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  1. G

    Let's talk about... Bailey Smith

    All these so called players are overpaid. and because of that you get players ( or so called players ) like smith who don't have to try. he could leave the game now and be set for life. - unlike people who bust their arses for 50+ years and get sweet FA compared to these individuals. then the...
  2. G

    Let's talk about... Bailey Smith

    yes please do.
  3. G

    Coach Do you still have any faith in Bevo? [POLL]

    Woke w***ers. FK the dogs, Bevo , the entire board and most the players. they are that desperate for members they call a digital Kayo subscription a membership package. - haven't been a real club since the mid 90s. now that is out of my system I feel much better. just pissed off I...
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    Jai Serong = Anti-vaxxer

    True, I've asked many pro vaxxers this question, yet none of them will answer or give any justification . I guess they can't comprehend what Full Indemnity actually means. Funny isn't it Federal Government buys vaccines with tax payers money and gives Full Indemnity to vaccine manufactures...
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    Jai Serong = Anti-vaxxer

    Chief can you please answer this one question. Why did the Federal Government give the vaccine manufactures full Indemnity ( full protection from be held liable from any injures from their product ) ?
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    Coach Do you still have any faith in Bevo? [POLL]

    Faith in Bevo , well its up to the players now. they had a go tonight , won and that makes Bevo's job look a little safer, however I'll wait and see how the players go over the next few weeks. see if this was the dogs proper start to the season or if it was a flash in the pan effort. still...
  7. G

    Review Dogs beat Brions 67-53, JUH kicks 5

    When you have ago you never know. A lot better effort tonight, Sometimes teams need a damn good kick up arse . now if they can back that up for the rest of the year who knows. still its only one game. next week will be interesting to see if this is a flash in the pan or if they really are...
  8. G

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Yes your right I should of stated that " severe side effects are extremely rare " but it doesn't differ from my main point. no scheme was in place at the time of the mandates for any compensation for those " Rare " cases . and why were the companies granted full indemnity . I guess it...
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    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    Cheers Dice Man, I'm counting down the hours until someone finds my post offensive . Would most likely be a lover of the Dan Party or someone with ties to one of these " Protected " companies .
  10. G

    Poll: Will you willingly get a Covid vaccine in the next year or so?

    I find it very strange that companies who produces a product that is deemed completely safe , or has very little to virtually no serious side effects needs full indemnity from a government in order to distribute its product to a country like Australia. At the time when the state governments...