Discussion 2011 Memberships

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Oct 11, 2008
AFL Club
St Kilda
Other Teams
Sunbury Lions
Hey guys, bit of a noob moment here so bear with me. :p

After scuttling the last attempt with supposed superior wisdom that culminated in several glares and stern words that just because he's an Essendon supporter doesn't mean that he's always right and GTFO out of contention thanks. Which they promptly did and there was much rejoicing on my behalf. Fast forward a year and once again Christmas is approaching and damnit if this time shit doesn't pop up that just drains your cash I dunno what will (long story short I'm on notice from the missus re spending on "frivolous crap" as she calls it) so once again the old man fielded my request for a membership and after last year capitulated like the big woman he is against mighty opposition of a petulant 25 year old who handles all the electrical devices in this house.

"Oh hey, TV's on the fritz, you owe me a membership you realise?"

Long story short he's agreed on one condition, cash payment, I haven't earned his trust for the card it seems, woe, and of course the missus is angry so that's out, double woe, and to add to the woe I recently told the Comm bank to "please hand over all the cash in my name because you F'wits have lost the privilege to hold it on behalf." so I am bankless atm to use my own, woe!

So my question is thus, someone explain the processes of this membership deali-o so I don't look like an idiot when I go to pay it. Unless you're all sadistic sobs and want me to look like an idiot of course in which case touche, next time gadget, next time.

Can I download the application pdf, email that off and then go pay in person or does that have to be handed in with the cash as well or what? Educate me educated people.
Interesting Story.. you lost me a few times.

Im pretty sure you've got to hand both the forms and cash in together.

Just makes it easier for the club, plus things do go wrong through human-error and such, so probably easier to do it all in one.
Fly I can feel "The Handicapper's" influence is penetrating and filtering down to Sunbury, you poor bastard!

1. Get a debit card from chosen bank
2. Deposit minimum monthly amount for your membership, make sure any fees are covered in said deposit..
3. Send form and debit card details to the Saints and you are away.
4. Make sure you know when the Saints are going to deduct monthly amount from your debit card otherwise you will be hit with fees if the money is not there.
5. Under no conditions let the missus know anything about this debit card. This is your get out of jail funds and enables you to experience a level of freedom unknown to mere mortals.
6. Good luck with keeping it secret. :)

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Interesting Story.. you lost me a few times.

Fly my man, the membership guys & gals I've dealt with over the years at the club are really nice folk & always willing to help or correct something if NQR.

If you have any queries, phone - 1300 467 246 or email them & they'll help you out asap.
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Fly I can feel "The Handicapper's" influence is penetrating and filtering down to Sunbury, you poor bastard!

1. Get a debit card from chosen bank
2. Deposit minimum monthly amount for your membership, make sure any fees are covered in said deposit..
3. Send form and debit card details to the Saints and you are away.
4. Make sure you know when the Saints are going to deduct monthly amount from your debit card otherwise you will be hit with fees if the money is not there.
5. Under no conditions let the missus know anything about this debit card. This is your get out of jail funds and enables you to experience a level of freedom unknown to mere mortals.
6. Good luck with keeping it secret. :)

Ha, unfortunately my good man I'm currently made redundant so I'm kinda relying on the missus in the interim so pissing her off further is not on my to do list. :p I also suck at secret keepings, especially when she has a death glare as I am genuinely fearful parts of my anatomy will end up in a jar and as much as I am assured otherwise that voice in the back of my head assures me that she's only saying that to screw with my reality. :D

On the bank situation, I'm not exactly sold on any of the big 4 and the smaller banks while they're appealing, lack the saturation that the big banks have, so I'm still shopping around on that front. Getting plastic is conditional on I'm a stickler for not getting into debt so anything with fee attachments is right out and extra use on said plastic is right out.

And finally, your stories have been a positive inspiration my good man. I only hope my tales of woe could be half as entertaining. :thumbsu:
Ha, unfortunately my good man I'm currently made redundant so I'm kinda relying on the missus in the interim so pissing her off further is not on my to do list. :p I also suck at secret keepings, especially when she has a death glare as I am genuinely fearful parts of my anatomy will end up in a jar and as much as I am assured otherwise that voice in the back of my head assures me that she's only saying that to screw with my reality. :D

On the bank situation, I'm not exactly sold on any of the big 4 and the smaller banks while they're appealing, lack the saturation that the big banks have, so I'm still shopping around on that front. Getting plastic is conditional on I'm a stickler for not getting into debt so anything with fee attachments is right out and extra use on said plastic is right out.

