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  1. D

    General TSL Talk

    Savage Fit??? oxymoron
  2. D

    General TSL Talk

    I wasn't saying that either, I was basing it on watching games of my side that year and who stood out, in my opinion only, as who were better players than him, admittedly I am using my memory and I am an old bloke these days so it may not be great as some of these guys did miss games through inj...
  3. D

    General TSL Talk

    Scott Stephens, Brian Finch, Cameron Thurley, Luke Shakleton, Darren Crawford, Mitch Hills, Alan OSign, Kade Munday, Zane Murphy, I could go on. Webberly a good player, average at AFL level in a weak team at the time and a good player in TSL, a weak league. Wouldn't have been a standout in the...
  4. D

    Top Tasmanian Draft Prospects for 2012

    would have thought his athleticism and power would have taken him under 3 for the 20m sprint, must have just had a bad day, 3.01 not bad but on his other results should be around 2.95?? would love to know what J Howe jumpes at state screening, apparently when he did his they buggered up the...
  5. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    Doubt big blubber guts will get off, pretty ordinary effort, usually reserved for country footy where old slow overweight blokes play. Williamson would be dissapointed in himself I suspect, a fitting penalty would be 2 weeks I believe. Lauderdale missed Cassidy unfortunately. Saw the Allwright...
  6. D

    Top Tasmanian Draft Prospects for 2012

    I agree to a degree, Callinan earely on had no engine and was suspect defensively so was not deemed draftable (that came from a recruiter and AFL performance manager) but has built both, skill and ability was never questioned. Howe and Hall are different again. Neither were in the pathway...
  7. D

    Top Tasmanian Draft Prospects for 2012

    no arguement re Walsh but think about it, he is around 50% lesser ability than Callinan who couldn't get picked up at all till he was almost 30 and there would be around 100 onball types similar to Walsh running around the country playing at higher standards week in and out. He is an ok player...
  8. D

    General TSL Talk

    rumour is that the licence agreement application both clubs lodged then became a wasted exercise as AFL Tas then again changed the goal posts and said 50/50 with each other or we run it, then they said if neither of you agree to 50/50 we wont let you exist in your own right either so effectively...
  9. D

    Top Tasmanian Draft Prospects for 2012

    your'e joking re Walsh surely?
  10. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    revolution by the Beatles for Mersey side as a song for a start or fool on the hill for hobart city licence?
  11. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    same colour as Uni FC and the song could be the Collingwood theme song as Eddie shafts everyone
  12. D

    General TSL Talk

    yep spot on madmug, about the only thing that mob do well
  13. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    Hobart city Shafters, will be run by AFL Tas once Hobart and Nth veto any alliance. It will comprise of all of the existing former devils players and most of the current southern based mariners players whom will be ordered across from their clubs, Nth Hobart will provide maybe 6 or 8 of the...
  14. D

    General TSL Talk

    I cannot see how AFL Tas can run a club? they control all the policy and procedure of the licence agreement, if they then enter into said agreement with themselves whom monitors how their club is faring? who monitors the salary cap of their club? who monitors the registration process of recruits...
  15. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    Mersey Magpies
  16. D

    TSL Finals 2012

    You would def think Nth suffering like the Tigers last season being told they were gone, Wade has a short memory, even today they are saying Merger their preferred option but last year they said that then behind the scenes wanted Hobart out, now they are doing the same to Nth Hobart, I havent...
  17. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    your partially correct and more the management of said inj, Parkin is correct and a concussion ended his career in 74, 26 hours unconscious will scare anyone out of playing at that stage of a career. The issue is those 3 weeks you are more open to a second concussion, this is what happened to...
  18. D

    NFL concussion litigation: ramifications for football?

    also it doesn't neccesarily get caused by impact, the sudden deceleration or jerking of the head can cause a concussion as well such as a fall and bracing the landing but the head gets rocked but makes no contact with anything, a blind sided hit or bump in any sport without head contact can...
  19. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    In the news in Tassie today an amatuer level player has had 4 concussions in 13 mths but 3 were close together last season and one this season at the start and the guy has been told by Dr's to give the game away and is suffering ongoing cognitive issues. In the same club another player has had a...
  20. D

    NFL concussion litigation: ramifications for football?

    it has and also newer research now suggst some people carry a gene which makes them more at risk to concussion and more susceptible to serious concussion. Young female athletes most at risk due to weaker neck muscles
  21. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    I'm not for over reacting and I believe currently AFL do an excellent job on the prevention side, the management side is my area. Any player concussed, majorly or minorly (all concussions have the potential to manifest in an extreme way if poorly managed) should be subbed out immediately and the...
  22. D

    NFL concussion litigation: ramifications for football?

    they are but they are not really addressing the way players are being managed, not conservative enough and return to play on same day needs to be addressed.
  23. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    one of the main issues is that a player is concussed and in the initia; stages show very few symptoms (Lindsay Gilbee against Carlton) he was clearly concussed, was convulsing for around 30-40 sec's. He should never have gone back out, Peter Larkins lied and said he wasn't concussed and what...
  24. D

    NFL concussion litigation: ramifications for football?

    yes NRL has huge problems, mainly because ever since they are kids they are taught they are weak if they don't play through any inj and their management of concussion borders the rediculous. AFL is a lot better but still needs to do more work, player education needs to start in juniors as well...
  25. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    I understand your opinion and you are correct, no 2 concussions are the same however my comments are based around the fact that the 3 major sporting codes are not treating concussion seriously at all, if they were they would have players permanently substituted from the game once they were...
  26. D

    General TSL Talk

    that is true, heaps went to Clarence when Blight went there whom were in Hobarts zone, some of thos eplayers would have helped the tiges make finals I believe. lets just sit back and see, things will change again
  27. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    unlucky is a simplistic term in this case used by the coach, what he meant was poorly managed. 1+1+1 = 3 and this represents the number of concussions in 5 weeks, have you ever seen this before? I can guarentee that every weekend in contact sports there are underperforming players whom were...
  28. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    assuming they are, well obviously they arent when there is a mountain of research and precedent stating that early return to play from concussion significantly heightens the possibility of a second concussion and so on, this was known in the 70's. Ask yourself this, why do many players go back...
  29. D

    General TSL Talk

    wade said on another forum that the new Kingborough side is not having to fulfill the same requirements of the inner city licence which indicates that they may or may not be a newly branded club, basically there is a lot of stuff flying around however Nth Hobart do believe regardless of name...
  30. D

    Is Tippett's season over?

    the lack of education of concussion and brain inj on this forum astounds me, seriously any of you making light of this issue need to take a deep breathe and think about it. It is your brain, once part of it becomes inj or worse still dies it never regains it s pre morbid state