Current WANTED Man who threw boiling coffee over a baby in a random attack - Qld *Fled the country

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Lead investigator gives the latest update.
He was using counter-surveillance techniques.
I still can't understand who, how and why.

So he left the country within six days. The police don't want to say where he's gone, this person was aware of police methodologies, was using counter surveillance methods, they didn't have a name until 1st September but not enough evidence to obtain a warrant. He flew out of Australia on 31st August, from Sydney.

His image was distributed but he probably wasn't recognised.

He's been coming and going to Australia on working or holiday visas since 2019. He has addresses in NSW and Victoria with no adverse holdings, so he hasn't been in any trouble here or none they've found yet.

Motive unknown.
Yep the team of 'about 30 detectives' on the case missed him by about 12 hours, as he had just left Australia by the time they knew who he was.

Brisbane Detective Inspector Paul Dalton said their suspect is a 33-year-old foreign national, whose name and nationality were not being made public due to operational reasons.

“I was in the investigation centre when we put a name to the face, and it was a very happy room, only for us to do a check in 15 minutes and find out we lost him,” he said.

“It was deflating, but that deflation quickly turns into determination and resilience to get the job done.”
Dalton said it had been “one of the most complex and frustrating investigations” he had been involved in, due in large part to the suspect’s counter-surveillance methods.

Dalton said the 33-year-old had been coming and going from Australia on working and holiday visas since 2019. In his most recent visit, he had been in Australia since January 2022.
He had no fixed address in Queensland, Dalton said, but had been known to live in New South Wales and Victoria. Detectives were investigating whether the man had been sleeping rough in the Stones Corner area.

Dalton confirmed the man, who he described as an “itinerant worker”, drove to NSW after the attack and he was known to be in the state on August 28.

Itinerant worker, no fixed address, suspected of sleeping rough and he can book an international flight and leave the country with police hunting him due to his knowledge of counter surveillance techniques? Absolutely bizarre set of circumstances. Makes you think he had someone helping him here.
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So he left the country within six days. The police don't want to say where he's gone, this person was aware of police methodologies, was using counter surveillance methods, they didn't have a name until 1st September but not enough evidence to obtain a warrant. He flew out of Australia on 31st August, from Sydney.

His image was distributed but he probably wasn't recognised.

He's been coming and going to Australia on working or holiday visas since 2019. He has addresses in NSW and Victoria with no adverse holdings, so he hasn't been in any trouble here or none they've found yet.

Motive unknown.
I doubt he’ll get another visa for another working holiday.

The police want him to come back and give himself up 🤔 To be deported?

What’s wrong with revealing his name and where he’s gone to? Oh yes, operational. Similar to the Torah Cordingly matter I guess.

It’s a worry when people can come to this country under certain conditions, then fall off the radar and there’s apparently no way of keeping track of them.
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  • #58
I doubt he’ll get another visa for another working holiday.

The police want him to come back and give himself up 🤔 To be deported?

What’s wrong with revealing his name and where he’s gone to? Oh yes, operational. Similar to the Torah Cordingly matter I guess.

It’s a worry when people can come to this country under certain conditions, then fall off the radar and there’s apparently no way of keeping track of them.

Interpol will be involved I'd think so the state cops probably won't want to be stepping on any toes while negotiations to have him arrested and get him back here are in play.

It's such a strange case.
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  • #62
He'd be best advised to go to ground in Cambodia, which would have one of the worlds largest populations of extradition-dodgers.

Yeh he could be Cambodian, I never thought of that.

This in May, Cambodia to Australia. It took a while to get him back here.

Three men have already been convicted of the murder in 2011 and sentenced to life in prison with a non-parole period of 20 years.

Six months into the 2007 investigation, police identified the man as the alleged fourth suspect but discovered he had left Australia four weeks after the murder.

Detectives attempted to extradite him from Cambodia in 2008 but it was rejected by the Cambodian Supreme Court and he was released.

Yeh he could be Cambodian, I never thought of that.

This in May, Cambodia to Australia. It took a while to get him back here.

Hard to tell, as the Chinese genetic influence the area is so strong, whether North Vietnam, Cambodia, Chinese Malay etc.

I remember drinking at the end of the night at a bar in Sihanoukville and most of the bar adjoining bar owners came across for a nightcap. Almost all the bar owners had international warrants on them and they were laughing about it. One Dutch bloke there was telling me the quantity of coke he was was caught shifting, which would have been enough to cover every rock band in history. I didn't ask what the other guys were caught doing and didn't want to know...

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Ex military / police / counter espionage?
Seemed to be pretty cluey about how to evade the law.

Maybe the Australian government can send some ‘itinerant workers’ to help him board a ‘free flight’ to Brisbane to collect his ‘prize’ of a free lifetime holiday at His Majesty’s pleasure.
Yep the team of 'about 30 detectives' on the case missed him by about 12 hours, as he had just left Australia by the time they knew who he was.

