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  1. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    i believe i speak for the crowd that day and seen the only thing weak as piss was the saints player who dropped to the deck. what are those goats called that faint when scared? is it saints policy to employ fainting goats in there team? but kicking the ball into martin was a nice touch...
  2. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    you ask for plugg3rs comment on hallas? ill give you his real comment on hallas though he was to much of a bitch to post it last year. the same video hallas asked him to take down from public viewing and he did as he has no balls hahah XHqLFVYCFbA made for great viewing for weeks around the...
  3. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    i think plugger would be having a bit of a joke around though i would love irish to coach with gabby again! but i dont think the club would have enough money to fund the bar to keep them two refreshed. knowing richard like i do he will have a secret up his sleeve on who is coaching. and we all...
  4. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    the kicker, i love it! haha obviously stands for kicking ass and taking names of saints players!
  5. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    i would love to see some action happening on here though it appears all that we get is some fools on here. though i like what you have to say tamba, you and flinestone actually have some balls and crediability. some of the others though just need to be taken out the back and flogged with a pole.
  6. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    With all the people attempting to claim Manunda to finish 4th, none must remember these classic moments.
  7. M

    AFL Cairns - 2011 Season Part 2

    Some pretty vocal people on these boards considering there teams not even making the finals I must say.