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  1. M

    PC's vs Mac's

    That's only if the PC user dosen't know what they're doing.
  2. M

    DVD Burning

    If you want to know what Disks to use with your drive go here and look up the type of disks and your drive model.
  3. M

    DVD Recorders..?

    No. Some amps can emulate it with 'Studio' effects. It's not true digital 5.1 sound like off a DVD movie.
  4. M

    DVD Burning

    Everything is available on the internet. I'm downloading dinner as we speak. Best option for copying is to get both DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink . DVD Shrink should only be needed if you have a single layer drive where the disc is over...
  5. M

    ntfs security?

    You need to log in as adminstrator and change the permissions of the directory.
  6. M

    Coverting Mpeg to vcd

    CyberLink PowerDirector is another DVD making program.
  7. M

    AMD 64 Bit Chip

    I was thinking of getting the 64 a few weeks ago. But at this stage, see no real benefits until 64bit apps come out and until decent priced PCI-E boards come out.
  8. M

    Most over-rated games ever

    I'm yet to see one good reason to suggest why Doom and the like were nothing more than just rip offs in the format of Wolfenstein by their produces to suck more money out of gamers. Wow they all had better graphics. Who cares. At least in wolfenstein you got to shoot at nazis.
  9. M

    Getting rid of spyware

    Another site for other bugs:
  10. M

    Do you have Photoshop?

    Paint Shop Pro's alright if you don't like using added filters etc.
  11. M

    Do you have Photoshop?

    You don't need a $1k pakage just to upload a pic.
  12. M

    Pop up bockers

    Ditch IE altogether. I would never use Google toolbar considering it tracks your usage.
  13. M

    Free Virus remover...

    If someone knows what they are doing on a PC they'll be safe enough. The problem is people who use outlook express and open every attachment. And those that don't have virus crap. Not since the days of XT have I ever been infected by a virus.
  14. M

    Free Virus remover...

    Hehehe. If people are stupid enough to believe that macs (or anything else is immune), the let them.
  15. M

    Most over-rated games ever

    Anything after Wolfenstein 3D. All the same epileptic enducing nonsense. Doom was crap so were the rest.
  16. M

    GMail invites available

    You know that saying about something being to good to be true. I bet there is a hidden catch in there. You could do a Bill Gates and buy google. There shares won't be worth more than $80us forever.
  17. M

    GMail invites available

    That may be true, I wouldn't call it a whinge fest, as much as I've read, google always gets great press. I'm sus with this 1 GB thing and won't be signing up to it.
  18. M

    GMail invites available

    The fact they can spam you personally. Oh, and also the fact Google haven't copyrighted/patented 'GMail'... Hahaha.
  19. M

    Getting rid of spyware
  20. M

    Working outlook

    Look up identities. That's what it's called in outlook IIRC.
  21. M

    XP Service Pack 2 breaks some programs.

    There is a reason why admins never install a patch when they first come out. It's so home users like the rest of you can discover what patches need to be made to patches.
  22. M

    Copyright - what's the deal?

    If you're sending and email make mention that you won't make profit of their intellectual property - ie logos etc. Though, the AFL own them.
  23. M

    HTML/Jave Script Help

    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- if ((screen.width>=1024) && (screen.height>=768)) { window.location="reshigh.html"; } else { window.location="reslow.html"; } //--> </SCRIPT> Or for each other res you want you can do if else for 800*600 etc.
  24. M


    What version of Nero are you using and do the WMA's and MP3's have copyright protection on them.
  25. M

    IP Address banned problem.

    Use a proxy server.
  26. M

    free video server with large memory

    Jimboy has a point. I hardly doubt that the players and competition is going to go broke over 1 20 second video clip 'stolen' off them. Might give them an excuse to up the admission prices next year due to piracy.
  27. M

    free video server with large memory

    I still can't see how you'd need 20 gig for one smallish file. Unless you compressed it wrong.
  28. M

    Mozilla Firefox for web browsing? Priceless.

    I had trouble with CSS but with border styles. NS and Firefox like the measurement in px. Simple solution. As for paragraphs I had a site that had the CSS rules etc for each browser. But I can't seem to remember it atm. Have you tried TopStyle editor?
  29. M

    Mozilla Firefox for web browsing? Priceless.

    Been using it for ages. I've never had any problems with Debugging scripts and CSS though. Thunderbird is also a handy replacement for Outlook Express.
  30. M

    Help Please - Windows XP

    Boot the PC from the CD and repair the installation. From there you can change the Admin Password and gain access to all the stuff.