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    Mega Thread 2016 Trade/Free Agency Discussion

    That's the idiocy of a system that rewards poor performance and losing games... same with carlton's salary cap cheating, essentially the "punishment" is a couple of years of no draft picks, followed by a reward of higher draft picks in subsequent years for being crap. It's the equivalent putting...
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    News "The Aeroplane has been decommissioned." Troy Chaplin retires.

    “We are delighted that he has agreed to remain at the Club in a coaching capacity. Troy has a great football brain and there is little doubt he has a bright future as a coach." Very happy he is staying on at the club as a coach, he had his obvious limitations as a one on one player but as a on...
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    Strategy #freelidsy

    He shouldn't absolutely go, but he can't be untouchable... it's amazing how when the superstar player leaves a club, how the old club seems to be able to grow as a result (Ablett, Franklin, Dangerfield, Griffen... to a lesser extent Malceski). If these guys can leave, then it is ridiculous that...
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    Roast Hardwick's Thursday Press Conference

    It's like groundhog day. We've been trying to earn 'respect from the competition' for the last 30 years, more so the last 16, and particularly in the last few games of the year (if we are not flunking finals). The fact of the matter is that in an 18 team competition it's extremely hard to win...
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    List Mgmt. Ty Vickery - Tigers decided not to match the deal. Richmond receives Pick 26

    Yeah he ain't getting bigger, more worryingly he ain't getting smarter... can't remember the quarter last week but there was a marking contest where Vickery was by himself with the ball being bombed on his head coming from around a 45 degree angle with an opposition player running from a similar...
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    List Mgmt. Ty Vickery - Tigers decided not to match the deal. Richmond receives Pick 26

    Indeed, and this is my main concern with the coaching staff/match committee... Selection blunders: Underdone Griffiths over Lennon in elimination final: This was a classic case of reactionary selection, too scared of the opposition and not backing consistency and our own strengths. Good teams...
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    Toast Tigers to boycott Triple M this week end.

    It would be if not for their position as well known social leaders who exert a large degree of influence in society. Think of it in the context of Eddie's hair-brained scheme to build a new sporting megaplex and destroy 2 stadiums in the process. Do you think that the same scheme would have...
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    Toast Tigers to boycott Triple M this week end.

    Correct, no one should make the threat. No one should abuse their power and use a group of people to bully someone personally just when they don't like something, and no one should try and excuse their behaviour as humour (it offends both humanity and good comics). I've linked to it before but...
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    Toast Tigers to boycott Triple M this week end.

    well said, it takes a certain amount of courage for people to challenge their own entrenched beliefs and experiences, even if for the sake of an argument. If more people did it, the world would be a much better place.
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    Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

    Two people, face to face, not being personal, trying to argue their perspectives through evidence... isn't this an example of what should have been done?
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    Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

    While its perhaps not all that unsurprising that a lot of us men still don’t get domestic violence, what was surprising to me was the animus towards the actual attempts to address the problem. I actually had no idea that there are people out there attacking the idea of domestic violence as some...
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    Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

    The big bully, the little men around him, worse, just giggling and laughing... the inevitable - "sorry, we were just having a laugh" excuse. Stewart Lee explains it best...
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    Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

    It's off topic but I would be interested to hear how you equate christian philosophy as the basis of today's prosperity... Whilst it is true that the early christian church did help to develop some select learning through the monastic system, solidified the Eastern and Western Empires for a...
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    List Mgmt. Ty Vickery - Tigers decided not to match the deal. Richmond receives Pick 26

    ...asides from the hate and vitriol, you do have to wonder about the match committee of richmond. I mean last year anyone who had ever played under 9's knew that morris could not play forward after a couple of games (it was I think though admirable that they attempted to play a 100% defensive...
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    What influence did Ben Cousins have at Richmond?

    The main thing is that somehow TW still gets an outlet to self-promote and talk absolute rubbish... not only is he the master of doublespeak regarding why he brought him to the club, it's his complete lack of empathy and knowledge of mental illness: "He was very much a cat on a hot tin roof in...