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Just hanging out
Apr 25, 2009
Some point in space and time
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Other Teams
Ken Hinkley stood at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the patrons move around the crowded room. He had always been drawn to the energy and excitement of nightclubs, and he found himself returning to this particular one time and time again.

As he sipped his drink, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man standing behind him, bald, but with bright eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Hi there," the gentleman said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm David Koch. Mind if I join you?"

Ken felt his heart skip a beat. He had never been one to shy away from new experiences, and there was something about this man that intrigued him.

"Sure, have a seat," Ken replied, gesturing to the empty stool next to him.

They struck up a conversation, laughing and joking as they shared stories and experiences. As the night wore on and the club grew more crowded, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bodies pressed against each other as they swayed to the music.

Finally, unable to resist the attraction any longer, Ken leaned in and pressed his lips to David's. They kissed with a fierce passion, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the moment.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. When it was all over, they lay in each other's arms, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As the sun began to rise, they parted ways, knowing that what they had shared was something special and unique. And as Ken made his way home, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led him to David Koch, and the unforgettable night they had shared.
Ken Hinkley, the coach of the Port Adelaide Football Club, is giving a fiery speech to his team before a big game.

HINKLEY: "You guys are the best damn football players in the league. You're unbeatable. No one can stop you. And as for me, well, I'm the best coach in the league. I know exactly what I'm doing. You can trust me to lead you to victory."

The team cheers, fired up by Hinkley's words. But as the game progresses, it becomes clear that something is off. Hinkley seems to be making bizarre decisions, taking unnecessary risks and ignoring his players' suggestions.

As the game reaches its climax, Hinkley's ego takes over completely. He starts making wild gestures on the sidelines, shouting at his players, and berating the referees. His team is losing, but he refuses to back down.

PLAYER: "Coach, what are you doing? This isn't working."

HINKLEY: "Don't question me, son. I know what I'm doing. You just keep playing your game, and I'll handle the rest."

But Hinkley's ego has taken over, and he can't see past his own self-importance. The team ends up losing the game, and Hinkley is left to face the consequences.

As the team walks off the field, Hinkley is approached by a young coach named Simon, who has been watching the game from the sidelines.

SIMON: "Coach, can I talk to you for a minute?"

HINKLEY: "What do you want, kid?"

SIMON: "I couldn't help noticing that you were struggling out there. I think I might have some ideas that could help you."

Hinkley bristles at the suggestion that he needs help, but something about Simon's approach resonates with him.

HINKLEY: "Okay, kid. I'm listening. What do you have to say?"

Simon proceeds to give Hinkley some tough love, explaining that his ego is holding him back from being the best coach he can be. Hinkley listens, and over time, he starts to change.

He becomes more humble, more willing to listen to his players, and more open to new ideas. He starts to see that his ego was the problem all along, and that by letting go of it, he can become a better coach and a better person.

In the end, Hinkley leads his team to victory, not through his own ego, but by working with his players and trusting their abilities. The lesson he learned about the danger of ego stays with him for the rest of his coaching career.


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Perma ban hugejohnson!!!!
i feel sick homer GIF

Gonna have ****ing Knightmares tonight!
Title: The Cola Coach



Ken Hinkley, the coach of the Port Adelaide Football Club, is sitting at his desk, staring at his computer screen. He's feeling sluggish and tired, and he can't seem to focus on his work.

HINKLEY: (To himself) "What's wrong with me? I need to get my energy back."

Just then, one of his assistant coaches walks in.

ASSISTANT COACH: "Hey, Coach. You look like you could use a pick-me-up. Want a coke?"

HINKLEY: "A coke? You mean like Coca-Cola?"

ASSISTANT COACH: "Yeah, a cold, refreshing Coke. It's my go-to whenever I need a boost."

Hinkley considers for a moment. He's always been a coffee drinker, but maybe a Coke could help him feel better.

HINKLEY: "Sure, why not? Let's give it a shot."

The assistant coach hands Hinkley a cold can of Coke, and he takes a sip. It's sweet and fizzy, and he feels an immediate surge of energy.

HINKLEY: "Wow, that's pretty good. Maybe I'll have another."

And so, Hinkley starts drinking Coke on a regular basis. At first, it's just one or two cans a day, but soon he's drinking several cans a day, every day.

As the weeks go by, Hinkley starts to notice some changes in his body. He's gained weight, and he's not sleeping as well as he used to. But he can't seem to stop drinking Coke. It's become a habit, an addiction.

