2008 Top 5 most hated players (***MB THread***)

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Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Tredrea.


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Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1.maxwell from the pies is such a dirty player always sinks in the elbows or knees
3.chad kornes
5. rocca
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. Brent Harvey - ugly little shit

2. Barry Hall - still haven't forgiven him for the Maguire incident. Piss weak from a supposedly tough player.

3. Matthew Lloyd - Diver, and i just can't stand his dopey smiles every time he kicks a goal.

4. Mark McVeigh - Seems to think he is some sort of tough guy. Far from it.

5. Brett Burton - do i even have to explain?
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

  1. Dean Brogan - always whinging to the umps about something & belts blokes in airports!
  2. Steven Milne - little **** who needs a decent whack
  3. Matthew Lloyd - perennial dumb-ass who should never be on TV & gets knocked over by a feather
  4. Lewis Roberts-Thompson - just a wierd looking unit
  5. Brendan Fevola - wasted talent who has shit for brains!!
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. Rick Ladson - just a deadset ordinary footballer and person
2. Shannon Byrnes - a passenger who simply doesn't belong
3. Matthew Carr - because he's rubbish
4. Jordan Lewis - looks like a druggie
5. Dale Thomas - because he's prettier than my girlfriend
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. Cameron Mooney - I am convinced he hears voices.

2. Warren Tredrea - An absolute polesmoker.

3. Travis Johnstone - The way he carried on licking every man in site at the Brownlow a few years ago was ridiculous.

4. David Mundy - Just a complete spud.

5. Josh Carr - Small man syndrome.
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. Rick Ladson - just a deadset ordinary footballer and person
2. Shannon Byrnes - a passenger who simply doesn't belong
3. Matthew Carr - because he's rubbish
4. Jordan Lewis - looks like a druggie
5. Dale Thomas - because he's prettier than my girlfriend
Have you met have you? I have and he seemed like a good bloke.
My 5 are :
1. A M.PcPhee - ugly sook
2. N. Brown - smartasss
3. B Fevola - dumb prrick
4. W Tredrea - arrogant
5. C. Cornes - tool

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Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

In No particular order:

Matthew Scarlett
Brett Burton
Van Berlo.

And I also can't stand Andrew McLeod, Barry Hall, Goodes, Ben Cousins and Rocca.
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. Matthew Stokes - A midget, pigmey. Riding on the coat-tails of the best midfeild in the land. He has Chamberlain Syndrome. His head is far to large for his body.
2. Kane Pettifer. Just looks like a mutt.
3. Fevola. Try-hard tough guy, all round shit bloke. No need to go into great detail.
4. Eddie Betts - Mexican. Poor man's Leon Davis.
5. Lewis-Roberts Thompson. Cause he has a Premiership medallion and Bucks doesn't. Sour grapes indeed.

For the record I love McVeigh, Chad Cornes, Maxwell and the Carr brothers. They are animals.
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

Did you mean Matthew Stokes Sunny ?

1. McVeigh - little man with chest puffed out acting tough coz he knows that anyone who slugs him is on camera
2. Lloyd - *****. diver. 2007 GOTY
3. Baker - angry, annoying sniper
4. J Carr - see above
5. N G Brown - smug, stupid
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

1. A M.PcPhee - ugly sook
2. N. Brown - smartasss
3. B Fevola - dumb prrick
4. W Tredrea - arrogant
5. C. Cornes - tool

I take it you dislike Franklin too? otherwise you're just a hypocrite.
Re: 2008 Top 5 most hated players

Matthew Lloyd is plain stupid - has anyone ever told him that when the roof is closed at Telstra Dome there is no wind? Luckily, he only had one set shot for goal yesterday, but he still threw a clump of grass in the air. Obviously he misread the way the grass landed because he kicked the ball out of bounds on the full!!!!
I don't get why it's so hard for opposition supporters to understand the grass thing. It's not about checking the wind, it's a routine that helps him feel like he can kick the goal and 835 goals says it's working.

I no particular order:
Brendan Fevola
Lance Franklin
Warren Tredrea
Brodie Holland
Chris Judd

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2008 Top 5 most hated players (***MB THread***)

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