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  1. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Ginbey is going fine, pretty much as expected I would’ve thought, numbers are a little low but no one can find the ball besides Duggan. Will be a great defensive mid imo. Need a link man in the middle and elite kicking half back flankers badly. Will bring in our wingers and mids numbers is...
  2. E

    Speculation Jedd Busslinger

    They still ain’t trading him for one pick in the teens. 0% chance. Pies don’t have the trade assets imo.
  3. E

    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Can see why, even if English isn’t a great hit out man, he can find it at least. Need anyone who can help get and move the ball
  4. E

    Speculation Jedd Busslinger

    Well they keep him?
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    That’s not English.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Yeah, that was putrid. Hard to watch especially after being ok against the Dons. Need mids and fast plus elite ball users off half back. We have zero and would be one of the only teams that don’t.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Lobb now playing back helps in the Buss chase.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Xavier Ellis said he really liked him in a game earlier in the year. What’s the knock? Haven’t seen him mentioned in the top 25
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    How’s our Charlie Banfield going? 13d seems ok. Champion very quiet, reckon we will get him as NGAs matches will be after 20. Lalor a quiet game?
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    2nds West Coast Eagles WAFL Watch 2024

    Chance of getting back on the list? Still lives with a couple of the players I believe
  11. E

    Speculation Liam Baker

    Jet and needle mover. Richmond could absolutely own this years and next years drafts if they wish. Be interesting to see the strategy.
  12. E

    Speculation Liam Baker

    How long is a piece of string with these things. Might be why you don’t really consider it especially a player like Baker who has won 2 already Freo would be getting my money if I had to bet my house on it, I like their list build and Bolton or Warner would top it off to put them on the top 4...
  13. E

    Speculation Liam Baker

    I think Freo has a limit that is a lot lower than the Eagles. They would be eyeing Bolton and Warner imo and Brayshaw OOC next year plus 2 rucks on huge coin. Depends what Bakers priority’s are. Stay loyal? Head home for another chance of a quick flag? Head home to the team you were a...
  14. E

    Speculation Jedd Busslinger

    Could be a lot of reasons. Did Suns need salary cap relief? One was considered a super draft? Also Pick 6 is better than 10*. Power paid a 2nd round pick (which is probably around Buss value) to move up 2 spots in the draft to get Sinn?
  15. E

    Speculation Jedd Busslinger

    Majority of opposition supporters undervalue a player going into a trade and then once the trade is done argue why it was good value….. rinse and repeat every year on majority of trades
  16. E

    Speculation Liam Baker

    A lot a of I thinks and sitting in the fence in that. If he leaves and what ever team he picks will get the trade done. If Freo haven’t already moved on to the possible Warner and/or Bolton option in the future already.
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    Speculation Harley Reid

    The mid week tackle show love a Harley click bait segment once or twice a week.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Can’t see how Freo out do that considering where they are and where they should project to be. Need him want to leave and select us as his preferred club first. I feel it’s Freo
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Baker - Yes, will have to move up from 23 somehow. Once again getting the wrong side of the 2 added PP for the Roos plus who knows what band Perryman/Battle/Zurhaar will be and probably push that back even more. Hopefully the Tigers need at pick to help move up even higher with a bundle for...
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Couldn’t disagree more about Warner. Chances of getting a player better then him at 1-4 next year or this and a future 2nd is very low and would do a lot in the chances of keeping Harley.
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Wouldn’t be top 15 this year
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Wingard the same. Can’t see it happening though with Smith, plenty of teams are interested. Looked an absolute Jet a few years ago. I think if he gets back to full time mid he would be a very nice pick up for Hawks or Cats
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Yeah never heard them mention how far Tongala is from Melbourne when they talk about Harley going back.
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    Speculation Liam Baker

    In not so sure
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Happy if we get Baker. Would be huge get
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    Speculation Liam Baker

    Might be an 18 year old that we liked at pick 3 but can get at pick 8 and Baker. We ain’t getting Baker for pick 23 alone is where I think it stands
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Sheldrick fits in this basket too. We will see. Not sure they are letting player go who might play in 80% of their games in a top 4 side for a pick in the 40s which might even have no points attached. A lot to play out
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    And I wouldn’t either. 3rd rounder happy to do it but don’t think that will be his price depending how the 2nd half of the year goes
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    List Mgmt. Contract, Trade and Draft Discussions - 2024 Edition

    Everyone at the time was saying we got discount on Brockman due to having pick 1 in the PSD?
  30. E

    Speculation Liam Baker

    This was pre presser. Nice to hear that from TB and looks good to stay. I’m saying that’s Wouldn’t be first and last player to say that before leaving.