Usage for hash tag: 4dchess

  1. V_23

    Meltdown Post here if you melt

    Made you use the reply function twice #4DChess
  2. pjcrows

    Opinion Non-Crows AFL 7

    Touchè, Ollie Florent. ##4dchess##extendken
  3. Bluelegs

    Training Preseason 2023

    "They'll never expect us to bomb it long to the pocket on the 524th consecutive entry." #4dchess
  4. Sturty2Hurty

    2023 - A year of regression before the final ascent...

    Could go either way, Brandon Walker. I imagine ladies’ memberships would drop by 10% if he was ever traded/delisted. We got Jaeger for insurance. #4dchess
  5. Blue1980

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 17: Old Man Yells At Crowds

    Unless he doesn’t want to run for President and has deliberately set this up so he can’t and can then pretend the deep state stopped him from running. #4dchess
  6. Shermy

    Teams Green Bay Packers - The Frozen Tundra

    You cant lose in the NFC Champ game if you don't make the NFC champ game #4dchess
  7. J

    Opinion 2020 Draft picks 1/9/22/23/40/56/66/80 (2021 + Melb 2nd, 4th, Haw 4th)

    I am disappointed that many posters do not see the #4dchess Adam and the boys are playing. We will now get pick 23.....ish PLUS Pick One in next year’s superstrong draft after the latest trading/ free agent swaps 🤪.
  8. pjcrows

    News Brad Crouch to Saints (STK make offer; Band 3, ADL to match?)

    Get a load of the Bombers fans. Last year: "Two firsts for Daniher? F*ck off he's worth way more than that!" This year: "One first for Daniher? Oh Dodoro what a master! #4dchess"
  9. kulak

    List Mgmt. Why the exodus?

    Maybe Roo hopes that by claiming all the players who left are being overpaid by their new clubs, they will be desperate to smash us, and we will get a better draft pick #4dchess
  10. RookiePick

    Game Day West Coast v Hawthorn at Sunny Perth Stadium- Won’t Someone Rid Me of This Troublesome Team?

    Cleverly avoiding straight sets by being bundled out week 1. #4dchess