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Oh yes, it's always been there but now, people are suffering all over the world because of unbridled capitalism and the right wing media has brought extremism into the mainstream.

When people feel aggrieved, when they are hungry, persecuted, in fear, they look for hope and extremism has been accepted as a "solution" - it's always another race, religion, colour that is to blame; not the politicians or the capitalists pig dogs.

That's definitely something new never before experienced. Back in the day right wing extremism didn't exist..
Another World Cup and more stories to tell our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

Every World Cup has it's stories and dramas and so will the next one and the ones after that one.

I hope everyone enjoyed this edition of the World Cup; I certainly did.

I think it was a good world cup, I think we got a good balance of unpredictable and the very best teams going deep.

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That's definitely something new never before experienced. Back in the day right wing extremism didn't exist..
Right wing extremism, just as religious extremism has existed for centuries although the term right wing didn't appear until the late 18th century when it was used as a description of the Monarchy basically.

What's happened now is that people think they are intellectually advanced by mouthing off, "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it". This statement and it's acceptance without any thought as to what it actually means, has meant that the extremists and Supremacists have been legitimised to a large degree and that is tragic for humanity.

If people think about the Second World War, we didn't go to war to fight for "freedom of speech", we went to war to fight against people who thought that it was fine and dandy to persecute, terrorise and massacre others because of their religion, their heritage, race and culture. If we had gone to fight in the Second World War for "freedom of speech" and "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it", then we would have fought on the side of Hitler and the Fascists!

I brought up the checkerboard design of the Croatian team's uniform around here because this is a perfect example of being laissez faire with critically important ethical and moral standards. We see the Australian mainstream press giving air space to Pauline Hanson - once a regular on morning telli if you don't mind! We have the Murdoch gutter press eulogising Trump and the far right and fawning over a far right supremacist who became our Prime Minister! The same gutter press who did not question Morrison as to why he did not come down hard on the violent "freedom protests"/antivax morons.

Once you start letting standards slip, you're f***ed.
Right wing extremism, just as religious extremism has existed for centuries although the term right wing didn't appear until the late 18th century when it was used as a description of the Monarchy basically.

What's happened now is that people think they are intellectually advanced by mouthing off, "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it". This statement and it's acceptance without any thought as to what it actually means, has meant that the extremists and Supremacists have been legitimised to a large degree and that is tragic for humanity.

If people think about the Second World War, we didn't go to war to fight for "freedom of speech", we went to war to fight against people who thought that it was fine and dandy to persecute, terrorise and massacre others because of their religion, their heritage, race and culture. If we had gone to fight in the Second World War for "freedom of speech" and "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it", then we would have fought on the side of Hitler and the Fascists!

I brought up the checkerboard design of the Croatian team's uniform around here because this is a perfect example of being laissez faire with critically important ethical and moral standards. We see the Australian mainstream press giving air space to Pauline Hanson - once a regular on morning telli if you don't mind! We have the Murdoch gutter press eulogising Trump and the far right and fawning over a far right supremacist who became our Prime Minister! The same gutter press who did not question Morrison as to why he did not come down hard on the violent "freedom protests"/antivax morons.

Once you start letting standards slip, you're f***ed.

Actually, sadly, we went to war in the Second World War to prevent other countries invading us. The fact they were exterminating Jews, and other minorities, was almost a secondary element, considering the vast anti-semitism abounding in England, US and here.
I can’t wait for Portugal to win the world cup in 2062 and a 77 year old Ronaldo is doing this to cancel out Messi’s World Cup.

He then proceeds to break a hip when doing the "TSIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU".

Btw if I'm still around then I am quoting this post if that actually happens :D:D:D
Right wing extremism, just as religious extremism has existed for centuries although the term right wing didn't appear until the late 18th century when it was used as a description of the Monarchy basically.

What's happened now is that people think they are intellectually advanced by mouthing off, "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it". This statement and it's acceptance without any thought as to what it actually means, has meant that the extremists and Supremacists have been legitimised to a large degree and that is tragic for humanity.

