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  1. M

    The Law Gay Marriage Bill - Canberra/ACT

    Most of the people voting for Abbott only did so because said person from the 1950s wasn't on the ballot.
  2. M

    Liberal Whining Has Begun

    Dollar values yeah quite possibly, but in sheer bastardry joh easily takes the cake. This is after all the guy who ran fred hollows out of queensland because if aboriginal people could see they had a greater ability to vote against him.
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    Liberal Whining Has Begun

    People talking about NSW Labor being the worst corruption by an australian mp? Talk about goldfish memories. Try looking north of the border for a certain kiwi-born dane.
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    Why is it different to pay a union rather than a militia? How many times has a union turned around and used that money to go murder and rape a whole village, attack a school, or kill 80+ people in a shopping mall in a neighbouring country?
  5. M

    Liberal Whining Has Begun

    Yep. Doesn't detract from how pathetic or dishonest it is but to act like its a Lib only thing is simply not true. Every incoming government has a pressed as soon as they are elected to lie about how much worse the books are than they thought in order to start breaking election promises.
  6. M

    Moved Thread Religion in AFL clubs

    I think the whole friday night lights style praying for god to help you win is a bit silly, and thats why I wouldn't do it. But if other people do it it has no impact on me so why would I care? If he were attempting to pressure it onto others then that would be an issue with creating a hostile...
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    Came for the discussion on unionism. Stayed to hear someone ranting about Obama the 'socialist'.
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    Steinbeck summed the mindset up very well when describing in america the working poor seeing themselves as temporarily embarassed millionaires.
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    Complaining about greed within the system and pointing at unions as the problem is ****ing hilarious. Don't remember any union officials 'earning' a million bucks an hour.
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    Damn greedy unions. Why dont they follow the example set by so many executives and take significant pay cuts when the company goes down the shitter.
  11. M

    The Law Being pissed behind the wheel is ok?

    Drink. Drive. Bloody Liberal.
  12. M

    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    I think that people really need to accept that our standard of living at the moment is unsustainable and we need to give some slack in order to both lessen load on the environment and allow other nations to develop. Buckley's chance of it happening though, or of even being able to have a calm...
  13. M

    The Law Economists are slowly stealing our democracy and it is about time!

    One of the biggest problems today is that economics, a social science, is treated by many lay people as if it were a hard science and thus far too much trust is put in its predictive ability by the general population.
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    The reason labour costs in Australia are higher than those in the third world is because we have developed unsustainably high standards of living by exploiting the third world. As the previous poster said, there is no way to compete with the third world on cost of labour without becoming the...
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    Society/Culture Unionism is holding Australia back

    If only those workers in the third world had some kind of collective bargaining power with which to better their conditions rather than having to treat with their employers at a massive power disadvantage on an individual level.
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    Religion Des Tutu: would rather go to hell than worship a homophobic God

    I think he was talking about intelligent christians not young earth creationists who think the flintstones is a documentary.
  17. M

    The Law Royal Commission into Child Abuse

    You mean Cardinal Ratzinger, the man who for twenty years was the chief enforcer of the catholic church's attempts to subvert the justice system to the benefit of active pedophiles it was knowingly harbouring.
  18. M

    The Law Royal Commission into Child Abuse

    No, that's how we got into this whole mess to begin with.
  19. M

    The Law Royal Commission into Child Abuse

    Multiple priests have said that they would rather go to jail than reveal what has been told in confession. To that I say lock the bastards up. If you believe that you are doing gods work by giving sanctuary to the worst criminals, knowing that your actions leave them free to offend again, there...
  20. M

    Science/Environment Bell Bay Pulp Mill now officially dead

    Great news to see the final, wheezing death of a company which has for decades exerted a corrupt influence over the politics of Tasmania.