Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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The government.

Insurance companies cover their losses always have. Its not "greedy" to make sure your liabilities are covered.
I think you'll find the gambling companies also aren't gambling.
By your argument you could say that any profit driven companies are greedy, and they owe it to their customers to go bust so their customers can save some cash.
afaik govt. regulate insurance companies, banks, financial institutions or there is an independent body, not sure, if there is one, you could argue it's rather toothless.

You get varying quotes, like those pointed out earlier for insurance premiums itt, so it's not like it's super competitive to get custom.

What you're suggesting (correct me if I'm wrong), sounds like a rather socialist policy, have govt. make those who can afford more pay gap payments and those who've got a 20yo excel don't.

I've got 30k car (calais), because I can afford it, should I be paying gap payments?
afaik govt. regulate insurance companies, banks, financial institutions or there is an independent body, not sure, if there is one, you could argue it's rather toothless.

You get varying quotes, like those pointed out earlier for insurance premiums itt, so it's not like it's super competitive to get custom.

What you're suggesting (correct me if I'm wrong), sounds like a rather socialist policy, have govt. make those who can afford more pay gap payments and those who've got a 20yo excel don't.

I've got 30k car (calais), because I can afford it, should I be paying gap payments?
You really don't properly read the conversations you walk in to do you

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Capitalism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage to other cars. Therefore you need insurance, and the cost of your insurance will depend on the value of all the cars. If you can't afford the insurance, best you don't drive.

Liberal socialism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage other cars. But your liability is capped based on your own capacity to pay. Owners of cars with values exceeding the cap will need their own extra insurance against cost of damage above the cap.

Authoritarian socialism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage other cars. Therefore there should be no cars allowed that cause insurance costs to rise. Luxury cars are banned.

Or at least... something like that... next topic?
Yep, that's how I read it.
Capitalism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage to other cars. Therefore you need insurance, and the cost of your insurance will depend on the value of all the cars. If you can't afford the insurance, best you don't drive.

Liberal socialism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage other cars. But your liability is capped based on your own capacity to pay. Owners of cars with values exceeding the cap will need their own extra insurance against cost of damage above the cap.

Authoritarian socialism = if you drive a car, you're liable if you damage other cars. Therefore there should be no cars allowed that cause insurance costs to rise. Luxury cars are banned.

Or at least... something like that... next topic?

Cool i can label myself a liberal socialist....... Today.

The comms is getting worse

$1k off per studen loan, wow, and then the ongoing indexation will eat that up and the debt will keep going up

Nobody with HECS or HELP is going to think this is good and all the boomers who got free uni will call it communism

The comms is getting worse

$1k off per studen loan, wow, and then the ongoing indexation will eat that up and the debt will keep going up

Nobody with HECS or HELP is going to think this is good and all the boomers who got free uni will call it communism

It must be hard for the Govt to be simultaneously patting themselves on the back while sticking their fingers in the ever-increasing number of dykes popping out of the recessional dam.

We know your debt is going up more than your salary, so we're going to give it the slightest shave so you can continue to afford 2-minute noodles. What? you noticed the upper class have doubled their wealth in the mean-time? Ungrateful swine, didn't you see our meme?
From Greg Sheridan's piece in the Oz, absolutely nails it when it comes to weak-kneed Albo and the "religion that shall not be mentioned":

Australia is lucky to have Mike Burgess as the director-general of ASIO. He’s an outstanding leader of ASIO and a dedicated servant of Australian security. I’m sure he doesn’t say anything at a press conference, or anywhere else, that he doesn’t believe to be true. But his words in this announcement had that tortured, tenuous, elongated, hangdog quality of civil service sentences when the agencies of government are attempting to accommodate intractable reality to a particular government’s perverse political needs.

The government still seems to be at pains never to mention Islamist extremism, which remains the primary threat of serious terrorism in all Western societies, and in the Middle East and North Africa, and indeed in Southeast Asia. There is also a growing threat of right-wing terrorism in Western societies.

From Greg Sheridan's piece in the Oz, absolutely nails it when it comes to weak-kneed Albo and the "religion that shall not be mentioned":

Australia is lucky to have Mike Burgess as the director-general of ASIO. He’s an outstanding leader of ASIO and a dedicated servant of Australian security. I’m sure he doesn’t say anything at a press conference, or anywhere else, that he doesn’t believe to be true. But his words in this announcement had that tortured, tenuous, elongated, hangdog quality of civil service sentences when the agencies of government are attempting to accommodate intractable reality to a particular government’s perverse political needs.

The government still seems to be at pains never to mention Islamist extremism, which remains the primary threat of serious terrorism in all Western societies, and in the Middle East and North Africa, and indeed in Southeast Asia. There is also a growing threat of right-wing terrorism in Western societies.

I would assume the threat level increases as more IDF Australians return home from war crimes.

Did Greg not mention this?
One side effect of the extreme character assasinations across the political divide is when either elected leader has something to say about public safety, it’s white anted in its gravity by the other side.

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From Greg Sheridan's piece in the Oz, absolutely nails it when it comes to weak-kneed Albo and the "religion that shall not be mentioned":

Australia is lucky to have Mike Burgess as the director-general of ASIO. He’s an outstanding leader of ASIO and a dedicated servant of Australian security. I’m sure he doesn’t say anything at a press conference, or anywhere else, that he doesn’t believe to be true. But his words in this announcement had that tortured, tenuous, elongated, hangdog quality of civil service sentences when the agencies of government are attempting to accommodate intractable reality to a particular government’s perverse political needs.