And finally, your stories have been a positive inspiration my good man. I only hope my tales of woe could be half as entertaining. :thumbsu:

I originally had everything in the State bank of Victoria and was very happy, until they went bust and Commonwealth took over.
They did several things to annoy the hell out of me ( the final straw being that I'd forgotton to pay my credit card bill minimum - ( about $8 , with my history generally paying it off completely each month ) so I had my credit cut off and a payment at a petrol station at Lang Lang refused , I got the warning letter the next day.)
I then went to NAB and got an account, and a credit card without any fee's. Then when I got married my wife worked in ANZ so the money went there but the CC stayed in NAB for around 10 years.
I got an offer for a GOLD CC which also had no fee's so I took it. They introduced fee's the following year so I closed it. I then got a Virgin card which was good but it was taken over by Ignite, which is still OK and now there is a new Virgin money card available.

They all live in Bank world. Bendigo was OK when I still had a bank account ( rather than a thing attached to my mortgage ).

Back on topic, I've always found the staff at StKilda to be friendly and willing to help, but I must say what they tell me often doesn't happen.
( Ie we've already posted your membership pack ).
When is the member pak coming? I hate how the admin is slow with everything. You would think they would be chomping at the bit to get us resigned, and when do we get the financial reports. All the other clubs coming in at a profit makes them look good, we have a profit this year I am sure and should be spooking it.

Fly you don't go into debt with a debit card plus when you get back to work you can buy cheaper tickets with Tiger with it when you come upto the sunshine to see the Saints play GC. Sure way to get your misses on side. Away from cold wet Melbourne for an enjoyable weekend on the gold coast. The water is warmer here in winter than in Melbourne in summer.

Part of the reason why I think The Suns will get good crowds is it enable you Mexicans to escape the cold for a weekend, see the footy and satisfy the wife. Now for a list of shopping spots.
1. Pacific Fair, little dated but good layout.
2. Robina Town Square. best Mac shop in Australia, DJ's and Myer, too many fashion shops for her to see in one day, ( she shops there while you attend the footy ), best cinemas in Australia, brand new with great sound and 3D.
3. Trip down to Byron Bay on the spare day, she will love it as will you with the eye roaming over the international talent. I have been well trained by "The Handicapper" so it is impossible for me to look at any female form without a severe shalacking from her. "I saw you looking at her while you were putting your t-shirt on. Grow up or you will become like one of those dirty old men" Puts the fear of God into me instantly, as I don't want to become a dirty old man, although I have a fantasy to become a.... well we won't go there.
So a great weekend for you and the lady if you can make it. The new stadium looks fantastic and should have a great atmosphere to top it all off.
st Fly- you will need both form and money when you pay
if you have access to funds and ~$4( don't quote me) maybe get a money order from the post office

and or just make sure yuo try and get to the club before early december so you get the DVD
IF you could make it this weekend or Mon. Tue ( before dec 1)you will have your package by Christmas

if you have any of the extras- reserved seat or social club- Then you need to re-sign by Dec 17th to ensure renewal......
Fly you don't go into debt with a debit card plus when you get back to work you can buy cheaper tickets with Tiger with it when you come upto the sunshine to see the Saints play GC. Sure way to get your misses on side. Away from cold wet Melbourne for an enjoyable weekend on the gold coast. The water is warmer here in winter than in Melbourne in summer.

any suggestions for accomodation that is either
a) close to Carrara
b) easily accessible to the free buses?

something ok near pacific fair maybe?
any suggestions for accommodation that is either
a) close to Carrara
b) easily accessible to the free buses?

something ok near pacific fair maybe?

