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  1. RedStarUncle

    Society/Culture The Welcome/Acknowledgment of Country thread

    You want to keep sport out of politics altogether ok then... What do you do when someone wears a swastika or rainbow flag shirt to a match? Do you throw them out for displaying a political message, or let them stay? Either decision is political. What about if a patron wears a burqa the day...
  2. RedStarUncle

    Coach Coach for 2025

    Pyke or Buckley fit the boat for me as who old mate Damo might be alluding to. I read this as Damo knowing Buckley isn't entirely ruled out yet... so putting something out there to look clever if something does happen with it... but not actually putting a name to it. Which says to me it's...
  3. RedStarUncle

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    When this conversation leads to changing working culture so that fathers (and indeed grandfathers) are equally taking time away from work to support primary caregiving to children... then I'll believe it's not just an excuse for misogyny and pushing women back out of the workforce where these...
  4. RedStarUncle

    Bruce Lehrmann revealed as man charged with two counts of rape in Toowoomba

    Many still think Lehrmann is an innocent victim of a false allegation... let alone poor Linda just trying to do her job and getting put through all this stress and denigration.
  5. RedStarUncle

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

    For atheism to turn into a religion, first someone will need to make a grift of it. All organised religion is... after all... the result of turning some collection of beliefs into a grift.
  6. RedStarUncle

    USA Kamala Harris the 47th President of the United States - Hopefully.

    Nevada plus any one of Georgia, NC, or Arizona would counter the Pennsylvania result. Still can't see how you win any of those states without also winning Pennsylvania as a Democrat... so focus needs to be on carrying the rust-belt three... AND not alienating Nebraska-2.
  7. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    We could start talking about how, whenever anything is attempted to actively give a leg-up to the disadvantaged, certain groups bleat "equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome"... all the while enjoying the very explicit inequality of opportunity that institutions like provide schools...
  8. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Cool. I'll get my blank placards out and start my campaign. Class war sounds better and better as inequality grows and grows... I'll throw inheritance tax and 80% tax on every dollar over $1,000,000. Then we can call the Greens the centrist party of Australian politics.
  9. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Possibly yes. The point is to bring the top schools and bottom schools closer together in terms of outcomes for kids (such as the education they receive and facilities they have access to). If elite schools want to keep charging huge tuition fees to line their own pockets knowing they can't...
  10. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    I'll leave the details to the wonks :). But something like saying a school's total expenditure per student should be less than $AAA per year or averaged over 5 years or whatever. Take out government-approved buildings and capital expenditure if you must. I don't know I'm neither in education...
  11. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Cap on spending to kill off the elitest of elite private schools and greater restriction of religious influence in all schools whether public or private would do me as a compromise solution. At least then maybe the level of inequality would be roughly in line with most of the rest of...
  12. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    In my opinion, yes. I guess it's a case of if there's not enough pie to go around, maybe we should stop worrying about whether a fair share is going to the ones who already have a big slice of cheesecake. True. Labor and Libs have the numbers and want to run the show the same way. Doesn't...
  13. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Fair. Sorry if my response felt personal / attacking you directly. I consider your answers reasonable - I just think there's a fundamental to the private school problem (if you see it as a problem) that tends to get excused away. And I think accepting that excuse creates a lot of the grey in...
  14. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    You haven't... others have. The only thing you've said that I take issue with is to deny that the actual point of private education is to advantage the kids who go there. My point is that is the primary reason it exists, and also the primary reason why lobbyists for it want it to continue...
  15. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Competitive private industry models simply don't work here just like they don't work for most government-run industries that have been privatised over the years. Even if we accepted that there was some fundamental efficiency in private school education over government-administered schools (I...
  16. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    If refusing to admit unfairness is the point is what helps you justify to yourself believing nothing should be done about... great for you... but it's not emotive or a matter of opinion to say it's the point. Why would a private school exist, except to benefit kids over those who don't have the...
  17. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Of course privatised health exists because it grants access to better healthcare! The inequality is the point... the supposed government savings are the side-effect that justifies the continuation. You're back-to-front. The fact that there's probably no actual tangible benefit to the...
  18. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    What is the point of private school if not to provide advantage to the kids going there, and therefore disadvantage to kids who don't? Aside from niche examples like International Schools and maybe some schools designed to suit special needs or talents, the very premise of a private school is...
  19. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Not doing something at all because doing it overnight would cause chaos... doesn't sound like a good reason to not do something.
  20. RedStarUncle

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

    Japan's problem isn't that they don't have population growth. Even if you put aside that they have or risk population decline, the real problem is that they have a decreasing percentage of productive workers within their stagnant population. If the ratios were also stagnant... what's the...
  21. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    That's kind of their thing, right?! Turning any "attack" on the church itself into a perceived attack on anyone practicing that faith has been a pretty successful strategy for any number of religious organisation for any number of decades... centuries even... maybe millennia.
  22. RedStarUncle

    Society/Culture Why I blame Islam for the fact it's raining today.... part 2

    Off-topic... but the idea that increased population correlates to increased GDP and wealth and therefore increased standard of living, therefore you can infinitely continue to increase population with a resulting increased standard of living, isn't very sensible. At some point the trend is...
  23. RedStarUncle

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Don't get me wrong... I don't mean to say Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, etc. couldn't go blue. Just as much as I wouldn't say Virginia or New Hampshire couldn't go red. It's just that the chances of those happening WITHOUT Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan falling on the winning...
  24. RedStarUncle

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    The chance of this election being 270-268, or even very possibly 269-269, is pretty high. And who knows what Trump supporters do if they're on the wrong side of one of those results?!
  25. RedStarUncle

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    Nothing has changed recently in fact probably same truth as last 7 years. Dems path to victory only goes through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pensylvania. Very small chance of Republican win without those states e.g. stealing an extra in the splitting states Maine and Nebraska. Even smaller...
  26. RedStarUncle

    USA 2024 US Presidential Election: Trump vs Harris

    I think, for a lot of voters who went Trump over Clinton in 2016 in the Rust Belt, they saw Biden as someone who was "more for them" than Clinton was and swung back to Dems. But he disappointed them so they started flowing back to Trump for 2024. Once Biden stepped down and Harris came in...
  27. RedStarUncle

    Public vs Private School funding

    Conservatives will always talk about "we believe in equal opportunity... the left believe in equal outcome" all the while happily stacking their deck with private schools, private health, tax benefits for property owners, etc. etc. And deny that any of those systems stack opportunity in their...
  28. RedStarUncle

    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    Comment assumes Labor want to be progressive? Increasingly we're moving to a point where modern 'centre-left' parties are conservative (no change), while 'centre-right' parties are regressive (reinstate restrictions and feudalism in the form of corporations). Then they only talk about...
  29. RedStarUncle

    Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

    Capitalism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage to other cars. Therefore you need insurance, and the cost of your insurance will depend on the value of all the cars. If you can't afford the insurance, best you don't drive. Liberal socialism = if you drive a car, you're liable if...
  30. RedStarUncle

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody? - Part 2 -

    I dunno... sport is probably the biggest industry in the world that has no actual meaningful product. I dunno how it compares to other pure entertainment industries (cinema, tv, music) but I imagine it's up there. That would seem like the perfect industry to target for demonstrating that a...