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  1. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    More oppo fans posting in here than us is crazy
  2. T

    Who do you want to win the premiership the most and least?

    Team performs badly = fans unhappy Team performs well = fans happy Mental gymnastics BAHAHAHA
  3. T

    Who do you want to win the premiership the most and least?

    Hahahaha, if it makes you sleep better at night
  4. T

    Player Watch JHF - Jason Horne-Francis

    But but but Wardlaw
  5. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Probably depends on how much of OUR hard earned cash he lost from betting on them.
  6. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Screams of weakness. Claim they block out the white noise, but is nearly brought to tears after a two point win against a hapless saints. Not the actions of a coach capable of taking us to the promised land.
  7. T

    Review Round 16, 2024 vs St Kilda

    Fraudulent win Lead by a fraudulent coach Against a fraudulent club
  8. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    “I really appreciate the fact that we’ve been playing poorly” What the?!?!?
  9. T

    Autopsy AFL 2024 Round 16 - Saints v Port Sun June 30th 1:10pm AEST (Marvel)

    JHF man … how are you real
  10. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    Sack the fraudulent hack yesterday!
  11. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 11 - Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest

    GET OUT OF OUR CLUB YOU FRAUD! Unfortunately, Koch and his mates have created the toxic atmosphere and it only going to get worse. Pissing myself laughing at the soft fans/pundits around the AFL who feel bad for Ken because of a boo haha. These people are really sheltered from the real world...
  12. T

    Independent doctors at every match

    The sweeping under the carpet of the Cameron incident is INSANE!
  13. T

    MRP / Trib. Tribunal Thread - rules and offences discombobulation

    Did we expect anything less? The Port Adelaide tax in full effect nice and early
  14. T

    Which current president do you dislike the most?

    The cancer that is David Koch.
  15. T

    Which current coach do you dislike the most?

    We can't want to sack our coach because we sang a song 10 years ago... wow
  16. T

    Which current coach do you dislike the most?

    Ken is so far out of his depth as an AFL coach it is not funny..
  17. T

    Player Watch JHF - Jason Horne-Francis

    Imagine the kid actually did a pre-season... scary dude
  18. T

    Player Watch JHF - Jason Horne-Francis

    Would swap any of the votes for a free kick every now and then tbh...
  19. T

    Up the Arse! Goons Thread

    What a perfect start to life at Arsenal for Rice. He has been phenomenal, exactly what we were hoping for. Viera is a huge talent too, hopefully has a bit of a break out season for him. Lots of work to do, but we take the W and move.
  20. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 9 - I Am Become Donuts, Destroyer Of Ports

    Two year "succession plan" from a coach who has achieved zilch :mad: Just see him out the door at the end of this year, and use any additional funds to add a fresh face or two to support Carr. This really doesn't sit well with me.
  21. T

    Review Port vs 31 free kicks to 19

    That is actually insane...
  22. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 9 - I Am Become Donuts, Destroyer Of Ports

    I was okay until I saw this clown fan-girling after the game on Saturday night.. Dangerfield looked uncomfortable. What a sh*tshow!
  23. T

    Game Day Ken Hinkley FC goes home vs Geelong Cats

    Ken 'this is the strongest playing list i've had' Hinkley
  24. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 8 - "Ask me in August"

    I get that, but would you be showing up to work with the same passion / goals in mind for the club? I guess most Crows people don't care as much as we do...
  25. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 8 - "Ask me in August"

    The sad part is, a large number of our 'supporters' have only ever known a Port Adelaide with Ken Hinkley. These are the 'supporters' the club is catering to, whilst blocking out the die hard fans (white noise). This club is so far up its own ass, and has been for a while. No surprises when...
  26. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 8 - "Ask me in August"

    That is not the first time I have heard of Crows fans being employed by the club. A partner of a work colleague is currently employed by us and is a huge Crows fan. Put the broom through the whole place. We have a Norwood loving captain, Crows people involved in the club on all levels and a...
  27. T

    Player Watch Francis Evans

    He definitely has some goal sense. Good finisher too from what he has shown in pre-season, SANFL and the few games he has had so far. Has scored bags a few times in his career before. The lack of pace is a concern for a small forward, doesn't that electric pace needed to excel in the role. As...
  28. T

    Opinion Sack Hinkley 8 - "Ask me in August"

    When will this nightmare end? :oops:
  29. T

    Player Watch Jason Horne-Francis - You were always one of us

    Generational talent. Insane :oops: