :S Had it for a few years without treatment. Just thought it would go away, went physio start of the year.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Badly damaged kidney. Pissed blood for a week.

Two shoulder dislocations and countless knee dislocations.

15+ concussions - the last so serious that I haven't played a game in 12 years.

Mate, I'd love to have you on my side. You can just tell you go hard for the footy.

Mine would have to be a colapsed knuckle and broken finger. Same week I damaged my knee, but apparently was fine to continue playing looking like a mummy with heavy strapping on both knee and hand. Bone healed dislocated because it was never repaired. That was my last season, and to make matters worse, I played every game, only to be dropped for the Grand Final.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

They say pictures speak louder than words....

This is what happens when you sprint at FULL pace into the fence in a game of footy.
And boy did it stuff my life up!

Mate, you win hands down. Can only imagine how painful that was.:eek:
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

yeah i hate shin splints too. they take forever to heal and they kill to run. dont no if u normally get then in just the 1 leg but mine was both and i was playing tennis and basketball. i struggled so much to run. last about 5 min then i had to like walk the rest.

i left mine for 6 weeks because i was sick and after that they had only just got better.
At least you had shin splints and vomiting at the same time. If you had have had them at different times u woulda missed twice as much time...
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

3 Dislocated Knees, 1 Bruised Tailbone, 2 Torn Ankle ligaments, 1 Sprained wrist, various other injuries...

But the worst was getting knocked out. Head on head. I was playing in the Under 16's when I was 14 and I went for a mark, and out of the corner of my eye I saw another guy coming. We clashed heads, a team-mate fell on me, and then we both hit the ground.

Myself and my opponent were lying about 10m from each other completley dazed. I believe I was out for a bit, dunno how long. But because we only had 17 players I ended up playing on. Had blurred vision and had to go to the hospital later, but it an experience none the less.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Mate, you win hands down. Can only imagine how painful that was.:eek:
Haha cheers...

Yes it hurt but i don't think as much as it looks. I was mainly in shock and couldn't feel my leg knee down.

As i waited for the Ambo's, i just didn't want to think about it because if we won the game, we would advance to the Grand Final and get revenge from the previous year. I just kinda worried about the score the whole way through the last half.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Nothing major, but I once tried to push a kid in the back as he was kicking the ball while both of us were running at full pace. I somehow ended up spinning around and falling on my back with my arm behind back, which broke my arm.

I were a youngster (under 13s) at the time so it was a greenstick facture and because my arm wasn't flopping around I thought I'd only hurt my wrist or arm pretty badly. It happened just before half time, so I played the rest of the game - my coach was told I'd hurt my arm, so moved me to full forward (we were crap ;)).

It wasn't til I went up for a mark (which I obviously dropped) and nearly passed out and felt sick from the pain that I thought maybe it's a bit worse than I thought/hoped. Played the rest of the game mostly trying to soccer the ball and found out the next day it was broken. Can't believe I was that dumb. I'd never broken anything before - I thought it would flop around. :D :eek:

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Compound fracture of my thigh bone after getting a knee while i was running back with the flight of the ball.

Career over.

Ouch! That's nasty borgy (as are most mentioned here).

I broke both wrists (one shattered), one elbow, and dislocated a shoulder all at once. I was 15. Fell extremely heavily on very hard ground from a decent height. Broke the fall with my arms, only they were straight at the time. Hence my teeth went through my bottom lip, as the fall wasn't really broken, and was concussed. That's all I knew till a guy came to me on the ground and said "Shit..............look at his effin arms FFS!"

You know it's not good when you're lying face down with your arms outstretched above your head yet your palms are way off line, and facing skyward!

Plaster from finger tips to shoulders, on both arms, with accompanying metallic crap inside the worst one. Plaster was off in 16 weeks.

Having 'Nam like flashbacks now...........nah, all healed well, except I can't turn my right palm over to be flat when the arm's straight. The bastard locks up halfway, which makes me a push over in an arm wrestle dammit!

Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Belted senseless after mouthing off to a possie of bogun Demons supporters at Waverley after the 1987 prelim

Was worth every moment, but that post traumatic amnesia badly interfered with my memory of the game...
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Isnt really the worst injury, but after a long season, and not resting for any injury, i played the last game of the year with every injury i had for the year. Shin Splints, Broken Toe, Frectured Shin, Dislocated shoulder, strained shoulder, 2 dislocated thumbs, strained maniscus(outside cartledge of knee) and in the final game compound dislocation frecture. Ended my season.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Been pretty lucky..worst Ive had was in a marking contest, a guy tried taking a specie on my back, i got shoved forward into the ground and had my leg across the ground and that guy fell on the joint of the knee,and it buckled inwards, i heard a crack of somekind, but i could still walk and run on it but it was very unstable bending inwards, strapped it up and continued to play until after the game when it was very sore, a few days later orthopaedic surgeon revealed it was a strained medial colleteral ligament, couldnt run for 4 wks for rest although it didnt matter as we got knocked out of finals that night. Its fully recovered now, was over a yr ago.

Other than that had shin splints in 1st yr, bruised knee, rolled ankles, strained right shoulder AC joint, bruised collarbone.

Makes it all worthwhile when you play though! :)
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Aren't you all a bunch of injury prone w***ers.

Been playing sport every year for 11 years and the worst injury I've had from sport is a strained back and a strained quad.

I've had some freak injuries outside of sport, but I've never sustained any injuries from any hits. Maybe I'm just lucky.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

dislocated my thumb and stuffed the soft tissue muscle thats all around my thumb also fractured my thumb, all of this was in the same game, but ive been pretty lucky with injuries thats my only one and ive played for 7 seasons
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

knocked a blokes front tooth out with my elbow (accident) in a pack collision - the tooth was embedded just under the bone and partially severed the tendon.

strapped it up but during the following qtr I jumped to punch the ball but was somwehow tunnelled over the boundary and hit my head flush on the metal pole fence (probably revenge) - was concussed for 5 mins before being taken to hospital.

6 stitches in the head, 4 in the elbow plus 8 weeks of elbow tendonitis.:thumbsu:

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Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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