News Hawthorn Racism Review - No player name speculation - opposition posters tread very carefully

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Wrong. Hawks did what they had to do by the rules of the AFL.
Correct. For reference below, once the HFC had the report outlining serious allegations they were duty bound by the AFL’s protocol to hand over the report to the AFL integrity unit.

I will pin this post, as it seems to be a constant query.


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Does anyone else think Clarko has pressured Gil into sanctions on us where he is central to the allegations. It makes sense he had a massive crack on our governance, went on stress leave and brought everything to a head. Don’t know what to think
His current clubs narrative over the past month has been to mention us regularly and the impact on him/them.
Clarko/Viney and there Pres ( several times ) now .
Thats not including the long campaign of their biggest media cheerleader against us.

They are actively wanting and pushing draft sanctions against . Hopefully they are being such a pain in the a@# to HQ they are sick of them.

I doubt Clarko is behind it but who knows .
Hang on. How on earth would the AFL be giving them these picks??
This thing has gone bonkers.
Think things are getting a bit mixed up, but someone (?) was saying North and Brisbane were trying to get some sort of compo - saying the whole affair had an adverse impact on the way they've played this season. Not sure if picks were mentioned, tho

Who TF knows?

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His current clubs narrative over the past month has been to mention us regularly and the impact on him/them.
Clarko/Viney and there Pres ( several times ) now .
Thats not including the long campaign of their biggest media cheerleader against us.

They are actively wanting and pushing draft sanctions against . Hopefully they are being such a pain in the a@# to HQ they are sick of them.

I doubt Clarko is behind it but who knows .
He is close to Gil though right. Earlier on he said to Damo No draft picks involved…
I find it pretty disturbing to read that both North Melb and Brisbane are actively lobbying for another club (HFC) to be stripped of draft picks and those picks be given to them as compensation. If true, that would be a new low for the AFL to even listen to their pleas and the competition as a whole.
Quite amazing that Brisbane and North would be working together given what happened in 1996 with the carcass of Fitzroy.

I was hearing that they wanted us to give them our draft picks, plus their pick of a couple of players from our list and a magic rainbow farting elephant.
There would have been a reasonable amount of time that went into creating that piece. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is real reporting, not what Robo slurs out of his frontal lobe ad-lib.
That's True, Russell Jackson is an investigative journalist of the highest order, Walkely Prize winner.
There is no way he put this together like an episode of AFL360 or Footy Classified.
He would have checked everything was in order before even contemplating publishing it and would have treated the interview process, the information provided and the construction of his article like his other pieces, journalism, not sensationalism.
I seem to recall early on that he interviewed, maybe 6 ex players, but only the 3 were prepared to be involved in his article..
There would have been a reasonable amount of time that went into creating that piece. I sometimes have to remind myself that this is real reporting, not what Robo slurs out of his frontal lobe ad-lib.
Robo doesn't have a frontal lobe, nor a parietal or occipital lobe. There is just a tiny, pickled brainstem.
Think things are getting a bit mixed up, but someone (?) was saying North and Brisbane were trying to get some sort of compo - saying the whole affair had an adverse impact on the way they've played this season. Not sure if picks were mentioned, tho

Who TF knows?
Well we can only lose one pick or does North get our first and Brisbane our second?! I guess that means we lose McCabe as well!!!

There’s no way that will be the outcome! The other clubs will go apesh1t!

Anyway, the Roos are doing better without Clarko so they should be thanking us!

Seriously, the death watch some oppo supporters are putting on our picks is a sad indictment on the broader football world. Nobody perching like a vulture over our pick(s) gives a flying fig about the welfare of the players, the accused or even due process. They just want to move one place up the pecking order in the draft. It’s the same mentality that lets TT play again and a dozen star players before him. All anyone really cares about is increasing their own chances of winning.

I’m not that fussed it we did lose a pick of itself ( I don’t believe we will) although the principle of the thing would be hard to stomach. The galvanising effect on the club could well outweigh the value of an 18 year old kid in the long run.
Hang on. How on earth would the AFL be giving them these picks??
This thing has gone bonkers.


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Wow that ABC TV report was as meek and useless as the rest of the click bait media on this saga. They even managed to throw an early report from another channel with misleading facts to try and distort things.

I am still placing bets on a large claytons suspended fine.

talk of losing draft picks is simply media bringing Supporter emotion into the equation to get more response to their dribble
This is just an overview but confirms that the club had the report for 2 weeks before referring it to the AFL (which seems a contentious issue with some). Also captures the AFL's explicit words regarding possible charges against the HFC regarding the "commissioning and oversight" of the report.

