2020 celebrations

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I spoke with someone who went.

The plan is to wear the prison bars in a Showdown.

They also plan to wear the blue and white hoops in a game which I believe is completely the wrong move. Nobody associates that jumper with Port Adelaide and it completely muddys the waters even further. It's a dumb ******* idea but then again what do you expect from these clowns running the show.

Well I'll be 'goshed' Papa G. Not even the few of us who watched Fos play were around when the blue stripe stuff was a thing.

Agree with your sentiments, stupid and dumb.

I suppose some may justify it by saying it is part of Port's history.
They got desperate no doubt, but they have a function every game.

The Norwood is one, is one of the better attended pre games. At $80 per ticket they probably were only going to get an extra 50 people by pushing it hard. Would be interesting to compare the numbers to last years pre game when we played Norwood at home.
I only know that if I had been visiting Adelaide over the weekend I would’ve gone to the function, paid the money, because of my personal interest in the Oval Redevelopment and after my personal attempt to assist find the funding (see Up The China Rabbit-hole Docudrama). From what I’ve heard so far I would be feeling I was inexpertly conned.
I spoke with someone who went.

The plan is to wear the prison bars in a Showdown.

They also plan to wear the blue and white hoops in a game which I believe is completely the wrong move. Nobody associates that jumper with Port Adelaide and it completely muddys the waters even further. It's a dumb ******* idea but then again what do you expect from these clowns running the show.

Papadopolus G,
I think you are completely wrong.
Lets take a look at the large amount of success to come out of this world associating with the combination of blue and white.
1. North Melbourne...
The FOURTH oldest club in the AFL and had one exactly FOUR AFL/VFL Premierships. If that’s not an omen for greatness, then I don’t know what is.
2. Greece Rè...
The whole ****ing country of Greece is covered in these magical colours.
I haven’t been there before but I’ve seen photos of people who have been and let me tell you, it’s breathtaking.
3. Fish and Chips...
Have you ever been down to the Blue and White cafe in O’Connell Street?
Best ****ing Fish and Chips I’ve ever had in my life. And with myself being well over 120kgs, I think I would know a thing or 2 about deep fried food.
In fact, I might go grab Chiko Roll and Potato Fritta right NOW!!! Yum.

Anyways, don’t be a negative Nancy Papoos Gee. I reckon Port ADELAIDE is on the right track to success with your so called muppets, on AND off the field!

Peace out Hombre!!!

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Whilst the blue and white hoops may have played a small role in our clubs history (4% of PAFC life has been in the hoops) it should be worn in the match that represents 150years since our first game. It was the first uniform we wore, and to not acknowledge it is no acknowledging our history. After all 1 match in 22 is about 4.5% of our games for 2020 (assuming just h&a) so it isn't an over representation of that jumper in the whole scheme of things. I do hope it is only worn once though.

I also think we should wear the magneta once to acknowledge that part of our history.

Those people that say Prison Bar is the only jumper we should wear, I understand that, but since 1902 when we first adopted the prison bar jumper we have had about 10 different Prison Bar designs since 1902, as well as 8 non-prison bar (b&w stripes) jumpers in that period. So which PB jumper do we use? do we take the original 1902 jumper? The most recent design? do we recognise the period in our history that we wore black and white stripes? (although eddie won't like that).

Do we also recognise the number of jumpers we have worn in the AFL?

What I would like to see happen with our jumpers is:

May 24 game v whoever - Baby Blue Hoops.

Rnd? v Sydney - Magneta (we won our first Championship of Australia v South Melbourne in this jumper).

Rnd? v Adel - PB jumper from the 50's.

Rnd? v Brisbane - 2004 AFL jumper (we won our first AFL premiership in this jumper).

Rnd? v Carlton - 1914 PB jumper (we won our last Championship of Australia v Carlton in 1914)

I would then like to see us wear the PB jumper at least in two other home games, with BiB for the remainder home games.

