...now. If bank robberies were still worth doing, you'd have idiots filming themselves doing jobs & posting on Instagram about it.
Get dem moniieezzzz:moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:
18 months later...
Judge: "How do you plead?
Accused: "Ummm... not guilty, your honour..."
Judge: 🤦♂️
...frankly, evo don't you have the playbook from @AndrewBreitbart which says how Trump was going to <game> the Beltway, do Monkey King a favour and sling him the primer
Mature folk need not play one side, they can be impartial bystanders not ceding territory to the propaganda fourth estate...
...to get him in indicted. See: CNBC's Rachel Maddow qua Mad, qua Peter Sellers Kubrik's Dr Strangelove General Curtis Lemay... this has pushed Trump further to the extreme to prove his bonafides against traditional cold war foe.
Just read some Stephen F Cohen and Aaron Mate.
And in immortal...
fer fux sake, this^ somes up the zeitgist in one avatar,
Trudeau suffering some #foreskindeprivationsyndrome
il gardina no?
got a solution for that DSMvI pathology, lets bring in Safran
its a japanese liquor innit
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