Opinion Warren Tredrea - Court Case and Politics

Yea I'd say if you don't think Tredrea has had something to do with trying to get these sleeping idiots to do at least something regarding Hinkley you are painting your own picture.
But that's exactly what you're doing isn't it? Painting your own picture of what you imagine's happening in that board room I mean - who's being listened to and who's being politely ignored.
But that's exactly what you're doing isn't it? Painting your own picture of what you imagine's happening in that board room I mean - who's being listened to and who's being ignored.

He's the only Director (well can include Fiacchi now too) who is on the record as saying Hinkley's time for better or worse, is up.

And based on what the on field performances have been since Tredrea was elected to the Board, I don't think his position will have changed an awful lot.

If I got any inkling he was just another happy clapper on the Board I'd vote him out at first opportunity.
He's the only Director (well can include Fiacchi now too) who is on the record as saying Hinkley's time for better or worse, is up.

And based on what the on field performances have been since Tredrea was elected to the Board, I don't think his position will have changed an awful lot.

If I got any inkling he was just another happy clapper on the Board I'd vote him out at first opportunity.
Reckon there's one thing we can all agree on in this board. Tredders ain't no happy clapper when it comes to Hinkley as coach is concerned.

But my point was about the momentum to remove Hinkley as coach post-2025 post the 2024 straight sets exit. That was the tipping point for even the most vehement of Ken supporters on that Board imho.

Of course I have no feckin idea. I'm projecting.

But I just think Tredders has no leverage with his other board members when it comes to board politics, and his cred with them would be handicapped by his social media activities. Which is where his failure to use the strong leverage he had with the membership base that got him onto that board by keeping us engaged was a fatal error.

Tens of thousands of paid up PAFC members got Tredders on to that board. Engaging that base to force change would seem to me to be fundamental to achieving change as well as shoring up your own power on the board.

I just hope George F. learns from Tredders rookie mistakes when it comes to board politics. Realising that you may be just one person sitting in that room, but you have many thousand impassioned Port supporters who are angry at not making a GF for two decades and who you represent.
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But that's exactly what you're doing isn't it? Painting your own picture of what you imagine's happening in that board room I mean - who's being listened to and who's being ignored.
Possibly however I'd say it's more a logical take as in a board suffering from inertia and constantly extending the coach's contract is poised to finally announce the coach in waiting after the first 12 months of an agitator joining.
One last thought on this.

Have Tredders or Robin taken an advanced independent company directors course beyond the basics offered by the AFL?

Because by doing that they would get a good independent basis for understanding their responsibilities as board directors as opposed to what they hear or instructed by the more seasoned directors around the table.

And how they can forcefully and legally play a more vocal role as member advocates in board decision making and communicating with members.

I say this knowing members of PAFC are at a distinct disadvantage compared to Victorian clubs when it comes to our capacity to directly influence board decisions.
Sounds like you are describing umpteen posters on here.
Yep. And that would include me in the past couple of years.

But reckon relevance, context and adding a bit of value to the reposts with a personal opinion on why it matters and being prepared to defend that position counts for something, even if you disagree with it. And especially if you're in a position of public influence.

Someone with Tredders public profile reposting Trump and RFK Jr stuff in the current environment without that context is just asking for blowback imho.
You have drawn a long bow with some assumptions there.

I admire his conviction to follow through and act on his beliefs irrespective of whether or not I actually agree with them.

I agree with you that communication with the members by member elected directors has been poor and I hope that this is a focus for both Tredrea and Fiacchi this calendar year.
What is there to admire about someone that stands behind looney beliefs? All I see someone who lacks the critical thinking capability to reject those batshit insane ideas.
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What is there to admire about someone that standards behind looney beliefs? All I see someone who lacks the critical thinking capability to reject those batshit insane ideas.

My point is strictly to do with him standing on his principles irrespective of whether I think he's right or wrong for his position.

I don't give two shits about his views on politics, healthcare, conspiracy theories, going down rabbit holes etc. if he wants to lean into the fringe lunatics of society, all the power to him, it doesn't phase me. If anything, it amuses me seeing so many people get riled up by it. Like, of all the things going on in the world, people are picking this to focus on and affect their emotions? Bloody hell.

Last time I checked he's still got a pretty damn good footy brain. At the very least, he's the best footy brain our Club has that's on the inside right now.
Mistake in hindsight. I wish I hadn't voted for him. The board is still as pissweak as it ever was, just with a nutjob thrown in.
I tried to tell people at the time and was told in very stern terms to pull my head in. The justification was "he'll get rid of Hinkley".

It's an utter embarassment that he is on the board of our football club.

Couldn't give a **** if he was an extremist on the left or the right - and don't think those terms are useful anymore - but he is clearly, obviously, blatantly not fit for any form of leadership or decision making roles.
The man is deadset a lawyer's dream. Huge chip on the shoulder, zero critical thinking ability and incapable of handling criticism. Reality has bitten him hard post footy. Good footballer though.

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Opinion Warren Tredrea - Court Case and Politics

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