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  1. T

    Captain: It's Fraser or Maxwell

    Traditionally in team photos, the captain always sits to the right handside of the senior coach just as Fraser is, not the left as another poster said with Rocca. That is false look on the 2007 team photo buckely is on malthouse left and he was the captain. which is where rocca was sitting and...
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    Presti injured

    i was watching the collingwood 200 team photo shoot and i noticed that rocca was on malthouses left and fraser on his right. If that is so doesnt that make rocca captain and fraser vice. the link is what do you guys think
  3. T

    Double Team Good/Bad?

    Think What U Will But Is This The Captain hi i cant open a new thread but i was watching the collingwood 200 team photo shoot and i noticed that rocca was on malthouses left and fraser on his right. If that is so doesnt that make rocca captain and fraser vice. the link is...