FMD this thread is perfect in the age of whiny millennial c@nts who cry into their smashed avo that the baby boomers won't gift them a house. There was a time when we only just avoided being Fitzroy by rattling tins and begging for donations. Listen to Rhett Bartlett's podcasts and you'll find out if it wasn't for the Just Jeans owner (who barracked for Sydney & only donated cos he admired how Richmond once was and loved how tireless Neville Crowe fought) being our biggest single donor the club would've gone under as we only just made it. So if some company wants to pour millions into the club fantastic who cares what their logo looks like. So long as the company isn't run by Jeffry Epstein or Harvey Weinstein then who cares welcome aboard. McDonald's isn't going to throw Millions at the Tigers to have their golden arches hidden on our sash so every possible logo will stand out. That's what they're paying the big bucks for. FMD in some ways was better when we had 3000 members!!!!
Bro it’s a roast
People are just shooting the breeze