Ideally it would be cool to have us play in each jumper as an evolution of the jumpers... ie. Baby Blue Hoops first, then Magneta, then 1914 PB, then 1950's PB, then '04 AFL... but that may be hard given the May 24 game is set in stone at about rnd 8... but could be a cool 'see the PAFC evolution live over the next 6 home games' type marketing thing.

Nah we don't go over the top.

Whether it is 150th or not we should rightfully wear the PB and force it. All the PB designs don't need to be represented because they were due to the manufacturer of the time and affordability but from Fos' era and onwards it does seem to have been more consistent and perhaps closer attention to detail was given and afforded. So the club should look to manufacture the strongest and best looking PB design and just nail it. The Richmond abd Essendon sashes have finally been nailed since the change to the modern jumper. Their sashes weren't always as wide and strong.

As for the blue and white ... well one game only if they must but let's be realistic that it is not the jumper that defines our true identity.

As for wearing all other coloured jumpers prior to the PB, seriously over the top. We need to be emphatic about showing the preference of the PB.

As for the Collingwood type jumpers ... no ... they were donated for a short number of years because we couldn't afford having the PB made.

As for the number of odd 90s bizarre non-Port AFL jumpers we've worn over time, ditch them. I don't classify them as football jumpers.

There is a photograph around the place of Cahill, Potter, Elleway and one other player from our centenary year where each are posing in the full outfit, knickerbockers and caps of 3 or 4 of our earlier jumpers. They didn't play in them, we don't have to play in them to showcase them.
I spoke with someone who went.

The plan is to wear the prison bars in a Showdown.

They also plan to wear the blue and white hoops in a game which I believe is completely the wrong move. Nobody associates that jumper with Port Adelaide and it completely muddys the waters even further. It's a dumb ******* idea but then again what do you expect from these clowns running the show.

Gosh. One whole game in the PB's. Incredibly enthused by that overwhelming commitment. We really are in safe hands with Kochie and Co in charge.
I only know that if I had been visiting Adelaide over the weekend I would’ve gone to the function, paid the money, because of my personal interest in the Oval Redevelopment and after my personal attempt to assist find the funding (see Up The China Rabbit-hole Docudrama). From what I’ve heard so far I would be feeling I was inexpertly conned.

LR, the Club would have barred you from attending. Would have needed to have used a nom de plume and a fake beard/wig to get in.
A bit off topic, but saw in the 'Tiser on the weekend some colourisation photos, including the (allegedly) 1897 PAFC side.

Looked good, but I would doubt the accuracy of the year noted. I have a B&W photo of the 1897 premiership side, including someone who definitely was a member of the flag team, whilst several other players in the internet photo are not in the side in the paper, and vie versa.

The paper's pic had players wearing hats or beanies too.

May have been an earlier year, or else a photo from earlier that year, when some Reserve's players etc were included in the shoot, as senior players may have been unavailable?
A bit off topic, but saw in the 'Tiser on the weekend some colourisation photos, including the (allegedly) 1897 PAFC side.

Looked good, but I would doubt the accuracy of the year noted. I have a B&W photo of the 1897 premiership side, including someone who definitely was a member of the flag team, whilst several other players in the internet photo are not in the side in the paper, and vie versa.

The paper's pic had players wearing hats or beanies too.

May have been an earlier year, or else a photo from earlier that year, when some Reserve's players etc were included in the shoot, as senior players may have been unavailable?
I spoke with someone who went.

The plan is to wear the prison bars in a Showdown.

They also plan to wear the blue and white hoops in a game which I believe is completely the wrong move. Nobody associates that jumper with Port Adelaide and it completely muddys the waters even further. It's a dumb ******* idea but then again what do you expect from these clowns running the show.
Great. With Hinkley's Showdown record we'll get to see the Crows humiliate us in the PBs while legitimising McGuire's rhetoric that Collingwood are the one traditional black and white club. Win win.
Great. With Hinkley's Showdown record we'll get to see the Crows humiliate us in the PBs while legitimising McGuire's rhetoric that Collingwood are the one traditional black and white club. Win win.

This is exactly what it means. How do the imbeciles in charge of our club not reconcile this?
I spoke with someone who went.

The plan is to wear the prison bars in a Showdown.

They also plan to wear the blue and white hoops in a game which I believe is completely the wrong move. Nobody associates that jumper with Port Adelaide and it completely muddys the waters even further. It's a dumb ******* idea but then again what do you expect from these clowns running the show.



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I can only celebrate in 2020 if Hinkley is gone, otherwise he will ruin all my celebrations.

Nothing like holding special 150 celebration events when hours before or a day before our side has been beaten by a bottom side or has given up a lead late in a game or has gone scoreless in a last quarter or lost despite having 70+ forward entries.

For whats its worth, we should play the whole season in PBs and then for a couple of games during the season play in our other strips throughout our 150 years
LR, the Club would have barred you from attending. Would have needed to have used a nom de plume and a fake beard/wig to get in.
Oh yeh, I forgot about that.
I only came in on end of it but George On SEN right now talking about the Alberton upgrade and that we are going to request State and Federal governments give the same funding for Alberton that Crows are getting for their move to North Adelaide.
He thanked the Crows very much for opening the way for this lol. Also there will be a date in September when info about next year celebrations will be released.
I only came in on end of it but George On SEN right now talking about the Alberton upgrade and that we are going to request State and Federal governments give the same funding for Alberton that Crows are getting for their move to North Adelaide.
He thanked the Crows very much for opening the way for this lol. Also there will be a date in September when info about next year celebrations will be released.
Why is this guy no longer on the PAFC Board?

Manipulations? Do tell.

How soon will he be back on the Board - appointed, and thus invulnerable?
I only came in on end of it but George On SEN right now talking about the Alberton upgrade and that we are going to request State and Federal governments give the same funding for Alberton that Crows are getting for their move to North Adelaide.
He thanked the Crows very much for opening the way for this lol. Also there will be a date in September when info about next year celebrations will be released.
He also said that we'll be playing Carlton in the blue hoops. Dwayne questioned him and George clarified that that's what the club has requested.

Picking Carlton angling for a win I guess. But we all know they'll be on the up and up next year and steal an AO win.
i assume blue hoops is just about having another revenue as alternate/heritage jumpers sell well for all clubs. if this is the case just do a variant of the prison bars e.g. '14 and '77 design. the same amount of people will probably buy 2 prison bars over 1 PB 1 other heritage. perhaps they'll be doing some chronological build up i.e round 1 hoops, round 2 magenta, round 3 prison bars? just trying to make sense of it.
Well when you celebrate 150th b’day it makes sense to me to recognise your first year and what you wore then. In addition, no doubt the prison bars is a huge part of our history that needs to be recognised. The club are working very hard at this.

Some of you blokes who get all high and mighty and say “this is bullshit we should wear the PBs every game next year - heck Coll and the AFL etc “ need to realise that there are agreements in place preventing us wearing these colours. It was a part of our admission into the league. We breach it we prob get sanctioned big time financially.

There are negotiations happening to do as good as we can in the circumstances.

I know it doesn’t suit the narrative, but you just can’t go breach contracts to please members

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There are negotiations happening to do as good as we can in the circumstances.

I know it doesn’t suit the narrative, but you just can’t go breach contracts to please members
There’s no value in being an insider if you support a broken regime regardless
That’s not the point. You breach a contract you are a party to that is still in effect, You will incur loss and damage. It’s not a difficult concept.
Neither is measuring that damage against future losses that will occur if you don’t break the contract.

Businesses break contracts all the time for this kind of reason.

When a business’s only customer base tells them they demand changes or they’ll stop buying (and have already started withdrawing supprt) what do you reckon usually happens.

Your slant on this is painted as economic realism but is in fact very much more of not upsetting the establishment
Neither is measuring that damage against future losses that will occur if you don’t break the contract.
Businesses break contracts all the time for this kind of reason.

So you reckon breaking a contract with the governing body (AFL) and Collingwood would result in a better financial output on the basis that we wear prison bars all next season ?

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2020 celebrations

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