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  1. RubbaDuck

    Player Watch #36 Joel Amartey

    Gee it's good to see Amartey proving his critics to be short-sighted and ignorant, heaping shit on a 28-gamer (pre-2024) who has never played a full season. To those who saw the talent and believed. Cheers. You'll find your First Class seats at the front of the Amartey train. Toot toot.
  2. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Hmmm...felt surprisingly good for a leg pull. Did you check there was a shoe on it?
  3. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    They're all around about average for set shots by key forwards but they add other dimensions too. The accuracy will come. I guess playing up the ground then running back means they're taking more set shots from long range.
  4. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Next left past the vegetable aisle
  5. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Happy to sit back and watch people struggle with the only language they know. The irony is when these same folks demand that immigrants speak English. I think you'll find it's shoulda, coulda, woulda - deliberately tongue in cheek.
  6. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Fair enough. You have a perspective, but I also think you're not yet seeing the entire strategy and, classically, falling into the same old trap that many before you have, including me. Defenders' gaffs always look awful while their best plays usually just see the ball in the hands of the...
  7. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    It's not even a particularly good homonym. "Oi, who you callin' Homo-nim?"
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  9. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    I confess I almost missed that. Subtle
  10. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Are you trying to pull the crotched woollen Van Gogh copy over my eyes? That looks more like Tang Kay-Kee and the Bee Hoon Band. Famous for making Bee Hoon with the rejected heads from the fish...
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  12. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    It does my head in. Anyone who has read a book, reputable newspaper or magazine (print or screen versions) would've come across the contraction "should've". Contractions formed by adding have ('ve) to a modal verb to refer to the past are so common in our language that no-one who reads can have...
  13. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Great point KC. Regards to the Sunshine Band
  14. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    As I mentioned before, we lost 50% of first quarters last year. By coincidence we've also lost 50% of first quarters this year. Yet our win/loss ratio has changed enormously. Our Q1 win/loss seems to have f_all corrolation with winnig or losing a game. I suggests to me that teams who get a...
  15. RubbaDuck

    Media Swans Talk in the Media 2024

    How do you get from dislike to hate? Of course I don't hate Ben Brown. I don't hate anyone.
  16. RubbaDuck

    Media Swans Talk in the Media 2024

    I agree, many of us have set routines Bonz, and not only in sport. LLoyd wasn't deliberately time wasting but his routine brought the game to a standstill for too long. Other players didn't spend that much time. I suspect the sheer length of Lloyd's routine was a big reason why shot clocks were...
  17. RubbaDuck

    Media Swans Talk in the Media 2024

    You're probably right SM. My dislike of Lloyd is personal. I spend years waiting for him to pluck a little bit of pretend grass and throw it into the air before every shot at goal. It was the ultimate in time wasting. It was a long time before umpires began to belatedly crack down on him.
  18. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    He still ran further than Chad did. A bigger man would just say he was wrong. It's alright to be wrong sometimes.
  19. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Record comeback? Seemed like it, sure, but it was not even our biggest comeback of the last few games. We were 31 points down to Carlton before we got going and finished 52 points up. In this game we bounced back with 11 of the next 13 goals, in the Carlton game we bounced back with 13 of the...
  20. RubbaDuck

    Media Swans Talk in the Media 2024

    The thing is, that could be a real headline and no-one would flinch. Haters would find someone to hate. The bar would be raised. If Heeney, Chad or Gulden were to have 25 disposals, 15 contested, 11 marks, 6 tackles, eight score involvements, two goals and 450m gained the board would light up...
  21. RubbaDuck

    Media Swans Talk in the Media 2024 LLoyd is a flog. Must have the memory of a goldfish if he considers Carlton a serious threat. "That's where Michael Voss is coaching at the peak of his powers at the moment –...
  22. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Don't you mean 'where'? I can't see any genuine contenders other than us. I still think Geelong is most likely to face us in the GF. They got within 30 points of us despite their two prime midfielders out. It was our home ground advantage and they're in a bit of a form slump. Their best is a...
  23. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    A number of areas where we've improved. I can think of six of them off the top. Time for an essay. Warning for non-readers, contains big words. May contain nuts. First, a word about first quarters. We're losing 50% of first quarters, just as we did last year, but the difference is we're winning...
  24. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Oh yeah. I had a front row seat on that run. I think it might have been Round 20, 2000. From a stoppage on our left half back flank, Schwass gets the tap but is quickly wrapped up. He almost hands the ball to a stationary Ahmat who has to turn and accelerate out of traffic. Swans players are...
  25. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    You really do manage to find a cloud behind every silver lining.
  26. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Someone will always complain about being hard done by. Some might think we got lucky with our byes coming just when we needed a refresh, but it's more likely our coaches and fitness/conditioning staff factored in the timing of our byes and worked with that to our best advantage. As in life...
  27. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Pisses me off too. Is this AFL footy, the bush league or a couple of kids doing a podcast with an iPhone? Surely our media guys could pass a mike around, or anything else to just keep the sound level constant.
  28. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    It'd be nice to lead from the start in every game but I don't mind being behind at quarter time in half our games if we're ahead at full time. Besides, it seems almost churlish not to give our opposition a head start.
  29. RubbaDuck

    Player Watch #6 Logan McDonald

    There's no I in team. Logan plays as part of an exciting and unpredictable forward setup in an team that values selfless play. Logan could probably snag 3 or 4 every week but his role is to contribute to scoring overall, whether directly or not. I'm excited that we have three talented forwards...
  30. RubbaDuck

    Autopsy Groundhog day averted! Swans defeat Cats by 30 infront of a packed SCG

    Don't you have a win to celebrate? W-I-N, it's when your team has the highest score when the siren It's when you don't lose. You might know it as Opposite World.