Brisbane Detective Inspector Paul Dalton said their suspect is a 33-year-old foreign national, whose name and nationality were not being made public due to operational reasons.

“I was in the investigation centre when we put a name to the face, and it was a very happy room, only for us to do a check in 15 minutes and find out we lost him,” he said.

“It was deflating, but that deflation quickly turns into determination and resilience to get the job done.”
Dalton said it had been “one of the most complex and frustrating investigations” he had been involved in, due in large part to the suspect’s counter-surveillance methods.

Dalton said the 33-year-old had been coming and going from Australia on working and holiday visas since 2019. In his most recent visit, he had been in Australia since January 2022.
He had no fixed address in Queensland, Dalton said, but had been known to live in New South Wales and Victoria. Detectives were investigating whether the man had been sleeping rough in the Stones Corner area.

Dalton confirmed the man, who he described as an “itinerant worker”, drove to NSW after the attack and he was known to be in the state on August 28.

Itinerant worker, no fixed address, suspected of sleeping rough and he can book an international flight and leave the country with police hunting him due to his knowledge of counter surveillance techniques? Absolutely bizarre set of circumstances. Makes you think he had someone helping him here.
Absolutely bizarre.
You’d think whatever country he travelled to wouldn’t want the grub out on the streets either.
The whole thing seems too unbelievable to be true.

It's almost like he was in cahoots with a foreign government to test out our country's police investigation systems. He seemed to be one step ahead of the authorities here, so it's almost like he'd been trained and prepared for this as some type of espionage exercise.
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  • #70
Ex military / police / counter espionage?
Seemed to be pretty cluey about how to evade the law.

Yep, he's done something real super tricky and it's probably not just that he weaved all over post attack and changed clothes to make himself look completely different and fresh to CCTV.

Unless someone actually saw him outside the church getting changed and that particular counter surveillance move, wasn't caught on CCTV.

Then he's disappeared in to a crowd somewhere.

Sneaky sneaky.
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  • #71
The whole thing seems too unbelievable to be true.

It's almost like he was in cahoots with a foreign government to test out our country's police investigation systems. He seemed to be one step ahead of the authorities here, so it's almost like he'd been trained and prepared for this as some type of espionage exercise.

And he waited six four whole days before leaving the country.
The whole thing seems too unbelievable to be true.

It's almost like he was in cahoots with a foreign government to test out our country's police investigation systems. He seemed to be one step ahead of the authorities here, so it's almost like he'd been trained and prepared for this as some type of espionage exercise.
I’m leaning towards him just being some sick freak who wanted to see how far he could get with his “plan” - as in do something so morally reprehensible then trick and evade the authorities, to the outrage of society.
No doubt there’d be disgusting grubs out there who’d get a kick out of that process.
Maybe he gets off on upsetting people and creating outrage, or is just hurting defenceless beings for his own gratification. Maybe being chased does it for the freak and he thought this would be a good way to get the police invested in chasing him. Or maybe he is in contact with another loser/s who helped to devise the plan, or he’s trying to impress someone likeminded.

All guessed of course, I just feel like it’s less conspiracy and more the fact that there are sick f***s out there, despite the unbelievability of the whole situation.
Despicable human and I hope the baby makes a full and speedy recovery.

I’m interested in this piece of shits background through as he clearly needs help and there are probably more highly trained psychos out there with great knowledge of how to evade justice.

Secondly, not condoning this horrific offence but why a baby and it’s Mum? They can’t fight back? Coward. Lucky he wasn’t caught in the 50’s or he’d wear the stiff collar for a long drop.

If the government don’t get him brought to justice, perhaps some bikies will?
Ex military / police / counter espionage?
Seemed to be pretty cluey about how to evade the law.

Maybe the Australian government can send some ‘itinerant workers’ to help him board a ‘free flight’ to Brisbane to collect his ‘prize’ of a free lifetime holiday at His Majesty’s pleasure.
My understanding from what was said is that he basically knows how to avoid police tracking. Anyone with an interest in police procedures or true crime or even crime fiction would have some awareness of that. It shows that he’s not a drooling moron but he isn’t necessarily ex- military or ex- police either.

One question I have is regarding the changing of clothes outside a church which was reported. Did he really have a change of clothes on him? Then that indicates prior intent. But he didn’t plan it very well as he didn’t check his route for cameras.

One would assume, given the odd nature of it, that this was a ‘spur of the moment’ attack. But there are indications that it wasn’t.

My suspicion also is that the motive is one of hatred, not of children as has been speculated, but racial. Maybe he is angry at not succeeding in getting a visa.

Anyway, is there a thread on this on a true crime section here? I only use the mobile version of this site and aren’t familiar with how to navigate it.
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  • #75
Anyway, is there a thread on this on a true crime section here? I only use the mobile version of this site and aren’t familiar with how to navigate it.

Yes, you're in the dedicated thread now on the crime forum. :)

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Current WANTED Man who threw boiling coffee over a baby in a random attack - Qld *Fled the country

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