I think you‘ve misinterpreted the story. The reporter states that ‘HFC received the report 2 weeks ago.’ The story doesn’t state when the AFL received the report from Hawthorn. We are still none the wiser. FWIW, Malcolm Speed believes we handed over the report within an acceptable timeframe.
The only possible grounds for such a sanction is that if the AFL found that the club, via its employees Clarkson, Fagan and Burt, HAD committed serious ethical breaches, and the club is therefore liable.

The AFL has already found NO behavioural or ethical breaches by those three.

So...what is the club actually guilty of then? Opening a can of worms the AFL didn't want opened? Actually trying to be a responsible corporation?

If they try to sting us, it's time for court.
25 straight thumbs up lfg
This thread really has degenerated into a he said, she said, making things up mill.
Even a bit hysterical with everything that gets said/reported analysed for underlying bias and anti-hawthorn sentiment.

I have no idea what will happen, but I am sure the club will defend itself where any penalties are unjust. Prez Andy has been pretty strong on that point.
The resolution must be fair.

Even a bit hysterical with everything that gets said/reported analysed for underlying bias and anti-hawthorn sentiment.

I have no idea what will happen, but I am sure the club will defend itself where any penalties are unjust. Prez Andy has been pretty strong on that point.
The resolution must be fair.
AFL could have shut it down anytime they want. They have encouraged this situation.
Yes, I think I'm more confused now than I was several months ago.

Can’t repeat it as it was said in confidence from someone connected but I heard a Cyril story this week that really blew my mind. Just as I thought it was confusing enough…….
Stupid question maybe, but why can’t Hawthorn just go ahead and deal with this one on one with the players? Is the issue that Kennett, Clarkson and co no longer with the club creating a problem? Ie, is that who the former players are actually interested in receiving a response from? Has it even been made clear what the former players are actually concerned with going forward? Are the hawks bound because of future precedents?
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Haven't had a chance to read through all the comments. I'm not arguing the severity of the punishment here - just passing on what I've heard.

The first round draft pick sanction is amongst a whole raft of AFL considerations based on pending testimony. Some of that kicked off with Kennett/Gil yesterday. Obviously financial is one - contribution to Indigenous Welfare organisations combined with a direct AFL fine and some other financial variables.

Gowers has been using the "intent" card recently. I agree the intent was right, the execution poor. But Gowers already has an idea what's coming and he started using intent more when the size of fines/draft sanctions initially surfaced. Best analogy I can give is submitting a guilty plea to reduce the sentence. He knows what's coming - he is just trying to soften the blow.
From what I have been told, the draft sanctions are directly related to " bringing the game in to disrepute" and other serious allegations which are yet to be disclosed. These allegations fall directly under the jurisdiction of the club and are independent of the scenarios already publicised involving Clarkson, Fagan etc. This is what the AFL are currently investigating, of which, sanctions will be determined.

Either way, the AFL need this to go away asap so they will move quickly. I understand the questioning of draft sanctions but outside of a pure financial sanction, the AFL don't have many levers to pull to show they are taking action.

Don’t be conned by the PR spin: The AFL is no exemplar on racism​

By Barry Judd and Marcia Langton

In these allegations, racism and misogyny intersected. The form of gendered racism alleged is particularly offensive to Indigenous people given the history of non-Indigenous interventions in Indigenous parenting responsibilities. This history includes the forced removal of Indigenous children; the role of eugenics in efforts to “breed out the colour” that included suggestions to sterilise Indigenous women, and finally state laws that disempowered Aboriginal people from making free decisions about how they could marry.

Great article. Investigating hawthorn... a diversion from their own ineptitude.
Haven't had a chance to read through all the comments. I'm not arguing the severity of the punishment here - just passing on what I've heard.

The first round draft pick sanction is amongst a whole raft of AFL considerations based on pending testimony. Some of that kicked off with Kennett/Gil yesterday. Obviously financial is one - contribution to Indigenous Welfare organisations combined with a direct AFL fine and some other financial variables.

Gowers has been using the "intent" card recently. I agree the intent was right, the execution poor. But Gowers already has an idea what's coming and he started using intent more when the size of fines/draft sanctions initially surfaced. Best analogy I can give is submitting a guilty plea to reduce the sentence. He knows what's coming - he is just trying to soften the blow.
From what I have been told, the draft sanctions are directly related to " bringing the game in to disrepute" and other serious allegations which are yet to be disclosed. These allegations fall directly under the jurisdiction of the club and are independent of the scenarios already publicised involving Clarkson, Fagan etc. This is what the AFL are currently investigating, of which, sanctions will be determined.

Either way, the AFL need this to go away asap so they will move quickly. I understand the questioning of draft sanctions but outside of a pure financial sanction, the AFL don't have many levers to pull to show they are taking action.
Under what basis has the club brought the game into disrepute?

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