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  1. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    The only problem with this is that Alan would never have been at Elizabeth without popping in at home . I know the week before he disappeared he was at the town centre with preacher and same mates . This is why I dismiss the date not the people who seen him . This is the reason the police...
  2. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I would just like to put this out there . If we take Mrb at his word which is very shaky at best bve picked Alan up the Friday night before he was killed and only had him for about 36 hrs 3 hrs alive . So where was Alan for that week ???? Take out that he was my brother and the fact that mom...
  3. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I think because there is no clear evidence to suggest either of the disappearance are connected to the other murders at this point of time . Both are classed as disappearances and not murders . Sent from my iPhone using
  4. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    DK was 18/19 I believe . Sent from my iPhone using
  5. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    In 1990 his hair was mousy brown (lite brown ) and not on the stand did not have glasses on Sent from my iPhone using
  6. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    That primary school Sent from my iPhone using
  7. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    There is a plate at that school thanking bves family for their help . Sent from my iPhone using
  8. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    What primary school ?? Just down the road from Modbury high there is a primary school called ardtornish primary school . BVEs brother was a teacher there at one time . I lived on smart rd for over 12 years and it was said the Peter went to that school Sent from my iPhone using
  9. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Alan didn’t have a license and I can tell you this he would not have gone to legal aid with out mom being there . Remember he was on a charge over a rape at the time he was killed and had a lawyer so why would he have gone to legal aid ??? As far a Neil was concerned I don’t know but he was...
  10. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I have said it before that Alan did not know Stevenson in any way . He did not use heavy drugs in any way . The only drugs in his body were the ones he was drugged with and alcohol . There was not trace of evidence of any heavy drugs in his system nor any evidence of him using them . I seen...
  11. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Betty Anne did . Sent from my iPhone using
  12. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Last known meal was a egg n bacon sandwich. It was still in Alan’s stomach Sent from my iPhone using
  13. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I have done a lot of research on the clothing Alan was wearing and it turns out Alan was in clothes mum got him for his birthday . But yes Alan sometimes would wear other people clothes. Preach and him would often do so as well as Phil Sent from my iPhone using
  14. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Same of the names where brown , dr , stdennis , Mulhouse and 3 more . The other 3 I don’t remember sorry bve name was there too but at His moms address. Brown was at the top of the list and that is what made me think he was the top suspect outside of b , dr , and bve . Gibbons could have been...
  15. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    There were names and addresses in the file I seen in the police car . They ( the police) were doing surveillance on the names they had but it was on and off not full surveillance. The cops didn’t know I had seen the file with the names . That file would have been old at the time I seen it . That...
  16. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    This is what I keep saying about the cops investigation and every time I talk to them I hold up 4 fingers. Sent from my iPhone using
  17. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I think it would have been the charges on mark and Alan being read out to him by TK and his reply. That’s the only recording I can remember of bve Sent from my iPhone using
  18. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I did not see the file but do know there was same fibres found with Alan . That is why they did a dna tests on us and the killers. Sent from my iPhone using
  19. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I am 100% in agreement with you on this but I feel b may have been around for more then just Alan’s murder . The cop have a lot to answer for in all this but again I point to the fact that Salisbury was sacked and the cops who interviewed b where gay hater’s . I just want to point this out too ...
  20. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Every time I talk to the cops about the case I hold up 4 fingers that is to show the 4 other boys killed after Alan. Ps please use the full names of the boys , not victim 1 ect ! Sent from my iPhone using
  21. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    As I said I don’t talk to mick about Alan . The first time he told me about what he said he had seen was about 2 years ago . No he did not tell the cops at the time but he did say he told mom . I am not here to put shit on mick but if you seen your brother who had been reported missing for a...
  22. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Yes mick has told me the same thing . It’s not upto me to judge that one . Mick is the only one of my family I talk to and we both don’t talk about Alan much . He said he had seen Alan so I leave it at that . There is a reason I would not talk to Debbie Marshall and it was the fact she was...
  23. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    We all know who where the killers. As you say the people on the edge but how deep are those people??? If we are to put the people on the edge in to it that then you have about 60 more people , then you over 300 more who knows someone who knows someone who knows something. By the time bve was put...
  24. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I did say Debbie Marshall is full of her self and her book is self serving. Sent from my iPhone using
  25. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Yes and no ! If we are to bring it down to just the killers we’ll it’s bve , dr and b . There your real killers and everyone knows this . Clocker had no real evidence pointing anything at him and the same can be said about others . Yes the cops stuffed it up from the start and everyone knows...
  26. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Hodzics statement was expected in court and never pushed or questioned about it . I never met nor talked to him . Sent from my iPhone using
  27. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I don’t know how darko and Alan met and they only knew each other for a short time . Alan stop working on the coke truck just before he meet darko and I don’t think Alan was targeted by Bve but once bve had him I do believe Alan would have said that he knew who he was . Alan would go to the...
  28. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    I do believe there is something there when it comes to darko . Where there is smoke there is fire and there is a lot of smoke with darko and his actions that weekend . If we were to believe everything darko said why did he turn back after such a short period of time hitchhiking??? It just...
  29. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    No surgery was done on Alan . Richard I am not aware of any surgery on him as well but that one would have been in the court case if there was . Sent from my iPhone using
  30. John Barnes

    Unsolved The Family Murders

    Wow I love the respect you are both showing here . Good to see and to show what kind of people you are. Sent from my iPhone using