FS everything is close by and most of the buses will be free to the ground. You can pay from $60pn to $1200+ per night. Heaps of accommodation opposite Pac Fair with reasonable restaurants in the area. Best bet is work out your budget. Goggle earth Pac Fair with the satellite and you will see beach side all the buildings....nearly everyone has accommodation. You will have a great weekend if you have never been here before. Next time I am up there I will look at a few spots and post them. Carrara is around the corner from Pac Fair:)
FS everything is close by and most of the buses will be free to the ground. You can pay from $60pn to $1200+ per night. Heaps of accommodation opposite Pac Fair with reasonable restaurants in the area. Best bet is work out your budget. Goggle earth Pac Fair with the satellite and you will see beach side all the buildings....nearly everyone has accommodation. You will have a great weekend if you have never been here before. Next time I am up there I will look at a few spots and post them. Carrara is around the corner from Pac Fair:)

'round the corner' :) from memory it's a Loooooooong corner
I did look at Royal pines who actually have one level of rooms at a reasonable price but guess what- all booked.
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Since the media thread is still closed I figured why not bump this instead for those who may not get the updates.


Thank you to all our loyal members who have joined the Saints for 2011. Whether you’ve been a part of the Club for a long time, or are a first time member, we appreciate your support in helping the Club march towards 45,000 Strong in 2011.

With over 24,000 people already committed to the Club for 2011, we thought it important to update you on the fulfillment process of all membership packs.

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any suggestions for accomodation that is either
a) close to Carrara
b) easily accessible to the free buses?

something ok near pacific fair maybe?

Anywhere near Pac Fair is OK...Broadbeach is a pretty good spot to stay, nice hotels (varying prices) Cas, restaurants, coffee, shopping, Cas, bars, nightclubs, Cas.

Free buses will be runnning from Pac Fair to Carrara (prob 10 mins max)

Worst part about Carrara is there is no watering hole close by!
21k members is bloody awesome considering its not even 2011 yet..
tbh i scoffed a little at the thought of 45k but its actually quite a realistic target :thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

signed up about a week ago myself :D
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Signed up Dec 3rd, unfortunately single adult membership being the only Saint in this godforsaken family, so mines still in the sorting process, and since they're on hiatus until Jan 10, I suppose I can wait since I'm going to have to. :p

But yeah, very impressed at 21k currently, hopefully we do reach around 45 (anything 40+ is great in my books) on the back of the onfield improvements, key will be retaining them if we drop down the order a bit.
Signed up Dec 3rd, unfortunately single adult membership being the only Saint in this godforsaken family, so mines still in the sorting process, and since they're on hiatus until Jan 10, I suppose I can wait since I'm going to have to. :p

But yeah, very impressed at 21k currently, hopefully we do reach around 45 (anything 40+ is great in my books) on the back of the onfield improvements, key will be retaining them if we drop down the order a bit.

tally was 24,500 early in the week so even though Not updated- assume they easily reached 25,000 or close too..
St.Fly, if you are leary of the big 4 banks (and who can blame you), I recommend the Bendigo. They offer everything the others do, plus have better hours, 9 to 5, and Sat Mornings. Would make it easier for you to sneak into.
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St.Fly, if you are leary of the big 4 banks (and who can blame you), I recommend the Bendigo. They offer everything the others do, plus have better hours, 9 to 5, and Sat Mornings. Would make it easier for you to sneak into.

And we actually have a local branch too.. hmmm, you may be onto something my good man, I shall investimagate this!
I renewed my St.kilda social club membership straight away, so I was under the impression I would receive my membership in the mail before Xmas.

It's the first day of 2011 and still nothing doing. I hope it's not lost.
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I saw something that said they had started mailing the memberships on 23rd of december. I thought they might have been pushing it a bit fine.
A guy at work bought a membership ( during November ) hoping to get it for his kid on Christmas. I told him not to count on it, but I hope he got it.

Post #13 has the link to that article in question, key excerpts.

n order to get as many packs in the mail as soon as possible, we are mailing to Juniors, Families and Youths tomorrow (Thursday 22nd December). In doing this we hope a number of packs can be received before Christmas.

Please be aware that reception at Linen House Oval will be closed from 12pm Thursday 23 December until 9am on Monday 10 January 2011.

So in effect batch send on the 22nd and then holiday until the 10th. :thumbsu:
Has anyone received their packs at all? The ones sent on 22nd Dec should have arrived by now. Very disappointing that nothing arrived before Christmas, even though they said if you renew before certain date that they would have arrived. Especially since alot of them were christmas presents for family members...

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Discussion 2011 Memberships

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