100 Miller
145 Neale
86 Neale
129 Dunkley
119 Neale
123 Cripps
94 Macrae
110 Macrae
123 Macrae
151 Oliver
39 Carroll
135 Miller
95 Kelly
148 Macrae
120 Dawson
93 Macrae
Average of 113, pulled down by getting caught with Carroll and accidentally having the C on Macrae last week where 15 players on my team outscored him.
Being a bit more switched on in just those 2 games would have lifted the average to 122...........
145 Neale
86 Neale
129 Dunkley
119 Neale
123 Cripps
94 Macrae
110 Macrae
123 Macrae
151 Oliver
39 Carroll

135 Miller
95 Kelly
148 Macrae
120 Dawson
93 Macrae

Average of 113, pulled down by getting caught with Carroll and accidentally having the C on Macrae last week where 15 players on my team outscored him.
Being a bit more switched on in just those 2 games would have lifted the average to 122...........