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  1. M

    WADA finds high tb4 levels in Bombers pair.

    No it's: "The drug isn't actually performance enhancing, so doesn't matter". Logics.
  2. M

    Appeal ASADA v Dank (AFL) WADA V Players CAS(Nov), WADA v Dank? New evidence players tested TB4

    There isn't enough popcorn in the world right now if that report is correct.
  3. M

    Bachar Houli allegedly called a Terrorist by 3AW's John Burns

    Maybe it's just me, but the number of people attempting to crack jokes / find excuses and/or alternative explanations for labelling someone a terrorist speaks volumes for the systemic problem we have in this country with casual racism.
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    Eddie McGuire makes on-air gaffe about Adam Goodes and King Kong

    Racist themed joke isn't racist if you are joking, or tired.
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    Eddie McGuire makes on-air gaffe about Adam Goodes and King Kong

    What did you expect from a guy that previously used 'land of the felafel'?
  6. M

    2011 Eliminator Thread

    Scored 1999.... knocked off by a guy scoring 2155, thems the breaks.
  7. M

    Trades- Round 3

    Most likely Hayes -> any other premium.
  8. M

    Resource FFGenie 2012.1

    Re: FFGenie 2010.1 Always impressed with this little (or perhaps not so little ;) ) project Grimlock. Just wanted to congratulate you on a tidy little app. :)
  9. M

    Unique DT Players

    Nice, have the 3 above + Swan as my premium midfielders. Fingers crossed.
  10. M

    DT 2011 Rucks Thread

    Ridiculously happy having both Cox/Sandilands.
  11. M

    Post World Cup Test XI

    Re: Post World Cup XI As token squad players.
  12. M

    Post World Cup Test XI

    Re: Post World Cup XI At least you managed to fit 1 player from the best current state side into your team. Pity he couldn't even get into said side.
  13. M

    Post World Cup Test XI

    Re: Post World Cup XI Faulkner needs to get more mentions. His record so far is fairly handy.
  14. M

    How is Cameron White getting a game?

    That dud Smith brings more to the team than White.
  15. M

    Golden eras of footy Golden eras 8)
  16. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    To a point yes, but the whole point of the scoring system in Football allows for teams to use a variety of tactics to attempt to negate the opposition much more readily allowing for a multi-layered game. Sure the game is about scoring more than the opposition, but using that as a metric to why...
  17. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    But that is the point, the reporting is completely disproportionate, and then people like yourself attempt to somehow link overseas incidents to the local game because it fits your arguments. It is unfair in the extreme. What we need is fact, not hear say and rabid fan opinion. My guess is...
  18. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    My god. Really? What is wrong with you people.
  19. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Hah, but do you see the hypocrisy of the media reporting of incidents and the Vic Police whinging though? Never mind the fans of ARF.
  20. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Just because someone is born here doesn't mean they can't feel a part of another culture (I know I feel similar to DH) and just the same as if someone is born overseas moves here can feel Australian. It is all about identity and who are you to dictate how someone should feel about their own...
  21. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Hmmm. iLYe-UvlgSc wQ-2NodBIZw NN3MiN4NwAY dE-tyqD2oXo sRQZL8_8bjk It is interesting how ARF fans like to dismiss that which happens in their own patch I suppose and just point the fingers at others.
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    Craig Foster, again....

    It is amazing what people in this forum attribute to a scoring system. Maybe football should include a points system that gives people a point for having a good attempt on goal.
  23. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Considering that Foster is a 'no name' according to most here and certainly not worth listening to. He certainly has hit some sort of raw nerve somewhere.
  24. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    So because it is an ARF based website, we should just accept that people using terms like 'kraut' etc as has been used in this thread to describe those of other cultures because they support Football, we should just accept it? Meh. I refuse to accept that. And I 100% agree with you on...
  25. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    I think you just need to take your ARF glasses off and view the newspapers through the eyes of Football fans in this country. Read those 'articles', if there are any about Football from the perspective of someone that supports Football first and others sports somewhere after that. You will...
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    Craig Foster, again....

    That kinda comes down to a 'mine is bigger than yours' argument, which is completely stupid.
  27. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Have we just been transported back 50+ years where racism and homophobia were rife? Or is this the sort of posting that is acceptable on a modern day forum?
  28. M

    Craig Foster, again....

    Indeed. But, but, the violence!