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    Saintsational Posters Thread

    Re: Saintsational Hacked Again because it is a competition for them to see who can hack the most websites, and now that they know or saintsational and how easy it is to hack they will keep coming back periodically.
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    Saintsational Posters Thread

    Re: Saintsational Hacked Again it's down not hacked
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    What role/s did the media play in the attempted merger of 1996

    I thought Melbourne actually ended up voting no and the hawks yes
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    AFL Game Part 3

    honestly farley thats a lot of work for little gain to do that imo, especially in the games first incarnation.
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    Does Aussie Rules need a governing body?

    The AFL comimission is that, and anther body above that would be useless because the AFL wont follow them if they don't want to and there is no way to compell them to do so.
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    Premiership Coach 2008 - now with pictures and stuff

    sim the pre-season have the match day on time 8 to do interchanges and a season goes pretty quick. btw first patch out with player ratings changed.
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    Premiership Coach 2008 - now with pictures and stuff

    Buy through paypal it has built in protection (ie refund if a scam, which this is not).
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    Ben Cousins - the assistant coach?

    Really you think so? You would be happy for players to follow his example off field??
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    Justin Charles..Richmond ruckman..drug cheat??

    Yes, if he was caught now he would probably face harsher penalities in line with the WADA rules and sanctions.
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    Andrew Lovett - suspended indefinately

    ummm not it's not, this was previous to these allegations and was reported on at the time, they both seperate indiscretions.
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    Soccer World Cup wants AFL to shut down for 8 weeks

    How does it help "grass roots" footy to have top notch stands that wont ever be filled except for that 8 week period? I would go as far to say it would hinder them with increase maintenance costs.
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    Major changes to the league are near

    I couldn't think of a more complicated system than what you have propsed, it needs to be as simple as possible so everyone can follow. Simple when/if (and it is a big if) the AFL gets to 20 teams final 10.
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    Reasons The Saints Can't Go All The Way

    Scarlett not a snipping thug? Not the last two years but before that he was sniping players behind the ball every week. but yes he is the best fullback but not by much (Lake is very close).
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    Australia getting the FIFA World Cup could be a great opportunity for the AFL?

    And a weaste of money, Australia doesn't need a dozen rectangle stadiums that will never be used to capacity after the world cup, like stadium australia.
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    Keep the Salary Cap.....EPL $6bn debt threat!

    Doesn't exist anymore hasn't for a while now.
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    AFL players want free agency by 2012

    if this happens they need to tighten the salary cap rules. You can't have a joke of a salary cap with free agency, I'm talking the "legal" property deals players get (ie buy this house in this development for 100 g's when it's worth 200 g's) and the outside employment (judd and Visy). The...
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    Career ending injuries

    edit: oops coleman not coventry :(
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    Letting the Anzacs down

    Does anyone actually believe the ANZACS give a rats about a footy match played 80 years later? Or that a footy match equates to anything like what the ANZACs went through? And that by losing a team could let the ANZACs down? I mean comeon it's one of 150+ matches a year it'd means slightly more...
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    FTA-TV Is Southern Cross Ten Getting One HD?

    Just saw a ad on tv for SC10 "one HD" soon
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    Mark Coughlan

    I hope he can be at least as good as he once was, but four years now of almost constant injury makes it doubtfull.
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    Greatest Footballing Families?

    Acording to my grandmother Frank (francis snr) was the best of the lot before doing his knee.......... He was her brother.
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    Marquee Players

    They have a draft which is the main way to get college talent, they have a salary cap..... The only real difference is the free agency which is dependant on playing time, years of service ect ect And the whole if we didn't have the salary cap that it would be a competition between West...
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    Marquee Players

    Isn't the whole idea of the salary cap so teams of great players don't stick to the one club? Wouldn't this be against the whole idea of the salary cap?
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    Whats missing from this vid ?

    If you are talking about the boundries lines, centre square, or the 50 metres lines they all came into the game later plenty of game footage that doesn't have them.
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    New AFL video game announced.

    In fact they make it quite difficult and expensive to get that licsense as well, something like 17% of gross revenue from sales with a large chunk up front before the game is even released (there is minimum amount componant regardless of how many copies are sold).
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    Father/Son selection question

    Player Y, a child's paternity is consider for all pretenses whats on the birth certificate unless changed through the court system. So even thou Player Y is not the biological father in the eyes of the law being the primary carer giver and named on the birth certificate he is the father, until...
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    New Footy game

    no but if it is a success on pc who knows
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    Premiership Coach 2008 - now with pictures and stuff

    Re: Premiership Coach 2008 Nah valid question, the game is progressing quite well, and AD has been able to dedicate more time to the programming of late, personally AD has contributed all the costs out of his own pocket to get the game this far. But now the costs of the host ect are...
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    AFL new game

    too difficult to do it on a tiny budget.
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    Premiership Coach 2008 - now with pictures and stuff

    Re: Premiership Coach 2008 They will be upto date at the time of release