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  1. bismak6331

    Opinion Did Taranto and Hopper make a mistake leaving the Giants for Richmond?

    7 year deals for Hopper and Taranto would've stunted the progress of Green and Ash. Keeping one may have been beneficial but both on the list for that period time wasn't going to give the young players and Kingsley's system a chance.
  2. bismak6331

    Autopsy What have you liked, learnt and hated from Season 2015

    Liked: The turn around off the western bulldogs and the fast paced playing style Luke Beveridge has them playing Hated: The Adam Goodes saga. I believe it was blown way out of proportion by the media and by Adam Goodes himself Learnt: Just how much the Brisbane lions are struggling to stay...
  3. bismak6331

    Opinion Hawthorn's next captain

    Puopolo as a dark horse
  4. bismak6331

    Rumour Buddy out. Ongoing Mental Health Concerns?!

    may have been caught again
  5. bismak6331

    No Oppo Supporters General AFL and other clubs discussion thread. **Opposition fans not welcome**

    Just curious on other people's opinions on Ryan schoenmakers. Is he good enough?
  6. bismak6331

    WB Captain for 2015

    Bring Boyd back and run Libba and wallis a vices. Sort of like a succession plan
  7. bismak6331

    New posters, introduce yourselves here

    Hi all 3rd generation Hawk supporter Been a supporter my whole life. Up the Hawks