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  1. O

    APS ROUND 8a

    Not sure but he has done alright this season. Last 4 games - 33 possessions vs HC, 38 vs SC, 25 vs MGS and 35+ vs BGS - not counting tackles and marks.
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    APS ROUND 8a

    It is well documented that the Vic Metros coach Dickson picks mature bodies for his carnival side, which is why these players do not nessacerily have much scope for improvement, therefor not get picked up in november. I doubt you have been to alot of TAc cup matches but it is often the case that...
  3. O

    APS ROUND 8a

    Did not pay that much attention to it at the time. Was about 20 metres away, saw the umpire talking the GGS player for quite a while, was told after the game that the umpire made the report for what the GGS player audibly called his opponent. Did see his opponent slipping in a few short ones...
  4. O

    APS ROUND 8a

    Saw BGS vs GGS yesterday. Big win to BGS. Scores were 3 goals each after 10 minutes but then BGS pulled away till half time. Third quarter was even on the scoreboard. Last quarter BGS kicked a bag of goals. Interesting player the BGS number 44 who was the biggest player on the ground and...
  5. O

    APS ROUND 8a

    Saw MGS vs GGS last year and not sure whether the umpires were the same people but it the umpiring was embarasing in favor of the home team MGS. At an important stage in the last quarter when scores were very close a GGS player took mark in the forward 40. A MGS player behind the umpire abused...
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    Haileybury:Cheating or is it fair play?

    This is the deal: Elsternwick Campus Newsletter - Issue 7 - Mar 18 2005 In This Issue College Editorial New Guidelines for Sporting Scholarships from the APS Heads Association Over the last year I have been asked on a number of occasions about Wesley’s policy of not awarding sports...
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    Scotch v Haileybury. The decider

    The 3 were from Geelong Football Club plus Bobby Davis, Ian Cover and Jack Hawkins watching his boy play who twisted his ankle in the first quarter and was restricted by that for the rest of the game.
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    Scotch v Haileybury. The decider

    Re: Aps Team Of 2005 It seems to me that there is an too much emphasis on players in good APS teams. A good player in a poor team gets no easy kicks because his team mates' delivery is always poor, when they run to good spots their team mates do not have the vision to see them so those good...
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    Scotch v Haileybury. The decider

    I was watching the GGS vs MGS game on Saturday so I did not have a chance to watch the SC vs St.K game. I am not surprised that St.K went close because the SC boys delivery is not so good when they are under pressure. But that does not mean the St.K team is either a bad team or that it is...
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    Scotch v Haileybury. The decider

    Have seen all the GGS games for the last 5 years so I can only comment on the teams I have seen and compare them below against the last 5 years' APS teams: WC - the worst WC football team in 40 years. St.K - a below average St.K team that would be beaten by any of the previous St.K teams...
  11. O

    APS Football

    Sorry if my question is on an unrelated matter but I am trying to track down some old scores for a presentation - does anyone know the following scores from previous years ? APS football (1sts) 2003 Geelong College vs GGS 2003 Scotch College vs GGS 2004 Geelong College vs GGS 2004...