HINKLEY: (To himself) "What's wrong with me? I can't stop drinking this stuff. I'm a coach, I should know better."

Finally, Hinkley's team doctor pulls him aside and expresses concern about his Coke habit. He explains that the high sugar and caffeine content of the drink is unhealthy and could be impacting Hinkley's performance as a coach.

HINKLEY: (Defensive) "What are you talking about? I feel fine. I don't need to give up my Coke."

But the doctor persists, and eventually Hinkley agrees to cut back on his Coke intake. It's not easy, but he starts drinking more water and other, healthier beverages.

As he weans himself off of Coke, Hinkley starts to feel better. He has more energy, he's sleeping better, and he's lost some of the weight he gained. He realizes that his Coke habit was holding him back, and that he's a better coach without it.

In the end, Hinkley leads his team to victory, not through a can of Coke, but by working hard and being a good coach. The lesson he learned about the danger of unhealthy habits stays with him for the rest of his career.

Title: Ken's Coke Fueled Demand



Ken Hinkley, the coach of the Port Adelaide Football Club, is sitting at the head of the table in a meeting with his assistant coaches and selectors. They are discussing the upcoming match and who should be included in the team.

HINKLEY: (Excitedly) "Guys, I think we need to include some small players in the forward line. We need to be more agile and quick to take advantage of the opposition's defense."

ASSISTANT COACH 1: (Skeptical) "I don't know, Ken. Our tall forwards have been doing pretty well lately. I don't think we should mess with a winning formula."

HINKLEY: (Frustrated) "I'm the coach, and I'm telling you that we need to change things up. We need to take risks if we want to win the premiership this year."

ASSISTANT COACH 2: (Nodding) "I agree with Ken. We need to be more unpredictable, keep the other team guessing."

HINKLEY: (Smiling) "Exactly. Now let's get to work on selecting the team."

The selectors begin to discuss the various players and positions, but Hinkley's mind seems elsewhere.

HINKLEY: (Suddenly angry) "Wait, where's my Coke? I thought I had a can here."

ASSISTANT COACH 1: (Confused) "I don't know, Ken. Did you drink it already?"

HINKLEY: (Furious) "I can't believe it. I drank all my Coke. How am I supposed to coach without my Coke?"

The room falls silent as Hinkley continues to fume. The selectors look at each other, unsure of what to do.

HINKLEY: (Calming down slightly) "Sorry, guys. I just get a bit... worked up sometimes."

The meeting continues, but the tension in the room is palpable. The selectors try to focus on the task at hand, but they can't help but feel uneasy around their unpredictable coach.

John Butcher had always been a talented football player, with a natural instinct for the game and a strong work ethic. But despite his skills, he had developed a crippling case of the goalkicking yips, which had haunted him for years and had kept him from reaching his full potential.

For a while, it seemed like John's career was over. He was dropped from the Port Adelaide team, and many people in the football community wrote him off as a lost cause. But John refused to give up. He spent hours practicing his kicking, working with psychologists and coaches, and trying every possible solution to overcome his yips.

Slowly but surely, John began to make progress. His kicks became more accurate, and he started to feel confident again. He knew that he still had a lot to prove, but he was determined to do whatever it took to get back into the Port Adelaide team.

Finally, John's hard work paid off. He was given a chance to play in the SANFL, and he performed admirably, kicking multiple goals and showing that he had regained his form. This caught the attention of the Port Adelaide selectors, who decided to give him another chance in the senior team.

The road to redemption.

John knew that this was his moment. He stepped onto the field with a newfound sense of confidence, and he played like he had never played before. He kicked goal after goal, leading his team to victory and showing that he had truly overcome his goalkicking yips.

As the season progressed, John's performances continued to impress. He became a key player for Port Adelaide, and his determination and resilience inspired his teammates to play their best. Finally, at the end of the season, Port Adelaide found themselves in the grand final, facing off against their arch-rivals.

It was a hard-fought battle, but in the end, Port Adelaide emerged victorious. And it was John Butcher who kicked the final goal, sealing the premiership for his team and cementing his place in football history.

But John's achievements did not end there. In a surprise move, the Port Adelaide board decided to oust Ken Hinkley and appoint John as their new captain coach, a role that he embraced with passion and dedication. He led his team to even greater heights, winning multiple premierships and becoming a legend of the game.

Looking back on his journey, John realized that his goalkicking yips had been a blessing in disguise. They had forced him to confront his weaknesses, to work harder than ever before, and to never give up on his dreams. And in the end, it was this resilience that had made him a champion.

