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  1. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    If Melbourne came to us and said we’ll give a future first for big Tom and we’re paying his salary next year. You taking it? They’re a basket case ready to fall apart I think.
  2. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 10

    I’m fine with that but I’m trading 2 picks we get this year into next year to get 2 more first rounders next year.
  3. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 9

    I could see us on draft night floating a pick or 2 if some players fall to get some early picks next year. Trade pick 20 or 21 for a first rounder next year.
  4. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 9

    So what would you guys say and what do you think Melbourne fans would say if we went to Melbourne with this? We pay all of Lynch’s salary and add in an our lowest second round pick for Melbournes first rounder next year? We get another first round pick and for melbourne, it could be the...
  5. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. 2024 Draft Thread

    I’m huge on us getting the GC pick for Rioli. Getting 2 of FOS, Jagga, Draper, Lalor, Smilie or Langford would be so great.
  6. LuKe2428

    Club Focus Richmond 2024

    With the rumours that WCE have offered a 2.5m deal over 4 years. We won’t be getting band 4. It would be band 2 or 3 in which it doesn’t really matter as it will either be pick 19 or 20 anyway.
  7. LuKe2428

    Club Focus Richmond 2024

    So my ideal off season would be….. Graham for pick 20-22 compo Rioli to GC for future first + 20. Shai + future 3 to Freo for Pies first + future first. Baker + Graham compo to WC for pick 3. Trade up for Brisbane first. ————— 2024 draft picks 1, 3, freo/pies first, Brisbane first, north...
  8. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency Part 9

    I’m all for getting rid of some players to get some good young talent in. Not only this year but get some 1st rounders next year aswell. I’d be aiming to have 4 this year and 2-3 next year aswell. Something like….. 1 Shai’s trade (picks 7 and 12) whatever pick with trade for with our 3rd and...
  9. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 7

    I definitely dont think the Lynch deal was bad. We got a flag with him so that’s all that matters.
  10. LuKe2428

    Training Pre Season '24

    I think Trezise will actually be a surprise this season and play most games. He’s a good kick, left footer which is always handy to have in a team. If you were to draw comparisons to players in are premiership years you’d go Rance, Astbury, Broad, Grimes. Balta, Gibcus, Young, Trezise...
  11. LuKe2428

    National Draft 23 - after this year we all need therapy

    The whole academy system is a joke. There shouldn’t be any fathers/sons, academies or compromised drafts. This is literally the only sport in the world you would see this crap happening.
  12. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 7

    Wouldn’t mind 68 and the Biggie pick for Kosi. Then pick 50 and Soldo for Freo’s future second off Port.
  13. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 7

    Surely Soldo for Freo’s future second from Port is an easy deal to get done? Freo won’t improve much next year if at all. A pick next year will also help us in terms of getting our trade targets. Having a top 10 pick next year and 2 second rounders. So 3 picks in the top 30 will be a good hand...
  14. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 7

    Aaron Cadman still hasn’t signed on with the Giants. Surely we’re asking the question. What they would want we might not have but we have some players that have some currency. Would our future second + someone like D.Rioli be enough?
  15. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 6

    Wondering if we will see any more action? I’m thinking maybe try move up with one of the GWS picks and RCD? Move up into the early to mid 30’s?
  16. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 6

    It actually annoys me so much that people can’t see that everything that happens suddenly benefits Geelong in some way. The stand rule, gets bought in after we beat them in a granny and they had already been talking to people with elite skills regardless of age, reports come out during the week...
  17. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 6

    Would be great when we get Hopper in Free agency for free and then trade our first and second round picks for Green 😂
  18. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    People are actually stupid if they think it will be Bowes + pick 7 for someone like Aarts/RCD. Will almost definitely be Bowes + pick 7 for pick 12 or something like that if we were to trade for him. You’re not getting a top 10 pick to take on 2 years of salary. Especially when they kid isn’t...
  19. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    We ain’t giving that much for TT and Hopper 😂
  20. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    Logan McDonald 😉
  21. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    Heard something on the podcast about a key forward? Anything in the works or we gonna roll with Jack, Lynch and Cumbo again this year?
  22. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    If Meek gets 600k a year, we should really be paying TTand Hopper $1.2m each per year. 🤣
  23. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    I’d be happy to give Soldo and a 2023 third for pick 27. Points wise rates him at about pick 35.
  24. LuKe2428

    Player Watch #22 Jacob Hopper

    Anyone know the deal we offered him?
  25. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    Could help us get Hopper over the line. 2 firsts and Soldo for both TT and Hopper.
  26. LuKe2428

    Certified Legendary Thread Welcome Tim Taranto & Jacob Hopper

    Why would GWS match the over when they could get a band 1 compo and get pick 4? Exactly the same situation as the Lynch offer.
  27. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    Has anyone thought GWS probably won’t be able to match the offer we have for Toranto? Same as what happened with big Tom. We have probably offered enough for them to get a band 1 compo pick, which would be pick 4. No way we can offer anything better then that, then trade RCD to them for a...
  28. LuKe2428

    Certified Legendary Thread Welcome Tim Taranto & Jacob Hopper

    What makes you think you have the salary cap room to match the contract?
  29. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    Wouldn’t mind getting in on the Adelaide for Rankine trade. Adelaide get Rankine + pick 7 Richmond get Fogerty GC get Richmond’s 2023 first and pick 5 Can still trade our first this year and North’s second rounder for Toranto.
  30. LuKe2428

    List Mgmt. Trade & Free Agency talk Pt 5

    We ain’t paying any of Dusty’s salary if he leaves. Especially not for those picks. We just turned Rioli’s career around and now you want to trade him? Broad ain’t getting pick 25. You say trade picks to get the best young player in 2-3 years but then go on to say that trading for Tom Green is...