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  1. stralia

    LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

    I think the drop in energy comes during the 4 to 6 week period it takes for the body to become fully fat adapted (which is the body's preferred metabolic state).
  2. stralia

    LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

    Holy shit... Way to scaremonger Norman.
  3. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING Unless you're a great shot and calm enough to put one in someones eye I wouldn't want to rely on a 22 for self defence. On a funny note a mate of mine copped a 22 ricochet to the shoulder while small game...
  4. stralia

    Anonymous playing the role of policeman

    Expect us....
  5. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

  6. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    The Department of Justices own figures find that Americans use firearms defensively around 1.5 million times a year. Compare that to the 11,000/12,000 gun homicides per year. Which itself has been dropping for nearly 20 years.
  7. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Never said illegal firearms. In most states you can use whatever force you deem necessary to protect your self, your family and your property. Home invasions are a lot more common then you would imagine...
  8. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    The gun homicide rate has been in a steep downward trend in relation to other methods of homicide since a decade before the start of gun control. Lisa, I want to buy your rock.
  9. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    You're not suggesting that mass murder is the only thing that matters? We removed a million guns from our streets and the homicide rate stayed steady and even increased for a time. And now those million guns have been replaced, homicide is at an near all time low. Now I'm not going to suggest...
  10. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    1. It's the percentage of all homicides. 2. Well you said shooting. 3. No prob. 4. The UK has a long history of having the strictest gun laws in the world and Germany has had the strictest in central Europe since the 70's.
  11. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    1.The graph was linked in an earlier post. Most states instituted weapons prohibition acts from around 96 - 00 2. He shot 7. 2 died. 3. You should probably read up on them. 4. So why hasn't gun control stopped massacres in other countries (of which I've given multiple examples)? And most of...
  12. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    1. And that's going well. 2. So Monash was a massacre then? 3. What is the Fabian Society. 4. Except in countries where it hasn't. See Germany, UK... And a country like New Zealand hasn't had a multiple victim public shooting since 1990 without bringing in draconian gun laws or forcing buy backs.
  13. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    1. And more people have died from edged weapons than nukes. Why not ban all knives? 2. Depends on how you define massacre. I guess the Monash shooting doesn't make the cut. And multiple victim murder suicides in this country seem to be steady, averaging around 5 per year. 3. The 'wealthy class'...
  14. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Home defence isn't a Hollywood shootout. Even with an AR 15 there is no guarantee you'd be able to take on 10 assailants or 3. It gives you a better chance though. Anyone can get a gun of the deep web. Being a hardened criminal is not a prerequisite. lol at likening a semi auto glock to a...
  15. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Except those which are banned. It stops them from legally obtaining those guns. Anyone can get 'high powered semi automatic weapons' if they really want them. I doubt anyone willing to murder a bunch of people is going to take their ball and go home because it's illegal to purchase a certain...
  16. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    I made a post about why gun control doesn't work in a thread of that title. You're the only person itt to mention semi autos (once, in passing, and not to me) before my post, in which I didn't even differentiate between firearm types... You are just a babbling brook of logical fallacies.
  17. stralia

    LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

    Sweet potatoes contain more glucose than fructose.
  18. stralia

    Having trouble picking up? Get a Ferrari.

    A few regular dudes find out how easy it is to pick up when you have a Ferrari... Highlights include a chick that leaves her boyfriend on the side of the road and one at the end that loses her shit when she finds out it's a prank. What happened to just fallin' in love with a n***a with a bus pass?
  19. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Top deflect bro. lol'd.
  20. stralia

    LCHF- Low Carb / High-Healthy Fat lifestyle.

    evo , Bazzar , BroughtonMid , ablett ...And anyone wanting to carb up for sports get into sweet potatoes.
  21. stralia

    Entertainment & Music The Simpsons Part 3

    I brought my own mic!
  22. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    The problem with gun control is that it only takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. It's like lowering the speed limit of a road from 60 to 50 because hoons have been repeatedly clocked doing 160+. Someone willing to go 100 km/h over the limit isn't really going to care that...
  23. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    haha, trying to get me to defend an ideology I've already stated I don't subscribe to... You're good for a giggle though mate.
  24. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    lol okay mate. Better start banning cars, pools, smoking, working in the construction industry or drinking alcohol.
  25. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    So you don't mind something designed to kill, as long as it has been given the nod by experts?
  26. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Abortions are designed to kill. Would you be for taking away the right of women to have them to protect the safety of the unborn?
  27. stralia

    News & Events Gun Control is NOT WORKING

    Trading personal freedom for safety is about the most foolish proposition I can imagine.
  28. stralia

    Quirks of the draw

    I hear last year went real well for you guise.
  29. stralia

    if humans were really an intelligent species...

    Which museum? I think estimations of global population at that time range from 5 to 20 million.
  30. stralia

    if humans were really an intelligent species...

    u wot m8?