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  1. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Google Paranoid Schizophrenia - it’s what I’ve got and why I’ve asked to be cancelled. I operate on the borderline of real and not real. Medicated and with therapy, my life is functioning well. But this online thing seems to tap a tiny node in my mind, that just keeps dropping a tiny droplet if...
  2. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    You’re dumber by the post
  3. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    The only negligent fitness educator is some clown like you who passes a deadlift in the OP
  4. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Never said it was - catch up
  5. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    1. Never said it was riskier 2. Said the risk associated with bad form could bring on injury 3. Video in OP - cue bad form Are you that ****ing stupid you can’t get that by now?
  6. Len Nicodemo

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    What next? You’re going to lecture me on the conspiracy of where his tax dollars go?
  7. Len Nicodemo

    Society/Culture Hypocrisy of The Left - part 3

    Can’t believe you’re ok with abusing women. Coward.
  8. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    It’s the CrossFit games. That’s the benchmark.
  9. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Didn’t you just laugh off university courses for a course you could do in 8 weeks? Yet you complete your masters where?
  10. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    You might be qualified, but it doesn’t exclude negligence
  11. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Oh wait, let me guess, you’re a qualified bro scientist?
  12. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    An academic in what? Well on google there are some pretty basic definitions, and risk management doesn’t have to be complicated when dealing with people’s health.
  13. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    You know how the government privatised all these learning organisations? Well that kind of ****ed the industry. It let in the riff raff. Let’s do an $800 course and become qualified to teach people about their bodies and how to exercise safely. Let’s not actually promote people getting a degree...
  14. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Oh dude..... I feel for you
  15. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Hey my career was great, I stopped PT to the general population because I was good enough to work with elite athletes. And you know what’s even better? I got paid a lot and my degree didn’t cost that much!
  16. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Google the definition of risk and risk management
  17. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    You can’t be serious?????? I just said that the INHERENT RISK OF INJURY IS HIGHER DUE TO POOR TECHNIQUE.
  18. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    You asked me to provide evidence. I posted a video of good technique as opposed to the abortion shown in my OP. Did I say more people get injured? I said there is an INCREASED risk due to POOR APPLICATION OF TECHNIQUE. Very very different wording isn’t it?
  19. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Probably why people like me ended up getting employed by leading sports teams nationally to provide advice and specific sporting programs whilst your ‘education’ gave you the ability to charge $100 an hour to hand out bullshit advice.
  20. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    The evidence I’ve got is called an education.
  21. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Look at the Middle video, go to about 2:40. Use your knowledge you learned in your course to give me 5 areas where technique could be corrected.
  22. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Not pretty? Wow.
  23. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    If you actually need to be convinced that that technique is wrong then I really worry for you. Can you not see that yourself?
  24. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread Use this as a guide FFS.....
  25. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    I challenge you to google DEADLIFT TECHNIQUE and see how it is conducted. I’d also challenge you to go to ANY fitness provider NOT A CROSSFIT ONE and look at how it’s performed. There’s things in life that are RIGHT AND WRONG.
  26. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Ok so just because you achieved it means that the the WAY you went about it was ok? That is close to the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Have you ever seen weightlifting monitored at the olympics? Can I ask where you got your qualification as a trainer?
  27. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Ok, so if you think that’s acceptable then I hate to tell you that your knowledge on exercise prescription is very very negligent and you should never ever have another person in your care as a trainer.
  28. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Do you think the technique of the athlete in the OP was acceptable?
  29. Len Nicodemo

    The Anti Cross Fit Thread

    Ok mate, ok. Seriously. You are into your health and fitness, can I ****ing ask you honestly if you’d perform a deadlift like that and think it was ok? That’s like saying a doctor deeming a patient hasn’t got a throat infection as incorrect because you think ‘otherwise’. Are you seriously deluded?