If people think about the Second World War, we didn't go to war to fight for "freedom of speech", we went to war to fight against people who thought that it was fine and dandy to persecute, terrorise and massacre others because of their religion, their heritage, race and culture. If we had gone to fight in the Second World War for "freedom of speech" and "I may not agree with what you are saying but I will defend to the death your right to say it", then we would have fought on the side of Hitler and the Fascists!

I brought up the checkerboard design of the Croatian team's uniform around here because this is a perfect example of being laissez faire with critically important ethical and moral standards. We see the Australian mainstream press giving air space to Pauline Hanson - once a regular on morning telli if you don't mind! We have the Murdoch gutter press eulogising Trump and the far right and fawning over a far right supremacist who became our Prime Minister! The same gutter press who did not question Morrison as to why he did not come down hard on the violent "freedom protests"/antivax morons.

Once you start letting standards slip, you're f***ed.

I'm sure most of Europe prefers living in their capitalist societies over the extreme left communist states they were subjected to for 50 years.

I went to school with Croats and Poles and the reason why they leaned right wasn't anything to do with Nazis. It was all to do with them despising the left leaning ideologies of those who kept them virtual prisoners in their own lands.
I'm sure most of Europe prefers living in their capitalist societies over the extreme left communist states they were subjected to for 50 years.

I went to school with Croats and Poles and the reason why they leaned right wasn't anything to do with Nazis. It was all to do with them despising the left leaning ideologies of those who kept them virtual prisoners in their own lands.

Which we got to try out in the pandemic. When they whatever get extreme, there’s no difference
I'm sure most of Europe prefers living in their capitalist societies over the extreme left communist states they were subjected to for 50 years.

I went to school with Croats and Poles and the reason why they leaned right wasn't anything to do with Nazis. It was all to do with them despising the left leaning ideologies of those who kept them virtual prisoners in their own lands.
Anything to the left of capitalism isn’t necessary communism though, it’s a strawman.

Nothing wrong with a free market but most reasonable people want strong unions, high wages, and well funded aged care, child care, healthcare, and education to go with it.

Strong investment in renewables and public transport would also be welcome. The only way to do that is with “socialist” wealth taxes.

Anyway I’d love to be in Buenos Aires right now, wild scenes.
Anything to the left of capitalism isn’t necessary communism though, it’s a strawman.

Nothing wrong with a free market but most reasonable people want strong unions, high wages, and well funded aged care, child care, healthcare, and education to go with it.

Strong investment in renewables and public transport would also be welcome. The only way to do that is with “socialist” wealth taxes.

Anyway I’d love to be in Buenos Aires right now, wild scenes.

I was referring to the years after the war and the USSR. That legacy still lingers in Europe today.

That's not a strawman.

Communism in Europe had a far far longer and more generational impact than fascism did(jewish communities aside).

It's been front and centre with the Ukraine War and how different nations have been responding.

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I was referring to the years after the war and the USSR. That legacy still lingers in Europe today.

That's not a strawman.

Communism in Europe had a far far longer and more generational impact than fascism did(jewish communities aside).

It's been front and centre with the Ukraine War and how different nations have been responding.
Right, I agree communism is bad but you also mentioned Poles and Croats that lean right and yes, I think that’s to do with a fear of anything to the left as being communist which is not the case.

For example, Bernie Sanders is most definitely not a communist. People can disagree with him but that doesn’t make him communist, yet I know at least one person who says he is. Fortunately I don’t know them very well.
Just watching a replay of the presentations, and maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but I'm not a fan of players touching and kissing the World Cup trophy before it's been officially presented.

Enough hours in the day to obsess about messi and markle?

Just an odd tweet 😂

At the end of the day Ronaldo chose his interview with a scumbag (Piers) that hangs out with child sex traffickers and thinks nothing of hacking a dead teenagers mobile phone. And now he is out there championing Ronaldo. 🤢
Just an odd tweet 😂

At the end of the day Ronaldo chose his interview with a scumbag (Piers) that hangs out with child sex traffickers and thinks nothing of hacking a dead teenagers mobile phone. And now he is out there championing Ronaldo. 🤢

many sportspersons have had a photo of themselves with a trophy in bed. Where was his outrage?
Actually, sadly, we went to war in the Second World War to prevent other countries invading us. The fact they were exterminating Jews, and other minorities, was almost a secondary element, considering the vast anti-semitism abounding in England, US and here.
Yep, that's also true.
I'm sure most of Europe prefers living in their capitalist societies over the extreme left communist states they were subjected to for 50 years.

