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  • ................................................. .............. ..... Tigerboyz .............. ............ ...... suck ........... ......... ... !!!
    i gotta visit your page more often if H2F keeps posting these picks. Remind me to post a donkey later.
    I don't know why but I don't really know how to let them have a reaction ...

    Just cop it and love it.

    And make me think you love it too ... Takes all the chance out of it :)

    hey you sexy legend !!!

    Ate any sweet stuff lately ???

    I know you love it !!!
    Now your daughter's left I don't know if there's any point coming to Broome anymore. ;)

    Nah if I head down your way I'll let you know for sure.

    Our footy team had it's first scratchie against Looma tonight (cept I was only the runner cos of my f**ked knee - those Looma boys are quick little bastards, no way I would have kept up with them) and there was a bloke from Cable Beach there who said they might be interested in a scratchie too. So we'll see if anything happens with that.
    Wow, even electronic messages take time to get to Broome..

    I'm pissing myself at this thread...
    that is about the best arse i have seen in ages G .. man that's hot.

    even Mad Flog might get a boner over that one ...
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