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Exiting the lifts at work at the same time as someone you're semi-acquainted with, briefly having a polite chat as you walk out the building, and then realising you're both heading in the same direction as them, is the worst. Do you keep making uncomfortable small talk out of politeness, or cut the cord with a "seeya" and power on away from them??

Option 3 which I've sometimes implemented - "Which way are you headed? Oh, ok, I have to go this way. Seeya later." But I have to be quick about it, before I've committed an obvious direction in which I'm walking.
The worst is when you go for the overtake and the buffoon in front of you starts drifting in front of you because they find walking in a straight line too difficult, forcing you to slow down again to try to go around the other way.

And then randomly stop so that you’re forced to throw out the anchors or make a sidestep Pendlebury would be proud of

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Exiting the lifts at work at the same time as someone you're semi-acquainted with, briefly having a polite chat as you walk out the building, and then realising you're both heading in the same direction as them, is the worst. Do you keep making uncomfortable small talk out of politeness, or cut the cord with a "seeya" and power on away from them??

Option 3 which I've sometimes implemented - "Which way are you headed? Oh, ok, I have to go this way. Seeya later." But I have to be quick about it, before I've committed an obvious direction in which I'm walking.

Had a similar today, son's friend's mum at school drop off walking home, I stopped to pretend I had to check something in my son's bag for a minute then started after her.

Usually I just stop and pretend to look at something on my phone to kill a minute to avoid walking with someone.
Nah, worst is when you're stuck behind a group of people walking slower than you and there's no room to get past in the side and you can't go through obviously so you're left tapping your foot like Sonic while you wait for them to move ahead enough that you can continue walking.
Nah, worst is when you're stuck behind a group of people walking slower than you and there's no room to get past in the side and you can't go through obviously so you're left tapping your foot like Sonic while you wait for them to move ahead enough that you can continue walking.

That's basically walking through any shopping centre these days.

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How about people that stop and chat in shopping aisles or in doorways?


Or as soon as they get through that gate thing in the supermarket.

Then they get all uppity when you push them out of the way with your trolley.
Walk on the left. Stand on the left of escalators, the right is for passing.

Hurry the **** up everyone. Must be nice to have so much spare time up your sleeve you can dawdle and gawk your way through public spaces.

Choking on my own rage here.
Walk on the left. Stand on the left of escalators, the right is for passing.

Other cities have worked this out and put up signs. In Perth they’ve decided to leave it to people to be logical, sensible and respectful of others - always a stupid move.
Walk on the left. Stand on the left of escalators, the right is for passing.

Hurry the * up everyone. Must be nice to have so much spare time up your sleeve you can dawdle and gawk your way through public spaces.

Choking on my own rage here.
When travelling overseas (except England) this becomes walking on the right.
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