The collective Port Adelaide board after reading this story and daring to dream.

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Ken Hinkley stood at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the patrons move around the crowded room. He had always been drawn to the energy and excitement of nightclubs, and he found himself returning to this particular one time and time again.

As he sipped his drink, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man standing behind him, bald, but with bright eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Hi there," the gentleman said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm David Koch. Mind if I join you?"

Ken felt his heart skip a beat. He had never been one to shy away from new experiences, and there was something about this man that intrigued him.

"Sure, have a seat," Ken replied, gesturing to the empty stool next to him.

They struck up a conversation, laughing and joking as they shared stories and experiences. As the night wore on and the club grew more crowded, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bodies pressed against each other as they swayed to the music.

Finally, unable to resist the attraction any longer, Ken leaned in and pressed his lips to David's. They kissed with a fierce passion, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the moment.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. When it was all over, they lay in each other's arms, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As the sun began to rise, they parted ways, knowing that what they had shared was something special and unique. And as Ken made his way home, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led him to David Koch, and the unforgettable night they had shared.

What a terrible day to be literate.
Ken Hinkley stood at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the patrons move around the crowded room. He had always been drawn to the energy and excitement of nightclubs, and he found himself returning to this particular one time and time again.

As he sipped his drink, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man standing behind him, bald, but with bright eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Hi there," the gentleman said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm David Koch. Mind if I join you?"

Ken felt his heart skip a beat. He had never been one to shy away from new experiences, and there was something about this man that intrigued him.

"Sure, have a seat," Ken replied, gesturing to the empty stool next to him.

They struck up a conversation, laughing and joking as they shared stories and experiences. As the night wore on and the club grew more crowded, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bodies pressed against each other as they swayed to the music.

Finally, unable to resist the attraction any longer, Ken leaned in and pressed his lips to David's. They kissed with a fierce passion, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the moment.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. When it was all over, they lay in each other's arms, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As the sun began to rise, they parted ways, knowing that what they had shared was something special and unique. And as Ken made his way home, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led him to David Koch, and the unforgettable night they had shared.

This was…, uh…, unexpected!

Im Out Shark Tank GIF by ABC Network
Ken Hinkley stood at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the patrons move around the crowded room. He had always been drawn to the energy and excitement of nightclubs, and he found himself returning to this particular one time and time again.

As he sipped his drink, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man standing behind him, bald, but with bright eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Hi there," the gentleman said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm David Koch. Mind if I join you?"

Ken felt his heart skip a beat. He had never been one to shy away from new experiences, and there was something about this man that intrigued him.

"Sure, have a seat," Ken replied, gesturing to the empty stool next to him.

They struck up a conversation, laughing and joking as they shared stories and experiences. As the night wore on and the club grew more crowded, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bodies pressed against each other as they swayed to the music.

Finally, unable to resist the attraction any longer, Ken leaned in and pressed his lips to David's. They kissed with a fierce passion, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the moment.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. When it was all over, they lay in each other's arms, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As the sun began to rise, they parted ways, knowing that what they had shared was something special and unique. And as Ken made his way home, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led him to David Koch, and the unforgettable night they had shared.
50 Shades of Black ,White and Teal.
This was…, uh…, unexpected!

Im Out Shark Tank GIF by ABC Network
My eyesight is completely shot (as of just this morning 😏).
So I can't see what HJ wrote in his last epistle.
Probably a good thing 🤔
Will resist urge to look once eyesight returns - in next 5 minutes.

Sounds like it's an abomination to the senses, and the man needs a lobotomy!
It had been a long time coming, but the Port Adelaide Football Club had finally decided to part ways with their senior coach Ken Hinkley. For years, the team had underperformed, failing to reach the finals in three consecutive seasons. Despite the talented players on the roster, the team lacked the motivation and direction needed to succeed.

After a long and exhaustive search, the club eventually settled on former Port Adelaide player Josh Carr as their new senior coach. Carr was a popular choice, having spent several years coaching at the club's SANFL affiliate, where he had enjoyed great success. He was known for his no-nonsense approach, his passion for the game, and his ability to motivate players.

Carr hit the ground running, making several key changes to the team's game plan and instilling a new level of discipline and intensity. The players responded well to his coaching, and the team quickly began to climb the ladder, winning several key games and building momentum heading into the finals.

As the season drew to a close, it became clear that Port Adelaide was a serious contender for the premiership. The team's defense was rock-solid, and their attack was firing on all cylinders. The players had bought into Carr's vision, and they were playing with a level of confidence and conviction that had been missing for years.

