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  1. W

    2012 WDFNL Season

    I agree Tiger Web - This thread and officially this forum is now dead. No one keen to regularly talk about local football. Disappointing but it seems that as Rovers and Collegians are now bottom dwellers. No one wants to talk! Such an even year this year which is great for the supporters...
  2. W

    2012 WDFNL Season

    My Tips for Round 1 Merrivale to beat Collegians by 4 goals Allansford over Nirranda - by 3 goals Panmure only just over Dennington Kolora to pull Creek's pants down Rovers by 2 goals over timboon. Collegians will be the Dennington of last year, grand final year before then lose...
  3. W

    2012 WDFNL Season

    anyone heard how any practice matches have gone on around the district in the pre-season, any new names yet to be heard of? how are the recruits at clubs going? Only a couple of weeks to go now before the real action starts.
  4. W

    2012 WDFNL Season

    so Fan09 who's your top 5 then??
  5. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Heard some rather disturbing news yesterday that will probably mean the end for everyone's season (except Kolora's) - Ben Fraser is back playing with the Power this year. Can anyone confirm that?? Also I noticed on the clearances that Dennington have got both Luke Duncan and Chris Keilar...
  6. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    I'd hate to say it - but there is some serious daylight between what I think will be the top 2 teams (Panmure and Power) and the rest of the comp. Merrivale are in worse shape then last year if you ask me, they've lost all their recruits either to cairns or won't be allowed to play because...
  7. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Touch a nerve Fan09? If you read my post again, you'll see I'm only repeating what I've heard around town, and trust me if I've heard it, then surely that's common knowledge about what's 'perceived' and I repeat 'perceived' about a club. Whether its true or not is irrelevant isn't it? If...
  8. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Really? I don't even play anymore and I've heard plenty about Merrivale and their partying ways as a 'culture' - and when I say Party I don't mean head out on a Saturday night and in bed by 2am, I'm talking about right through until Sunday night sort of stuff... Surely that has an impact on the...
  9. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Hampden League must be seething over the amount of quality players deserting them to play District League. I must admit I hate that the standard refers to them as 'major league' players. I mean calm down, Hampden is not a super standard, nor is district league so I think the sub-standard can...
  10. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    My sources have told me anywhere form $1,000 to $2,000 a game.
  11. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Went awfully quiet in here from the green and gold camp post grand final didn't it?! haha Seriously though members, all clubs pay their senior players. So to say that no one is getting paid is automatically false. Attrill for starters, club man through and through? that would suggest...
  12. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Finally Members!! I am with you. It was getting far too green and gold in here. Thank you for adding some variety. I was tipping Power all year too as you may see by my previous posts throughout the year. It should be a belter of a game. If you are tipping them though, going on current form...
  13. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Big win indeed. Was a bit of a fizzer really. I went to watch and was looking forward to Merrivale giving them a show of how to apply pressure in finals. Well what a let down they were, to the Warriors credit they were all class and their run with quick hands was a highlight and in fact it...
  14. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Fan 09 you have got to let that one out. That's the whole point of these forums isn't it?? being anonymous is a beautiful thing. Give us a name or at least a team who he plays for?
  15. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Fan 09 I was with you on that one. Pity it didn't happen. I went to the game today and Merrivale V Collegians should be a cracker! I thought after the second quarter that Rovers were going to run all over them, but Collegians showed they're not to be written off yet, they can be very...
  16. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Not sure about the merrivale coach in hospital? As usual plenty of weird voting by the umpires in the league B & F. Johnson deserved his win though I reckon. Agree with Trent Clarke not being in the team of the year, that kid is good. Onto this week then! I'm going to go out on a limb...
  17. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Christ, I leave this forum for a few weeks and it's turned into a collegians love in!! Yes they're travelling well but are still unproven in finals. Kolora on the other hand have been there, done that and experience is everything at the pointy end of the year. South Rovers are still the...
  18. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Been a while between posts but plenty has happened it seems. Here's my thoughts. Merrivale look to be up and about, they might curtail their partying ways if they get a sniff of solid finals action this year. Kolora, is the king dead?? got over Merrivale but gone done by Rovers Easily and...
  19. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Welcome Chazmm! Interesting rounds indeed and still hard to get a measure on anyone yet. But in answer to your questions: Will anyone be able to match it with Kolora? Yes I think so, my thoughts are South Rovers, Panmure and Old Collegians will go the closest. Panmure were close last year (as...
  20. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Friday Afternoon - probably time for some tips for round 2! Allansford V Kolora - Kolora by 7-8 goals over Allansford. Be interesting to see how their new big man goes Old Collegians V Nirranda - This might be closer than people think with Wagstaff in good form early (even though it was...
  21. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    What a week! All tips were spot on really - no big surprises. Sounds like the Merrivale Panmure game was a beauty. Creek V COllegians made for good watching with the 12 goal third quarter especially. I did feel a little bit for creek though, when your opponent only kicks one point out of 13...
  22. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    No I'm sticking with my original tips. I'm going for the 2for1 special tomorrow. I'll watch Rovers and Timboon for a half then head over the back to the mack to watch a bit of Creek V Collegians. Thoughtful of the league to put the 2 games so close together location wise. Says your an old...
  23. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Hacker please, that's what these forums are all about - what's the late mail from you that's made you change your mind?!!
  24. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Well with the season only a mere week and 2 days away from commencing and I'm not aware of any more praccy's to be played - may as well get everyones tips for Round 1!!! Nirranda V Deakin - never know what deakin will throw up year to year so Nirranda for me by 6 goals Russells Creek V Old...
  25. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Ditto - nothing much happening but at least the season is not far away!! Dennington played Warrnambool in a praccy last Thursday, apparently Tyler Keane the only one who looked up to standard. 18 odd goals to 1 with Warrnambool obviously winning that one. Spoke to Box from Terang and they...
  26. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Seems like an awfully odd thing to make up - Maybe I'll swing past the Panmure Rec Reserve tonight for a peak and see who's making the early running. My tip Panmure if Jaymen Fletcher is still around, I heard chat a while ago that he was leaving..
  27. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    I was speaking to a senior South Rovers player the other night and I was surprised when I mentioned the huge amount of recruits that seem to be heading there way with all the clearances etc - he only really mentioned 3 or 4, so the others must just be reserves or under 17 players I would think...
  28. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    Good spot Fan09 - Never understood why people get knocked back with clearances. What's the use of keeping someone that doesn't want to be there?? Surely it's a useless exercise for both parties. Let them go and move on! Nathan Auld is an interesting one, apparently he was quite handy last time...
  29. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    It's a cyclical thing - Teams go up, then they go down. I remember Deakin winning premierships doesn't seem that long ago (although it probably was). Deakin is always going to be hard unless they by chance get a freak group of guys failing their degrees enough to hang round longer than 2 or 3...
  30. W

    2011 WDFNL Season

    @ Fan 09 Look I sincerely hope for the sake of the competition that East can get their act together and not just be competitive but go some way to changing their image in the league. I'm sure they are well aware of how they are perceived around the town there is no secret there, what I've said...