Lifestyle "1983 Redux Zeitgeist Surf School"

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Nice list of 'Heaven' there Kimba.
Surprised you didn't include Monkey Gone To Heaven.
And we know the Smiths Heaven Help me I'm Miserable Now.

Big jobbies! I missed those! They were the low hanging fruit too!

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I finished a big wedge of Year 12 English marking last night and I detoxed by reading Anna Funder’s Wifedom today. I held off this text for a while, waiting till the hubbub died down. I enjoyed the speculative, impressionistic aspect of the work and felt that the writing on the patriarchy was really strong. I also thought the exploration of how the patriarchy looks after its own, in this case the way that various of Orwell’s biographers airbrushed or downplayed his obvious faults a particularly compelling part of the book.

I read it during my breaks at work today and just finished it. It was worth it.
I finished a big wedge of Year 12 English marking last night and I detoxed by reading Anna Funder’s Wifedom today. I held off this text for a while, waiting till the hubbub died down. I enjoyed the speculative, impressionistic aspect of the work and felt that the writing on the patriarchy was really strong. I also thought the exploration of how the patriarchy looks after its own, in this case the way that various of Orwell’s biographers airbrushed or downplayed his obvious faults a particularly compelling part of the book.

I read it during my breaks at work today and just finished it. It was worth it.
I put it on order at the library, eventually got it, it came home and sat neglected as life took up all the time, it was returned 2 days overdue, will get it again and read it eventually.
My reading is still 'The Brothel Boy' which is very good and not at all about Orwell.
Atrociously for me, reading has not been a priority and I'd say this is the first year ever I haven't devoured a book a week.
I have been reading but not books and this BF thingo takes a bit. I have hardly turned on the Teev either, maybe I am at saturation point, dunno.
Anyway I like this painting titled 'No-Go-Area' by Michael Sowa as a non sequitur:
Michael Sowa.jpg
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On a roll. Read this today.

View attachment 2096162

Bleak, but interesting.
I've read a few of the reviews, not my cup of tea as I don't like being reminded of how bleak circumstances can be painted or what I already feel about the status of play. I'm aware of my limitations and have blinkers on when it comes to reading about projected dystopias.

Reality, this morning off to the market knowing that I would probably be seeing George, Kingston and Robert after the matriarch of their family died a month ago. They were closed last time I was there, another had told me why and the time before that George had the call from his daughter that she was picking him up now as the hospital had called, he hurried off.
A bit of a dread state knowing that you are going to be making your condolences and hoping that you don't break egg shells or come across as being trite. Truth be told I hadn't swotted up on Chinese mourning rituals putting faith in winging it with an open response rather than knowing facts that might or might not apply.
I had known Mrs George vaguely but she was one of those elderly Asian ladies who give off spikes of suspicion and you get the wall.
George was very happy to tell me chapter and verse because it was 'quick and she didn't suffer' and that he always thought that it would be best for her to 'go first' in their 60+ years of marriage.
These type of statements, the public platitudes that hold the pieces of greif together for the bereaved are unarguable but also indistinct in their meaning to outsiders. We make our own meanings from self referential experience.
It's the other things told that give the clues, such as George saying that at the cemetery (Altona) for the burial there was a plane that flew by, then another and then another and then nothing, for him that was his wife and both his parents all together now, in the ground and in the sky.
He then segued into practicalities of buying graves, family that had bought graves that no one knew about and other bits and pieces of pragmatic comfort. That's George he's ok.


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While we're discussing what we are reading, I've had a very flat fortnight since finishing John Byrne's Headland (a very readable whodunnit and I don't read much in that genre). I've struggled through some of the half dozen unfinished books on the bedside table and I'm resigned to never finish Matthew Flinders' Cat or David Thomson's turgid biography of Orson Welles. But I was down at my fabulous local library today and picked up a copy of Pip Williams' The Book Binder Of Jericho. I've been meaning to read her The Dictionary Of Lost Words for ages and never got around to it, so I'll make do with this. Weekend-with-no-football reading sorted.
While we're discussing what we are reading, I've had a very flat fortnight since finishing John Byrne's Headland (a very readable whodunnit and I don't read much in that genre). I've struggled through some of the half dozen unfinished books on the bedside table and I'm resigned to never finish Matthew Flinders' Cat or David Thomson's turgid biography of Orson Welles. But I was down at my fabulous local library today and picked up a copy of Pip Williams' The Book Binder Of Jericho. I've been meaning to read her The Dictionary Of Lost Words for ages and never got around to it, so I'll make do with this. Weekend-with-no-football reading sorted.
I really enjoyed The Dictionary of Lost Words.

A colleague lent me Sei Shonagon The Pillow Book, so I'll be in 11th Century Japan this weekend.

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I’ve spent the afternoon alternating between reading and deciding that, in this moment, ‘Cut Your Hair’ by Pavement is my favourite song.

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With the wind there wasn't much doing being outside, there wasn't much doing inside either.
I watched the Anita Pallenberg docco, which was good but also sad.
It's a slow windy week, with not much doing and a very dead Qooty thread, which I don't feel inspired by.

Just found out about this 'rock' bio and ordered it from the library:

So Baddonks it is:

“When a society starts idolizing sellout and deception as role models, it reflects a departure from the moral compass and principles it once held dear.” — Nabaz

"Free speech is a big lie when you boost account interactions and views for those who pay, while censoring others who aren't paying customers." — Nabaz
“When a society starts idolizing sellout and deception as role models, it reflects a departure from the moral compass and principles it once held dear.” — Nabaz

"Free speech is a big lie when you boost account interactions and views for those who pay, while censoring others who aren't paying customers." — Nabaz
Frightfully true Pammy.

Enjoy your day, folks!
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Great song. Clip features a blond Epiphone Casino. Nice.
Oh took me a minute to figure out you comment related to guitar lust.
I guess we are meant to be footy enemies this week....yikes!
Should be a good match whoever gets the guernsey.
Went to see Bangarra Dance Theatre’s Horizon tonight. Great performance. A bit more abstract than usual, but well worth it. Finishing up on the 7th Sept at the Arts Centre.

Oh took me a minute to figure out you comment related to guitar lust.
I guess we are meant to be footy enemies this week....yikes!
Should be a good match whoever gets the guernsey.
Never enemies - partners in anarchy perhaps. Sunday 8th of September is the United Nations International Literacy Day, so I propose only posting literary references and or quotes, in the lead up to the game. Thoughts?

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
Never enemies - partners in anarchy perhaps. Sunday 8th of September is the United Nations International Literacy Day, so I propose only posting literary references and or quotes, in the lead up to the game. Thoughts?
A/ Anarchy thoughts
B/Literary thoughts
C/Garden Variety thoughts
D/Nought thoughts
E/Partisan thoughts
F/Sub Strata thoughts
G/Geographical thoughts
H/Pic 'A' Box thoughts
I/ Ferret thoughts
J/Laundry thoughts
K/Aught thoughts
L/ Fraught thoughts
M/Sought thoughts
N/ Rhyming thoughts
O/Taught thoughts
P/Complicit thoughts
Q/Need I go on thoughts
R/Just Agree thoughts
S/Ok thoughts
T/Tacit thoughts
U/Muddy thoughts
V/Bloody thoughts
W/Repetitive thoughts
X/impatient thoughts
Y/Resigned thoughts
Z/Quit while you're ahead thoughts

Answer: Jolly good.

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Lifestyle "1983 Redux Zeitgeist Surf School"

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