In the grand final, Port Adelaide faced off against their arch-rivals, the Adelaide Crows. It was a tense and hard-fought game, with both teams trading blows and momentum swinging back and forth. But in the end, it was Port Adelaide who emerged victorious, winning the premiership in a thrilling upset.

The scenes of celebration that followed were unforgettable. The players, coaches, and fans all united in their joy and relief. For the first time in years, Port Adelaide was back on top, thanks in no small part to the leadership and coaching of Josh Carr. It was a story of redemption and triumph, and one that would go down in the annals of Port Adelaide Football Club history.
Tex Walker, the star forward for the Adelaide Crows, had been dreaming of winning the premiership for years. He had come close a few times, but it always seemed to slip through his grasp. This year, however, felt different. The Crows had been playing with a confidence and swagger that he had never seen before, and they had stormed into the grand final as clear favorites.

As Tex boarded the plane to travel to the grand final, he couldn't help but notice the empty seat next to him. It was the one that was meant to hold the premiership cup, the ultimate prize that he had been chasing for so long. He tried to push the thought out of his mind, focusing instead on the game ahead, but the empty seat seemed to taunt him.

As the plane took off, Tex couldn't help but stare at the seat. It was a strange feeling, but he felt a kind of connection to it, as if it held some kind of secret or power. He tried to shake the feeling, but it only grew stronger as the flight went on.

When the plane landed, Tex rushed to the stadium, eager to get on the field and start warming up. But as he stepped onto the grass, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. He looked around and saw the premiership cup sitting on the sideline, gleaming in the sun. But it didn't hold the same appeal as the empty seat on the plane.

As the game began, Tex played with a fire and intensity that he had never felt before. He was determined to win, not just for himself, but for the empty seat next to him. He knew it sounded crazy, but he couldn't help but feel like it was some kind of sign.

But despite their best efforts, the Crows lost the grand final. Tex was devastated. As he walked off the field, he couldn't help but feel like he had let the empty seat down. He made his way back to the locker room, feeling like a failure.

But as he sat in his chair, something compelled him to get up and go back to the empty seat on the plane. He walked down the tunnel, through the stadium, and out into the bright sunshine. And there it was, waiting for him. He took a deep breath and sat down, staring at the empty seat.

For a long time, Tex just sat there, lost in thought. He didn't know what the empty seat meant, or why he felt such a connection to it. But in that moment, he realized that it didn't matter. The Crows had lost the grand final, but he had given it everything he had. And in a strange way, he felt like the empty seat was proud of him.

As he got up to leave, Tex felt a sense of closure. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that he had done everything he could. And as he walked away from the empty seat, he felt a strange sense of gratitude. It had been a strange journey, but it had been worth it.
Ken Hinkley stood at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the patrons move around the crowded room. He had always been drawn to the energy and excitement of nightclubs, and he found himself returning to this particular one time and time again.

As he sipped his drink, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a man standing behind him, bald, but with bright eyes that seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"Hi there," the gentleman said, flashing a charming smile. "I'm David Koch. Mind if I join you?"

Ken felt his heart skip a beat. He had never been one to shy away from new experiences, and there was something about this man that intrigued him.

"Sure, have a seat," Ken replied, gesturing to the empty stool next to him.

They struck up a conversation, laughing and joking as they shared stories and experiences. As the night wore on and the club grew more crowded, they found themselves drawn closer together, their bodies pressed against each other as they swayed to the music.

Finally, unable to resist the attraction any longer, Ken leaned in and pressed his lips to David's. They kissed with a fierce passion, their bodies entwining as they lost themselves in the moment.

The rest of the night passed in a blur, their bodies moving together in a frenzy of desire and pleasure. When it was all over, they lay in each other's arms, catching their breath and basking in the afterglow of their passion.

As the sun began to rise, they parted ways, knowing that what they had shared was something special and unique. And as Ken made his way home, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance encounter that had led him to David Koch, and the unforgettable night they had shared.
That was the first time ken and Koch ****ed port Adelaide
Once upon a time, former US President Donald Trump decided to take a break from politics and travel the world. He ended up in Adelaide, Australia, where he stumbled upon an Australian Football League game.

As he watched the game from the stands, he became particularly interested in the coach of the Port Adelaide Football Club, Ken Hinkley. Trump had always been a fan of strong and charismatic leaders, and Hinkley seemed to fit the bill.

