Anthony Albanese - How long?

How long for Albo?

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Yeah Labor just keep being the victim of economic and immigration clusters totally not of their making. Over and over and over and over ...
This isn't even tricky, the policy belongs to the Liberals, the decision belongs to the High Court. You may as well blame Labor for the Ukraine or Gaza conflicts, that's how disingenuous or ignorant you are being.

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Yeah Labor just keep being the victim of economic and immigration clusters totally not of their making. Over and over and over and over ...
This has been addressed. If you skip past inconvenient challenges and repeat the same dumb talking points, no-one should take you seriously.
The 2nd option. Benefits to lower/middle income earners.

Yeah, much of the media would meltdown or cover it lazily, but hopefully the message gets through enough.

Labor needs to front up, explain that in the current climate the current Stage 3 changes are not the best course of action, and apologise that it's a broken promise. Make it very clear it's a redirect to where it's most needed. And then if Dutton and friends in the media kick up about it, paint them as wealthy, out of touch. Go hard.
When these ridiculous tax cuts were legislated by Scummo in 2019, I distinctly remember a journo such as Laura Tingle expressing concern about locking in a big tax change when we don't know what the economic climate will be like so far down the track.

Now that particular chicken is coming home to roost. Thanks for nothing, Morrison you idiot.
Not only is Albo letting in too many people to kill the middle class in Australia, stifle access to first home buyers and cripple renters and mortgage payers...

They're also letting in crooks

"Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has reiterated public safety is the government's priority after criminals were among asylum seekers released into the community, following a High Court ruling.

He was speaking with Today this morning as the government grapples with the court decision that overturned a nearly 20-year precedent that allowed Australia to indefinitely detain asylum seekers who failed character assessments but were unable to be deported."

Defend this government to the death die hards.
And what laws did the Libs pass in their long periods of power to enable us to get rid of these feral? Did they make any effort to lobby the UN to change their outdated and abused refugee conventions? What have they done to force the other countries to take back their criminal scum?

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AFR … news corp Garbage…

So increases in energy cost are Albo’s fault after 9 years of no government energy policies from the LNP??? LNP hid a report before the last election stating energy prices were going to rapidly increase… yep Albo’s fault.

Increases in mortgage costs are Albo’s fault too? After the LNP relaxed lending rules pushing house prices to record increases during a pandemic, whilst fueling the economy with the biggest stimulus spending in history? Yep Albo’s fault ….

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I know there is still time to turn back, but I think the Stage Three tax cuts will go down as one of the worst economic policy decisions ever made by an Australian government. They're inflationary, will rip a bleeding hole in the budget and all the benefits will flow to people who don't need the money. Labor's decision to support them (when they'd just lost the 2019 election anyway) is also a massive **** up.
Every developed country is dealing with inflation better. Did you not see how we've had the sharpest drop in real incomes by some margin?

In terms of their policies Labor's record immigration is turbo charging housing costs, their energy policy drives up the cost of power, their industrial relations policy is driving down productivity, they have massively increased red tape and reinstated the full whack of Commonwealth taxes on fuel which drives up the cost of everything.

Fantastic. Great move.
Well done Angus.
What more can be said about the guy with the justifiably allocated moniker of 'Airbus Albo' that hasn't been said already? Allow me:

This clown is completely clueless and totally out of his depth. Which is no great surprise to those of us who have lived in this trot's electorate for longer than he has been an MP.

No, the surprise is how a such a lazy clot with complete disregard for the majority of taxpayers that fund his Airbus Albo lifestyle managed to scam his way to the top job.

And now that he has, his gross incompetence and lack of a genuine prime ministerial work ethic are there for all to see.

His inability to politically walk and chew gum at the same time were never more evident than his relentlessly monotone approach to banging the 'Yes' drum whilst working families were and are struggling to make ends meet.

The man who supposedly cares deeply for Aboriginal Australians, and yet couldn't wait to hit the eject button on his short visit to Alice Springs during the riots to get to his VIP seat at the Australian open.

