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  1. finbarr

    Jurrah vs Goddard - Mark of the Year

    The day the original TLC is returned to its rightful position at the foot of these boards, matey. :)
  2. finbarr

    Jurrah vs Goddard - Mark of the Year

    Jurrah's happened directly in front of me. Would have to be the best mark i've seen live. It gets my vote. Every single person in the crowd was applauding in pure awe. Never seen the crowd react to an opposition feat in quite that manner before.
  3. finbarr

    Robbie Gray v Andy Otten

    :D:thumbsu: May i see your credentials please? They must be quite impressive. Which AFL club are you currently working at? Or perhaps you work in a development role with the AFL. Please share.
  4. finbarr

    Shaun Burgoyne or Graham Johncock

    's football knowledge >>>>>>>>> your football knowledge.
  5. finbarr

    Shaun Burgoyne or Graham Johncock

    :D :D :D Gold :thumbsu: