I think I'll follow the same approach pups and pretty much go "set and forget" on Friday night other than captain loophole. I will still probably do my trade(s) before the start of the round as I just want to not worry about them afterwards.With my experiences with SC with the rolling lockout, it gives you two captain options most weeks as your R3 is normally a safe loophole option (preferably a bottom priced ruck forward rookie who plays on Sunday's regularly)
That is all mainly, very rarely I'm in a position to loophole bench rookies if they score well as others will be locked out and so on, rookies/bench types are horses for courses I won't sacrifice my team by having tactical loopholers on every line, it's simply idiotic to do so as you weaken your squad depth and cash cow making ability in doing so. I'd preferably have someone playing on a Sunday to cover a potential donut rather than a tactical loophole donut.
Seen idiots burnt by trying to loophole every flog on every line then someone is a late withdrawal on a Sunday meaning they can't trade/move players around, have won finals via this over the years.