The government still seems to be at pains never to mention Islamist extremism, which remains the primary threat of serious terrorism in all Western societies, and in the Middle East and North Africa, and indeed in Southeast Asia. There is also a growing threat of right-wing terrorism in Western societies.

Greg Sheridan completely covering his eyes and ears to what's going on in England, where poor white idiots are rioting because they've been led to believe that Islamist extremism is ruining their lives.

Male terrorism is the primary threat of serious terrorism in all Western Societies. But we just call it domestic violence. Even though the terror is more prolonged, emotional and financial as well as physical and it leads to 10x or 100x more deaths in Australia than Islamist extremism.
In light of Tim Walz becoming Kamala Harris' running mate, I wanted to share this article about how progressive he's been in governing Minnesota, featuring a key line that I think demonstrates how Labor's strategy of doing very little is not only cowardly, it's not effective either.

in a state that is always politically competitive – a fairly typical “swing state” – the Democrat leaders were able to cultivate the idea that “you (might) only govern once.” As Governor Tim Walz pointed out, “you don’t win elections to bank political capital. You win elections to burn the capital to improve lives.” Put another way, you have to make the reforms you want when you can, betting on the fact that if the challengers come back, they probably won’t have all the power and will be hard-pressed to undo everything.
In light of Tim Walz becoming Kamala Harris' running mate, I wanted to share this article about how progressive he's been in governing Minnesota, featuring a key line that I think demonstrates how Labor's strategy of doing very little is not only cowardly, it's not effective either.

its how the right do it

get it go to work doing what they want

this idea you have to go softly softly when making things better when the other side doesn't when making things worse is horseshit
I agree that you have to make the change while you can, but you also have to take the people with you. If the public doesn't like the change or is convinced it's not in their interest, it is absolutely easy for the opposition to win government and undo it all. Abbott certainly managed to undo just about everything Labor did from 2007-13.
I agree that you have to make the change while you can, but you also have to take the people with you.
Sure, you have to be able to sell policies, but the point is to try.

If the public doesn't like the change or is convinced it's not in their interest, it is absolutely easy for the opposition to win government and undo it all. Abbott certainly managed to undo just about everything Labor did from 2007-13.
He didn't kill the NDIS, or ARENA, or the PBO, or plain packing of cigarettes, or bring back Workchoices.
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I agree that you have to make the change while you can, but you also have to take the people with you. If the public doesn't like the change or is convinced it's not in their interest, it is absolutely easy for the opposition to win government and undo it all. Abbott certainly managed to undo just about everything Labor did from 2007-13.
I feel like this is also largely horse shit there is no attempt to sell policies from Labor

there is, however, massive excuses being made for why labor are spineless do nothings

The coalition undid things because they could, they have the votes in part because Labor votes with them when in opposition more than against them

Neither party gives a shit what people want when its something they want to do, they just do it

and they do it fast without RCs or white papers or polling or whatever other excuse is used when they are getting pressure to do something they dont want to do

you vote for a government to govern, not to check polls before making decisions on everything

its harder to undo legislation than it is to create it

policy that actually benefits people is an easy sell after people are seeing the benefits

good policy would be an easier sell in general if Labor had principles and bothered selling stuff when they weren't in power as well
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In light of Tim Walz becoming Kamala Harris' running mate, I wanted to share this article about how progressive he's been in governing Minnesota, featuring a key line that I think demonstrates how Labor's strategy of doing very little is not only cowardly, it's not effective either.

Comment assumes Labor want to be progressive?

Increasingly we're moving to a point where modern 'centre-left' parties are conservative (no change), while 'centre-right' parties are regressive (reinstate restrictions and feudalism in the form of corporations).

Then they only talk about hot-topic culture war issues as if gender-neutral toilets and the like are the meaningful topic to side-on with regard to progress on conservation of the current norm.
Comment assumes Labor want to be progressive?

Increasingly we're moving to a point where modern 'centre-left' parties are conservative (no change), while 'centre-right' parties are regressive (reinstate restrictions and feudalism in the form of corporations).

Then they only talk about hot-topic culture war issues as if gender-neutral toilets and the like are the meaningful topic to side-on with regard to progress on conservation of the current norm.
That's because the "centre left" party is actually right of centre and the "centre right" party is further right
Labor also would never call themselves a centre left party
Centre left in Australia is the greens who get called extremists
Comment assumes Labor want to be progressive?
The MPs, maybe not, but a lot of the membership do.

Increasingly we're moving to a point where modern 'centre-left' parties are conservative (no change), while 'centre-right' parties are regressive (reinstate restrictions and feudalism in the form of corporations).
I agree, but it's not new. It's been that way since at least the 90s, after Keating, Clinton and Blair all embraced neoliberalism. I suppose you could say reformism has been tried occasionally since then (Rudd with the mining tax, Shorten with eliminating franking credit refunds, Sanders with his stand against corporate power, Corbyn with nationalising critical industries) but the establishment quickly start to unite against it.

Then they only talk about hot-topic culture war issues as if gender-neutral toilets and the like are the meaningful topic to side-on with regard to progress on conservation of the current norm.
It's an excellent political tactic for getting the poor and middle class to vote against their own economic interests. And it's not new either, it began with race-baiting, then gay-bashing, before moving into its current iteration. Though the previous forms are still effective on occasion.

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Anthony Albanese - How long? -2-

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