Exactly … not one person wants to give an alternative policy for cost of living.
How do you address the cost of living whilst bringing down inflation?
Should they give everyone one below 80k a year 5k?
What methods could have they used to “solve” the housing crisis in 2 years?
The LNP caused the crisis by relaxing lending laws and allowing banks to lend to people who would not normally be afforded the loans they issued!!! Forcing house prices to almost double during a pandemic!!!
And they’ve introduced all that whilst trying to fight the inflation they inherited and smashed it.
They’ve kept unemployment low.
They’ve produce 2 budget surplus’s.
The LNP have nothing to to attack them on … NOTHING!!
So the LNP go the cultural wars and the immigrants are bad play book…
He belongs in a gutter
There is definitely a place for pumped hydro.
Gas turbines that can eventually use hydrogen is also a great option.
To make hydrogen you currently need a lot of energy… something we will have with excess solar and wind 90% of the time.. So the idea would be to make hydrogen while sun shines and...
A very good article that showed the benefits of 650,000 household batteries…. And it didn’t even discuss the benefits of Vehicle to grid. EVs will be the game changer IMO.
Base load is bullocks… 11 year old article..
So you don’t have a specific policy you are upset with?
You realise it was LNP that relaxed lending rules which allowed people to borrow more than they could afford.
Is this the standard answer? Albo is doing a terrible job because the polls says so…
Do you have a brain? Can you form you own opinion?
What specific policies do you think the Labor party has failed in?
There was a hail storm in SE QLD IN 2021 that produced 14cm hail stones… it smashed car windscreen and house tiles and solar panels.
It was a freak storm...
I knew QLDers were stupid but if what you say is correct I didn’t realise they were that stupid to remove solar panels…
But I guess having every newspaper owned by Murdoch it makes sense.
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