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  1. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    if cancelling the season means we don’t have any more of those f*cking stupid RoboCop adds every 10 minutes promoting the big Robbo w***er and the f*cking annoying footy gambling adds by the gesticulating fat turkey Billy Brainless, then I’m all for cancelling the season tonight.
  2. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Well if you had to guess which would be the first club to come down with a positive COVID19 test, if would have to be Essendon wouldn’t it? I’m sure there’ll be an outrage amongst Essendon supporters and officials - they’re being unfairly targeted and maligned. Surely an AFL set up!! Just as...
  3. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Simon, with respect, that is absurd logic and I don’t understand why you’d even want to go there. The extension of your argument is this - 80% of malaria deaths are in Africa and the victims are young children. They’re poverty stricken and they die simply because the vaccine isn’t available to...
  4. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    My God. I can't believe the overwhelming common sense and intelligent perspective that man exudes. That footage should be compulsory viewing to every politician in the US, Aust and UK.
  5. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Mexico should build a wall to stop Americans crossing the border. They should make the US pay for the wall.
  6. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    No - the perfect weapon was the bloated, orange-coated buffoon.
  7. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    That all makes sense finchfree, but it‘s too late to prevent the disaster that’s going to unfold in the next week in the US. The graphs on this site tell the story - What has occurred over the past week or so in the US is inevitably going...
  8. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Couldn't agree more.
  9. Mississippi

    COVID-19 / Coronavirus

    Seriously? You're re quoting the US president as some sort of authority ?? "Trump assured Americans at that February 26 news conference that the number of people infected in the United States is "going very substantially down, not up." Trump even bragged about the 15 cases at the time on US...