After the game, Trump approached Hinkley and introduced himself. The two struck up a conversation, and Trump was impressed by Hinkley's passion for the game and his leadership skills.

As they continued to talk, Hinkley mentioned that he was struggling to motivate his team for the upcoming finals. Trump, always one to offer advice, shared some of his leadership strategies with Hinkley. He talked about the importance of branding, the art of the deal, and the power of positive thinking.

To Hinkley's surprise, Trump's advice worked wonders. His team won the finals and went on to become champions.

Trump and Hinkley became fast friends, and Trump even invited Hinkley to visit him at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. They continued to discuss leadership, politics, and football over rounds of golf and fine dining.

Despite their differences in culture and politics, Trump and Hinkley found common ground in their passion for leadership and success. And who knows, perhaps their newfound friendship would lead to even greater accomplishments in the future.
Ken Hinkley had always been a mysterious figure in the world of sports. His sharp mind, brilliant strategies, and uncanny ability to read the game had made him one of the most successful coaches in the history of the Australian Football League. But little did anyone suspect that there was something truly out of this world about him.

It all started with a strange occurrence during a Port Adelaide Football Club training session. One of the players had noticed something odd about Hinkley's skin - it seemed to have a greenish tinge to it. At first, they dismissed it as a trick of the light, but as the days went on, more and more players began to notice the same thing.

It wasn't long before the rumors started spreading - people were whispering about how Hinkley might be an alien. Some laughed it off as a joke, but others were genuinely spooked. And as more and more evidence came to light, it became harder and harder to ignore the possibility.

The media, of course, had a field day with the story. The tabloids ran wild with sensational headlines, and talkback radio was abuzz with theories and speculation. Some people were excited by the idea - after all, it wasn't every day that you got to meet an extraterrestrial - but others were downright terrified.

Despite the growing public interest, Hinkley remained tight-lipped about the whole affair. He refused to comment on the rumors, and continued coaching as if nothing was amiss. But his stoicism only fueled the speculation, and many people began to wonder if there was more to the story than he was letting on.

Finally, after weeks of intense scrutiny, Hinkley decided to break his silence. In a press conference that was watched by millions of people around the world, he revealed that he was, in fact, an alien - a member of a highly advanced race from a distant star system.

As you might expect, the news caused a sensation. There were those who welcomed Hinkley with open arms, fascinated by the prospect of learning more about his alien culture. But there were others who were deeply disturbed by the revelation, and saw it as a threat to national security.

Despite the uproar, Hinkley remained calm and collected. He explained that his mission on Earth was a peaceful one - to share knowledge and help humanity evolve. And as time went on, people began to accept him for who he was, rather than what they thought he might be.

In the end, the story of Ken Hinkley's alien identity became a powerful symbol of the need for acceptance and understanding in a world that is often divided by fear and suspicion. And though there were those who would never truly accept him, there were many more who were eager to learn from him and welcome him into the human family.
Ken Hinkley was a man who had always been passionate about Coca-Cola. When he learned that the company would be discontinuing Coke Zero, he was devastated. But unlike most people, Ken didn't just accept this fate. He decided to take matters into his own hands and steal all the world's remaining supply of Coke Zero for himself.

With a cunning plan and a deep obsession, Ken set out to accomplish his goal. He spent months researching, devising ways to break into warehouses and distribution centers and sneak past security systems. He even created a fake company that he used as a cover to gain access to some of the locations.

Eventually, Ken succeeded in his mission. He now had a vast hoard of Coke Zero, and no one else in the world had access to it. He holed himself up in his apartment, spending his days and nights drinking the precious soda and basking in his victory.

But soon, reality began to set in. Ken had no friends or family to share his bounty with. He had cut himself off from the world and had no human contact. He realized that he had sacrificed everything in his life for a single soda. As he began to suffer from the effects of an unhealthy diet, he started to regret his actions.

The world outside was suffering as well. People were rioting in the streets, desperate for their fix of Coke Zero. Businesses were going bankrupt, and economies were collapsing. The global instability was growing worse by the day, and Ken knew that he had played a role in it.

Despite this realization, Ken refused to give up his hoard of Coke Zero. It had become a part of him, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing it. He watched as the world around him fell apart, feeling increasingly isolated and guilty.

In the end, Ken lived out the rest of his days in solitude, surrounded by his hoard of Coke Zero. He knew that he had made a grave mistake, but he couldn't bring himself to fix it. His obsession with the drink had consumed him entirely, leaving him alone in a world that he had helped destroy.

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