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  1. J-Train

    Best form of self defence for real life situations

    You could have just flicked the guy a couple of bux for a burger and then the situation would have been neutralised as well. :D
  2. J-Train

    Green v Jones Jnr

    I was shocked and a little saddened by the outcome of the fight. Congratulations to Danny Green he caught him flush with that right hand but to see Roy Jones Junior go out like that was so, so disappointing for one of the greatest of all time. :( Hopefully Green can go on with it now and cash...
  3. J-Train

    Green v Jones Jnr

    I want in on the answer to your question too Silencer. Am thinking about wandering down to the local to watch it with a few mates but the undercard doesn't hold much interest to me and if it's not kicking off til 10pm or so I might give it a miss. For the record i think RJJ puts Green down in...
  4. J-Train

    Green v Jones Jnr

    I know as an Aussie I should barrack for Green, but I just love Roy Jones Jnr, especially his early work. Getting on a bit now, but man, he was/is just a gun. Such a showman. The knockdown at 2.46 in this vid when he unloads and just stands there posing...then chicken struts back into the...
  5. J-Train

    Mundine vs Geale

    I havent watched a lot of boxing but i really enjoyed the fight last night. Geale was relentless in his pressure on Mundine and threw countless punches, but as one poster said, a lot of them were deflected off the gloves or ended as air swings. Geale would have lost no admirers, he started with...
  6. J-Train

    Certified Legendary Thread HELP: I need to learn MMA asap

    Well I hope he didn't catch up with you and king hit you at a party because it didn't end well for that kid. :(
  7. J-Train


    Hey, isnt Oliver McCall the fighter who had a nervous breakdown in the ring and just refused to fight?? I thought that would have been the end of him but I guess he bounced back?