We certainly can't forget the litany of broken promises made prior to the 2022 election (How's that 275-dollar power bill discount working out for you?) His insane green commitment to 43% emission reductions by 2030 (along with his partner in clownshow 'Blackout' Bowen) whilst completely dismissing the nuclear option shows utter contempt for taxpayers.

And his mealy-mouthed approach to the recent offensive behaviour of anti-semitic Australian citizens is typical of his tenure as PM.

In short - this human taxpayer-dollar industrial vacuum cleaner does not possess a shred of leadership. Which is bad in the short term but may well prove beneficial come 2025, which is when I believe we will get confirmation that this is a one-term government. And that Airbus will be confirmed as the worst prime minister in Australian history - by the length of the Flemington straight.
Hi Peta Credlin - so nice of you to drop into Bigfooty.
AFR … news corp Garbage…

So increases in energy cost are Albo’s fault after 9 years of no government energy policies from the LNP??? LNP hid a report before the last election stating energy prices were going to rapidly increase… yep Albo’s fault.

Increases in mortgage costs are Albo’s fault too? After the LNP relaxed lending rules pushing house prices to record increases during a pandemic, whilst fueling the economy with the biggest stimulus spending in history? Yep Albo’s fault ….

If you don’t want to take the blame don’t campaign specifically in both these cases of being able to lower both these things..

He tried to claim he was going to manage it and is a dismal failure at it so yes, the buck stops with him… the libs only need to replay his $275 price reduction promise over and over again in the next campaign…. And albo advising he was going to lower the cost of living. They need to show nothing else.

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If you don’t want to take the blame don’t campaign specifically in both these cases of being able to lower both these things..

He tried to claim he was going to manage it and is a dismal failure at it so yes, the buck stops with him… the libs only need to replay his $275 price reduction promise over and over again in the next campaign…. And albo advising he was going to lower the cost of living. They need to show nothing else.

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You don't even know what the promise actually was, do you???
I think it's fantastic that Australians are interested in the economy again.

And even more amazing, is that the Australian media is interested in reporting on the economy!

Because of this, I think it's timely to bring up this article from 2021.
2021 was a period of time when the media seemed to forget that the Australian economy might impact Australians.

