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  1. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith - Allegations of war crimes

    Anyone have idea when the verdict will be handed down?
  2. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith - Allegations of war crimes

    Is it possible the court would take into account how the case is going so far and believe his evidence wouldnt change the outcome..........Nine has no case to answer.
  3. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith - Allegations of war crimes

    Other VC's he has purchased have been donated to the war museum if i understand correctly. If BRS is foud guilty of criminal charges at a later time is it likely the museum would display his medal if donated? Or would they prefer not to aknowledge negative historical events. I havent been to...
  4. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith - Allegations of war crimes

    If he is stripped of his VC does the physical medal remain in circulation?
  5. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Victoria Cross winner Ben Roberts-Smith - Allegations of war crimes

    Layman here, Would the lawyers have been obligated to walk if he had told them the allegation were true?
  6. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Woke. Can you tell real from parody?

    A sitcom taking the piss out of people with "red hair, obesity, baldness, freckles etc"?
  7. hoianbulldog

    Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 5 - Get vaccinated.

    made me think of this. There is dying for a cause and there is bat shit crazy. Thích Quảng Đức was a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963. Quảng Đức was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese...
  8. hoianbulldog

    Covid-19 Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Part 5 - Get vaccinated.

    Are the Fed's now sourcing from overseas? Please say yes, i need the lols.
  9. hoianbulldog

    Society/Culture Let’s talk about...gouging

    Vodka infused watermelons.
  10. hoianbulldog

    Politics Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19): The politics thread

    It looks more like 8 to me.
  11. hoianbulldog

    Politics Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19): The politics thread

    Interesting pic of a vietnamese repatriation flight. I wonder if there was a full bar service?
  12. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Let that be a lesson for other countries. If you are on top of covid frkn kill it. It may a bit more short term pain but frkn kill it in your country.
  13. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    I agree. I have chosen to stay young. I can't understand why more people don't do same.
  14. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Not if they are put into quarantine. And i mean quarantine once their foot hits the ground. No taxo or train home and then self isolate. I mean quarantine.
  15. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    When? Australia was half way down the flemington straight with the finish line in sight. The pollies blinked and you went back to the 1000 meter mark. I would not be suprised if parts of oz went back into lockdown.
  16. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Good interview on success of vietnam stopping covid.
  17. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    I see countries only opening their borders when they are covid free and only opening to countries that are also covid free. Strict conditions would apply and their would be some exceptions, e.g. skilled workers.
  18. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Cases of recurring virus in vietbam found to be inactive.
  19. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Test kits made in vietnam. Approved by WHO and being shipped around the world.
  20. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Recovered patients retesting positive in vietnam.
  21. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    Lets make america better, is that the way to go. The vietnam govt has been flowing information to its people for months, thats one of the reasons they have been succesful in containing covid..... they have the people on board. They arent spinning crap. I am an australian and love the country...
  22. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    i live in vietnam. A govt can bullshit the WHO and they can bullshit the media. No govt anywhere can bullshit word on the street. Vietnam has done a fantastic job bottling this problem. Learn from them.
  23. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    I live in vietnam. The govt went hard and went early. They closed schools in january. If someone got covid they traced first and second contacts and either isolated them or quarantied them. They got the population on board. They were quicker than most countries to stop incoming, humans...
  24. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared - Part 2

    I understand why a densely populated area has a higher infection rate. I dont understand why the death rate is higher.
  25. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared

    Nah, same odds as north when they were 9 zip.
  26. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared

    I agree, take those as I called them staples away from the general population and they will manage fine. Today for example is one of the no meat days of the lunar month. The bang out kick ass veggie curries and everyone is happy.
  27. hoianbulldog

    Science/Environment Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Pandemic Declared

    Maybe, but duck and chicken are staples here. We had to kill coupla hundred thousand, maybe millions of pigs 6 months ago because of swine flu. Pork is a staple so we imported to compensate. Pork belly prices doubled...... Oh the humanity