I went to school with Croats and Poles and the reason why they leaned right wasn't anything to do with Nazis. It was all to do with them despising the left leaning ideologies of those who kept them virtual prisoners in their own lands.
I went to school with many people whose parents came from the Balkans and I played soccer for a Polish club. The North Western suburbs of Adelaide were the united nations. Children of people from the Lebanon: Maronite, Muslim, Druze, Christian. People from Afghanistan (one of the lads from High School went off and fought with the Mujahideen against the Soviets). We had Jewish kids, Aboriginal kids, kids from the Baltic States and many more. I went out with a bird whose folks were from Ukraine and we got on famously, her and I and her parents.

Of all of these "nationalities" that I grew up amongst and with, it was the Croat "oldies" who were overtly racist and bigoted. They hated Tito who was a Croatian for not allowing the Croatian Nationalists to continue exterminating the Jews, Gypsies and the Orthodox. The Polish and other nationalities that I grew up with whose parents had fled the Soviet block countries, didn't flee because any hatred for other nationalities or religions, they fled Soviet oppression. The Croats, the majority that I knew anyway, they fled with the prejudices and hatred that they harboured for other human beings which they considered to be inferior.

If you ask many of the people who lived in the hard times of the communist era, post Stalin of course, they will tell you that even though life was hard under Soviet communism, they all had a roof over their head, they all had food on the table, they all had health care that the yanks still don't have, they all had the very best of education and the state looked after them as well as it could. These are things they have said to me and I have replied "but you didn't have freedom" which elicited a sharp response, "you can't eat freedom and after all, what is freedom?"

At this point, please make no mistake and think that I am defending or supporting the Soviet model of Communism - I AM NOT! Ask these same people after Gorby and then the drunkard Yeltsin just picked up the bat and ball and pissed off and turned these people over to the capitalist pig dogs. Ask the people who froze to death in the Georgian mountains how privately owned electricity companies turned off their electricity. Ask nuclear physicists and technical engineers what it was like to sell flowers on the street corners to get a few Rubles to buy some bread or the millions of people left starving and freezing because the once state owned utilities were gifted to the mafia, the ones we know as oligarchs and they tipped them out onto the streets because they couldn't pay.

The privations that we see in Hungry, Albania and a shit load of other countries is as a result of unbridled capitalism where people do not mean a thing, they are commodities and are expendable. It's the law of the jungle so what do you think these people who have been reduced to nothing more than vermin in the eyes of the privateers going to do? They are going to act like vermin, like animals!

We are seeing the putridity of unbridled capitalism on show the world over and it has come to the stands of football matches and onto the streets, but what I want to know, is why this disgraceful shit is happening in Australian football stadiums and on our streets? Where middle class 1st and 2nd generation sons and daughters of migrants are behaving like the morons we see in other places of the world? It's because they think violence is cool! It's because they hear of stories from their relations of how disgustingly hard life is in Macedonia, Slovenia, Albania etc etc etc and they think that they have to carry a chip on their shoulder and show people how tough they are.

If you think that unbridled capitalism isn't a bad thing, then look no further than the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar by the capitalist pig dogs. Slavery, they reckon, is gone. But the truth is that it has been replaced by economic slavery where working people have no rights and are treated as commodities and they either submit to slave "wages", or they and their families die and if that wasn't bad enough, people are made to bid against each other like animals fighting for carrion.

Don't for one minute think that our type of captalism in Australia is anything like the capitalism in many parts of Europe and South America. The "extreme communist states of 50 years ago" were very much the same as the extreme, unbridled capitalist states that we see in many place in the world, *see USA.
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Actually, sadly, we went to war in the Second World War to prevent other countries invading us. The fact they were exterminating Jews, and other minorities, was almost a secondary element, considering the vast anti-semitism abounding in England, US and here.

And the story where the toffs wanted to do a Vichy with Hitler until Churchill and co pulled a rabbit out of a hat at dunkirk

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