How the Reserve Bank rescued Australia from Scott and Josh

Extraordinary details have emerged of how the Reserve Bank intervened to stop Treasurer Josh Frydenberg crashing the economy as the pandemic took grip, how, contrary to their fable of “superior economic management”, the Morrison Coalition pursued political gain over good government, and how they have been borrowing its billions almost for free.​
So committed is this duo to winning political points, so dedicated their pursuit of the economic myths of “debt and deficit”, that the Reserve Bank has been forced to intervene to stop Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg sabotaging Australia’s economy. Yet they are the masters of marketing and media management, of spin, and that is why you will not read this story anywhere else.​
It is a story best told in the life cycle of a bond, a bond issued by then treasurer Morrison and then secretly bought back by now treasurer Frydenberg – yes actually purchased by Frydenberg as the sharemarket was crashing during the pandemic.​
A bond is simply a debt created by the government to raise money. It is an IOU. Bonds outstanding have increased by $283 billion since the start of the pandemic, allowing the Federal government to finance things such as the $89 billion in JobKeeper. When the banks buy these bonds, they are lending this money to the government. Now, it’s payback time.​
In January 2017, Morrison was treasurer. It was 18 months before the Liberal Party putsch ended the prime ministership of Malcolm Turnbull. Mathias Cormann had been finance minister for three years. And a youthful Frydenberg was minister for environment and energy, scrambling to deliver a semblance of action on climate change while appeasing the Coalition’s corporate fossil-fuel donors.​
Debt was on the rise. The Morrison treasury planned to issue $9.3bn of brand new bonds. These new bonds were designed to pay whoever bought them at auction 2.0% interest over 4 years.​
But the market wanted more. The banks demanded a higher interest rate on their investment: they wanted 2.24%. So the Treasury got $100m less than it bargained for; it had to pay back $9.3bn but it only got $9.2bn.​
The government was to repeat the process 15 times until April 6, 2018; until it borrowed $17.8bn, all in this same series of 4-year bonds, all paying 2%. And these borrowings are to be repaid, by the government, next Tuesday.​
A few months later, in January 2020, Frydenberg quietly began spending government money buying back our bonds, the very four-year bonds which mature in seven days. First, he bought $299m worth, but paid $306m. On the day the pandemic began, the day financial markets went into a tailspin, he bought another another $350m worth. Again, he paid overs, forking out $359m.​
The banks would hardly complain. They were buying low and selling high, thanks to Josh and Scott’s Treasury.​
Covid-19 had arrived. As markets plummeted, they bought more and more bonds, paying higher and higher prices.​
Even as the economy and financial markets were in distress they kept going for another month. Bear in mind, this was money, public money, which they would need to rescue a foundering economy. This was a serious crisis; and yet they kept spending money buying their own bonds, presumably trying to get their debt down for some political purpose, to crow about their prudent fiscal management.​
Down in the nation’s capital, in Lobbyland, somebody was instructing Treasury again to buy big on March 18, 2020. In eight weeks, as the world was gripped by the spectre of mass death and financial market destruction, Frydenberg had spent $1.4bn of public money, buying our four-year bonds at top dollar.​
The next day, the RBA stepped in and put a stop to it. The very next day.​
Over six months from March till September 2020 the RBA bought $3.74bn of our particular four-year bond issue, the Morrison debt – as well as loads of other bonds.​
It would pay $3.86bn, a nice price and a very tidy profit for the banks.​
This is where the magic starts.​
Tuesday is pay day. Firstly, the government pays all the bond holders, including the RBA. The RBA gets $3.7bn.​
Second, funding the repayment destroys this money, cancelling it. The money supply goes down. It’s a nice weapon too in the armoury of the RBA in its key job of managing inflation and interest rates.​

Investigation by Michael West and @13foot7.
Imagine releasing Pedophiles, Convicted Hitmen and Murderers into the Australian public....and also all the while without a Visa. But at least their social media accounts are being monitored.

You couldn't write this stuff.

What do you think usually happens after criminals finish their sentence?
Imagine releasing Pedophiles, Convicted Hitmen and Murderers into the Australian public....and also all the while without a Visa. But at least their social media accounts are being monitored.

You couldn't write this stuff.

Peter Dutton starved immigration system

Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil has accused her Liberal predecessor, now Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, of "starving" the immigration system of resources and allowing criminal syndicates to exploit weaknesses.​
"And on his watch, literally people with criminal convictions walked into the country and oversaw large rings of human trafficking and sexual slavery, literally the worst crimes that can be committed on this great Earth."​
"And on his watch, literally people with criminal convictions walked into the country and oversaw large rings of human trafficking and sexual slavery, literally the worst crimes that can be committed on this great Earth."​
Ms O'Neil told 7.30 that deficiencies in immigration compliance are such that "criminal gangs from around the world are actually looking to Australia and seeing facilitated abuse through the migration system as a great benefit of coming to operate here".​
Between 2013 and 2022, the number of immigration compliance staff was cut from 360 to 203.​
Which one?He has failed on most if not all promises he had made

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Literally the only one you mentioned in your post... that I replied to...


If you don’t want to take the blame don’t campaign specifically in both these cases of being able to lower both these things..

He tried to claim he was going to manage it and is a dismal failure at it so yes, the buck stops with him… the libs only need to replay his $275 price reduction promise over and over again in the next campaign…. And albo advising he was going to lower the cost of living. They need to show nothing else.

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You've no idea what the promise actually was... You're just being led by the hand.

It's $275 by 2025...
Why do you just take Coalition talking points at face value?
Why don't you spend 20 seconds verifying information, before regurgitating it????

Why do you think you're so easily tricked into doing their jobs for them, for free??
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